Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Health Sciences » HSCI 336 – Health Aspects of Drug Use » Summer 2020 » Quiz 3
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A safe.
B effective.
C pure and accurately labeled.
D all of the above.
Question #2
A regulated all over-the-counter medicines.
B regulated peyote and marijuana.
C required pharmacists and physicians to register and pay a tax to dispense certain drugs.
D made it a crime to prescribe heroin to dependent users.
Question #3
A Patent Medicines Act.
B Prescription Drug Act.
C Pure Food and Drugs Act.
D Controlled Substances Act.
Question #4
A public use in saloons and night clubs.
B minority racial groups.
C gang-related violence.
D large numbers of drug-related deaths.
Question #5
A more than 50
B 10 to 15
C 1 to 2
D 35 to 40
Question #6
A that we need to double our eradication efforts to have a positive effect.
B that fewer acres are now being planted with coca.
C that even if we produced massive disruption of one country’s supply, market forces would replace the supply within two years.
D a clear linkage to higher cocaine prices in the streets in the U.S.
Question #7
A alcohol and the legal drinking age
B marijuana for medical use
C drug screening in public schools
D heroin and access to clean syringes
Question #8
A can detect drug use for up to a week.
B can be used to test for a greater variety of drugs.
C can detect drug use for up to 90 days.
D are harder to obtain.
Question #9
A marijuana smoking.
B patent medicines.
C amphetamine abuse.
D heroin use.
Question #10
A only after the student has been in a treatment program.
B only with the parents’ permission.
C only if there is evidence that the individual student has used drugs.
D if they are involved in extracurricular activities.
Question #11
A increased to about 5 per 1,000.
B doubled to about 2 per 1,000.
C increased to about 1.5 per 1,000.
D decreased to about 0.5 per 1,000.
Question #12
A only for sale of “dealer” quantities of crack cocaine.
B for possession of small amounts of a controlled substance.
C for using a controlled substance, but this only applies to cocaine or heroin.
D for advocating the legalization of drugs.
Question #13
A Schedule I.
B precursors.
C the DAWN report.
D Schedule III.
Question #14
A established harsh penalties for first-offense possession of an illicit drug.
B included control over alcohol and tobacco products.
C was the first to distinguish prescription from over-the-counter drugs.
D established schedules of controlled substances and moved enforcement to the Justice Department.
Question #15
A Possession for personal use of marijuana will receive stiffer penalties.
B Possession for personal use of marijuana is decriminalized.
C Possession for personal use of all drugs will receive stiffer penalties.
D Possession for personal use of all drugs is decriminalized.
Question #16
A 1937
B 1906
C 1978
D 1874
Question #17
A the Dangerous Drugs Act.
B the Marijuana Tax Act.
C the Pure Food and Drugs Act.
D alcohol prohibition (the 18th Amendment).
Question #18
A proof that no adverse reactions will occur.
B three phases of clinical testing, with each phase involving more people.
C personal testimony from patients who have tried the drug.
D a pricing comparison with competing drugs.
Question #19
A marijuana
B alcohol
C barbiturates
D opium
Question #20
A They detect the metabolites of marijuana up to five days or more.
B They are capable of detecting drug use for up to 90 days.
C They detect only fairly recent drug use, up to one day.
D They are capable of detecting most kinds of drugs for up to three days.
Question #21
A the drug has been tested in at least two species of nonhuman animals.
B several hundred volunteers have been exposed to the drug.
C the drug must be marketed in another country.
D the drug’s effectiveness has been proven.