Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Economics » Econ 102 – Principles of Macroeconomics » Winter 2023 » Week 5 Reading Quiz Chs. 15 and 17
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A By only increasing taxes
B Decreasing government spending and/or increasing taxes
C Increasing government spending and/or decreasing taxes
D Lowering taxes and raising government spending
Question #2
A Expansionary monetary policy
B Contractionary fiscal policy
C Contractionary monetary policy
D Expansionary fiscal policy
Question #3
A The government is receiving more money in taxes than it spends in a year.
B The government is spending more money than it receives in taxes for a given year.
C The unemployment rate is declining.
D The rate of inflation is declining.
Question #4
A The President and Congress
B The President
C Congress
D State Legislatures
Question #5
A Excessive importation of goods and services
B Foreign firms dominating the domestic economy
C Private consumption
D Government borrowing and spending
Question #6
A Increasing investment and increasing government spending
B Increasing consumption and decreasing taxes
C Decreasing in government spending and increasing in taxes
D Decreasing in government spending and decreasing taxes
Question #7
A Decrease taxes, decrease government spending, and/or decrease transfer payments
B Increase taxes, increase spending, and/or increase transfer payments
C Decrease taxes, increase transfer payments, and/or decrease government spending
D Increase taxes, decrease transfer payments, and/or decrease government spending.
Question #8
A Automatic stabilizers; current retirees using funds from current contributions
B Progressive tax; to current retirees from funds from their past contributions
C Contractionary fiscal policy; current older workers from funds deducted from younger workers
D Legislative lag; deducted from the higher-income groups to pay the lower income groups
Question #9
A One argument against a required balanced federal budget is that sometimes it is necessary or beneficial to run large budget deficits in the short-run.
B One argument against a required balanced federal budget is that the government does not have macroeconomic responsibilities
C One argument in support of a required balanced federal budget maintains that having a balanced budget each year would make the impacts of economic recessions less severe.
D One argument against a required balanced federal budget is that this mandate cannot be added to the Constitution, and therefore, could not be enforced.
Question #10
A Unemployment Insurance
B Personal Income Tax
C Food Stamps
D Stimulus Package
Question #11
A Fiscal but not monetary policy
B Monetary but not fiscal policy
C Both monetary and fiscal policy
D Neither monetary or fiscal policy
Question #12
A Increase aggregate supply
B Decrease aggregate supply
C Decrease aggregate demand
D Increase aggregate demand
Question #13
A It decreases
B It increases
C It doubles
D There is no change
Question #14
A $200 billion
B $400 million
C $200 million
D $400 billion
Question #15
A There are 14 members of the Federal Reserve Board
B The FOMC is smaller in size than the Federal Reserve Board
C There are 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks
D The head of the Treasury also chairs the Federal Reserve Board
Question #16
A Member banks
B The president
C U. S. Congress
D Board of Governors of the Fed
Question #17
A Sell off government bonds
B Raise interest rates
C Issue more loans
Question #18
A Federal funds rate
B Open market operations
C Reserve requirements
D Discount rate
Question #19
A Higher interest rates and higher GDP
B Higher interest rates and lower GDP
C Lower interest rates and lower GDP.
D Lower interest rates and higher GDP
Question #20
A Increasing the discount rate
B Selling government securities
C Purchasing government securities
D Lending to nonbanks