Navigation » List of Schools » El Camino College » Law » Law 4 – The Legal Environment of Business » Spring 2020 » Midterm Exam 2
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Liquidated Damages.
B Compensatory Damages.
C Statutory Damages.
D Special Damages.
Question #2
A Substantial performance.
B Rescission.
C Substitution.
D Accord and Satisfaction.
Question #3
A Quasi Contract.
B Mailbox Rule.
C Utilitarian.
D Perfect Tender.
Question #4
A It does not lack any elements. It is a valid contract
B Consideration
C Acceptance
D Offer
Question #5
A a void contract because of the UCC.
B a void agreement because of the fraud involved.
C a voidable contract, one that Jennifer can void.
D a voidable contract, one that Jack can void.
Question #6
A Jill is personally liable, but the woman must first collect from the general partners before collecting from Jill.
B Jill can only be liable to the amount of her investment.
C Jill has no potential liability to the customer.
D Jill can be held personally liable to the customer since she is a partner.
Question #7
A A general partner in a limited partnership.
B A limited partner in a limited partnership.
C A sole proprietor.
D A partner in a general partnership.
Question #8
A Matt would win; this is an implied contract.
B Walter would win because of the UCC.
C Matt would win in quantum meruit.
D Walter would win as there was no contract.
Question #9
A On January 16, the contract was executed.
B This contract is a unilateral contract.
C There is no contract until January 27.
D On January 16, the contract was executory.
Question #10
A minority shareholders are provided more protection than in regular corporations.
B the shares are publicly traded.
C the corporation can typically operate without a board of directors.
D the shareholders usually restrict share transfer.
Question #11
A The contract is fully enforceable as written.
B The contract is enforceable, but only up to the value of the water system.
C The contract is unenforceable because it is unconscionable.
D The contract is unenforceable because it is exculpatory.
Question #12
A Only if Mona pays half of the value of the note.
B When Beth turns 18.
C If Beth pays the obligation in full under the terms of the note.
D Only if Mona dies before Beth’s obligation is discharged.
Question #13
A there is undue influence.
B justice demands it.
C conduct of the parties indicates they intended an agreement.
D there is promissory estoppel.
Question #14
A one is enforceable, the other is not.
B the Statute of Frauds applies to one and not the other.
C only one promise is involved in a bilateral contract.
D only one promise is involved in a unilateral contract.
Question #15
A The law would not enforce Jane’s promise, as it does not have a lawful purpose.
B Jane would win as this is a voidable contract.
C The law would enforce this valid, enforceable contract.
D Shelly would win as this is a unilateral contract.
Question #16
A A limited liability company.
B A general partnership.
C A close corporation.
D A limited partnership.
Question #17
A A false statement that a $30,000 car attracts members of the opposite sex.
B A false prediction that a painting’s value will rise.
C A false statement that a used car is “the best deal in town.”
D Silence as to a toxic waste problem on real property that the buyer would not reasonable be able to find or see after investigating.
Question #18
A acceptance is deemed when dispatched.
B written contracts must be signed and mailed.
C acceptance is deemed when received.
D acceptance must mirror the offer.
Question #19
A Rachel is personally liable for any business debts, regardless of whether she or Cyndi created the obligation.
B All the above.
C Cyndi is personally liable for any negligent act committed by Rachel in the scope of the business activity.
D Rachel is personally liable for any business contracts entered into by Cyndi.
Question #20
A enforceable because Becky is giving up the right to do something she would otherwise be entitled to do.
B enforceable because the agreement accomplishes Ben’s goal of keeping Becky from drinking.
C not enforceable because Becky does not have a legal right to drink alcohol.
D not enforceable because Becky is a minor and could disaffirm the contract.
Question #21
A the contract was a full and final oral explanation of the parties’ agreement.
B the written agreement is a full and final expression of the parties’ agreement.
C the Statute of Frauds applies.
D the contract has been fully performed by both parties.
Question #22
A if they misrepresent their age.
B when it provides them with necessities.
C at any time so long as the contract was created when they were a minor.
D as long as they are they age of minority.
Question #23
A Legality
B Consideration
C Performance
D Offer
Question #24
A corporation.
B limited liability company.
C general partnership.
D S corporation.
Question #25
A Myrtle would not have to pay for the yard work.
B This is an express, voidable contract that either party may avoid.
C This is an implied, unilateral contract and she must pay the price requested by the man.
D The court would order Myrtle to pay the reasonable value of the yard work because of the benefit conferred on her.
Question #26
A Buyer agrees to pay any costs of litigation.
B Creditor charges 38% interest on a loan.
C Employee agrees to never work for a competing company.
D Seller is not responsible for property damage regardless of the cause of the injury.
Question #27
A Chief executive officer and corporation.
B Debtor and creditor.
C Husband and wife.
D Doctor and patient.
Question #28
A services.
B real estate.
C employment.
D All of the above.
Question #29
A whatever they receive from the partnership.
B $100,000.
C $50,000
D None of the above. The partnership itself will pay the taxes on the business’s profit.
Question #30
A Walter will lose because he can’t use past acts to satisfy consideration.
B Walter will win, as the promise is enforceable.
C Walter will lose based upon the preexisting duty rule.
D Walter will win, as no consideration is required to modify an employment contract.
Question #31
A a conditional offer.
B a unilateral contract.
C an illusory promise.
D an unliquidated offer.
Question #32
A If Wilde’s agrees to accept less than the full amount as full payment, the agreement is not binding.
B If the parties agree to settle for less than the full amount, there is no consideration to make the agreement enforceable.
C If Wilde’s agrees to accept less than the full amount, the agreement is only binding if it is in writing and signed by Bernie.
D The disputed amount is also known as an unliquidated amount.
Question #33
A bilateral, express contract.
B unilateral, implied contract.
C unilateral, express contract.
D bilateral, implied contract.
Question #34
A Be able to recover the $2,000 but not the $10,000.
B Be able to recover the $3 million lost on the contract.
C Be able to recover the $12,000.
D Not be able to recover the $12,000.
Question #35
A ensure the contract is legally enforceable.
B accept the offer any time before termination.
C provide consideration as a substitute for the offer.
D revoke the offer any time before acceptance.
Question #36
A Don must prove that Ron was supposed to wax the car by showing the notes he took during their negotiations.
B Ron is under no obligation to wax the car, even if Ron and Don had discussed the possibility.
C If waxing had been discussed, Ron must wax the car before he can get paid.
D Don must pay the value of the benefit received, but doesn’t have to pay the full price because Ron did not wax the car.
Question #37
Question #38
Question #39
Question #40
Question #41
Question #42
Question #43
Question #44
Question #45
Question #46
Question #47
Question #48
Question #49
Question #50