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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Spatial-perceptual deficits.
B Impulsive behavior.
C Left visual field deficit.
D Right-sided paralysis.
Question #2
A Arteriovenous malformation
B Cerebral aneurysm
C Cardiogenic emboli
D Intracerebral hemorrhage
Question #3
A Tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia
B Psychosis, disorientation, delirium, insomnia, and hallucinations
C Choreiform movement and dementia
D Severe dementia and myoclonus
Question #4
A Footdrop and external hip rotation
B Vomiting and seizures
C Severe headache and early change in level of consciousness
D Weakness on one side of the body and difficulty with speech
Question #5
A Take the client’s blood pressure.
B Ask the client if he has trouble breathing.
C Ask the client if he has a headache.
D Place antiembolism stockings on the client.
Question #6
A Atrial fibrillation
B Arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
C Cerebral aneurysm
D Ruptured cerebral arteries
Question #7
A Administer an osmotic diuretic.
B Administer preoperative sedation.
C Restrict fluids before surgery.
D Administer prescribed medications.
Question #8
A Hemiplegia or hemiparesis
B Auditory agnosia
C Lack of deep tendon reflexes
D Limited attention span and forgetfulness
Question #9
A cardio embolic
B small, penetrating artery thrombotic
C cryptogenic
D large-artery thrombotic
Question #10
A Dyslipidemia
B Smoking
C Hypertension
D Obesity
Question #11
A Large artery thrombotic
B Small artery thrombotic
C Cardiogenic embolic
D Cryptogenic
Question #12
A The day the patient has the stroke
B After the patient has passed the acute phase of the stroke
C The day before the patient is discharged
D After the nurse has received the discharge orders
Question #13
A Altered Nutrition:Less Than Body Requirements
B Impaired Swallowing
C Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit
D Risk forElectrolyte Imbalance
Question #14
A A 60-year-old African-American man
B A 62-year-old Caucasian woman
C A 40-year-old Caucasian woman
D A 28-year-old pregnant African-American woman
Question #15
A Prone
B High-Fowler’s
C Supine
D Semi-Fowler’s
Question #16
A This behavior is common in clients with stroke. Which does your spouse do more often? Laugh or cry?”
B You sound stressed; maybe using some stress management techniques will help.”
C You seem upset, and it may be hard for you to focus on the teaching, I’ll come back later.”
D Emotional lability is common after a stroke, and it usually improves with time.”
Question #17
A Provide a dimly lit environment.
B Ambulate the client every hour.
C Elevate the head of bed 30 degrees.
D Permit friends to visit often.
E Administer docusate per order.
Question #18
A Know this is a normal finding for CVA.
B Perform a vision field assessment.
C Reposition the tray and plate.
D Assist the client with feeding.
Question #19
A Migraines often coincide with menstrual cycle.
B Cluster headaches can cause severe debilitating pain.
C Tension headaches are easier to treat.
D Headaches are the most common type of reported pain.
Question #20
A hypertension
B diabetes insipidus
C impaired cerebral circulation
D cardiac disease
Question #21
A Auditory agnosia
B Limited attention span and forgetfulness
C Visual agnosia
D Lack of deep tendon reflexes
Question #22
A Agraphia
B Agnosia
C Apraxia
D Perseveration
Question #23
A 175 mm Hg/100 mm Hg
B 185 mm Hg/110 mm Hg
C 170 mm Hg/105 mm Hg
D 190 mm Hg/120 mm Hg
Question #24
A 12 hours
B 24 to 36 hours
C 1 hour
D 3 to 6 hours
Question #25
A Administering a stool softener
B Monitoring for seizure activity
C Maintaining a patent airway
D Elevating the head of the bed to 30 degrees
Question #26
A clopidogrel.
B aspirin.
C ticlodipine.
D dipyridamole.
Question #27
A Thyroid disease
B Advanced age
C Social drinking
D Smoking
Question #28
A Completed Stroke
B Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
C Left-sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
D Right-sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Question #29
A Bleeding
B Hypertension
C Increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
D Headache
Question #30
A Lack of deep tendon reflexes
B Visual and auditory agnosia
C Hemiplegia or hemiparesis
D Limited attention span and forgetfulness
Question #31
A Footdrop and external hip rotation
B Severe headache and early change in level of consciousness
C Weakness on one side of the body and difficulty with speech
D Confusion or change in mental status
Question #32
A Cerebral aneurysm
B Large artery thrombosis
C Small artery thrombosis
D Cardiogenic emboli
Question #33
A Carotid ultrasound study
B 12-lead electrocardiogram
C Noncontrast computed tomogram
D Transcranial Doppler flow study
Question #34
A Anticoagulant therapy
B Carotid endarterectomy
C Monthly prothrombin levels
D Cholesterol-lowering drugs
Question #35
A Apply cool or warm cloth to head or eyes.
B Avoid certain foods.
C Eliminate use of bright lights when working.
D Perform stretching exercises and frequent position change.
Question #36
A Use of tripod cane.
B Need for support group due to decreased self image related to restricted mobility.
C Remove throw rugs and electrical cords from home environment.
D Leg exercises to strengthen muscle weakness.
Question #37
A Intracranial pressure is increased by a space-occupying bleed.
B A ruptured arteriovenous malformation will cause deficits until it is stopped.
C A ruptured intracranial aneurysm must quickly be repaired.
D Thrombolytic therapy has a time window of only 3 hours.
Question #38
A Perseveration
B Agnosia
C Agraphia
D Apraxia
Question #39
A Speak at all
B Comprehend spoken words
C Form words that are understandable
D Form words that are understandable or comprehend spoken words
Question #40
A Inform the case manager of the family’s concern and provide information about the client’s current clinical status so appropriate resources can be provided after discharge.
B Contact the appropriate agencies so that they can provide care after discharge.
C Suggest that the family members speak with the physician about their concerns.
D The nurse should do nothing because she is responsible only for inpatient care
Question #41
A Elevated blood pressure
B Increased urine output
C Decreased level of consciousness (LOC)
D Decreased heart rate
Question #42
A Test the gag reflex before offering food or fluids
B Allow ample time to eat.
C Place food on the affected side of the mouth
D Assist the client with meals.
Question #43
A Pregabalin (Lyrica)
B Lioresal (Baclofen)
C Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
D Heparin
Question #44
A atherosclerotic plaque
C bruit
D diplopia
Question #45
A Main presenting symptom is an “exploding headache.”
B It is caused by a large-artery thrombosis.
C Functional recovery usually plateaus at 6 months.
D One of the main presenting symptoms is numbness or weakness of the face
Question #46
A Cerebral aneurysm
B Transient ischemic attack
C Left-sided stroke
D Right-sided stroke
Question #47
A Take medication only during the morning when it’s calm and quiet.
B Take medication only when migraine is intense
C Take medication as soon as symptoms of the migraine begin.
D Take medication just before going to bed at night
Question #48
A Systolic blood pressure less than or equal to 185 mm Hg
B Age 18 years or older
C Ischemic stroke
D Intracranial hemorrhage
Question #49
A Sit with the client for a few minutes
B Inform the nurse manager.
C Call the physician immediately.
D Administer an analgesic.
Question #50
A Frontal
B Occipital
C Temporal
D Parietal
Question #51
A Diastolic pressure of 110 mm Hg
B Systolic pressure of 180 mm Hg
C Heart rate of 100
D Respiration of 22
Question #52
A Numbness of an arm or leg
B Severe headache
C Double vision
D Dizziness and tinnitus
Question #53
A Noncontrast computed tomography
B Carotid Doppler
C Electrocardiography
D Transcranial Doppler studies
Question #54
A in 2 to 3 days
B upon transfer to a rehabilitation unit
C immediately
D after 1 week
Question #55
A Every 15 minutes
B Every 45 minutes
C Every hour
D Every 30 minutes
Question #56
A Include dry or crisp foods and chewy meats.
B Provide thickened commercial beverages and fortified cooked cereals.
C Always serve hot or tepid foods.
D Provide a high-fat diet.
Question #57
A Agnosia
B Apraxia
C Perseveration
D Agraphia
Question #58
A 6.3 mg
B 7.5 mg
C 10 mg
D 8.3 mg
Question #59
A Homonymous hemianopsia
B Diplopia
C Scotoma
D Nystagmus
Question #60
A Two thirds of people that experience a TIA will go on to develop a stroke
B A TIA is an insidious, often chronic episode of neurologic impairment.
C When symptoms cease, the client will return to presymptomatic state.
D Symptoms of a TIA may linger for up to a week.
Question #61
A chaplin
B home care nurse
C spouse
D physical therapist
Question #62
A Obesity
B Atrial fibrillation
C Advanced age
D Hypertension