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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A decrease anxiety
B educate the client about his symptoms
C enhance myocardial oxygenation
D administer sublingual nitroglycerin
Question #2
A It is substernal in location.
B It subsides after taking nitroglycerin.
C It is relieved by rest and inactivity.
D It is viselike and radiates to the shoulders and arms.
E It is sudden in onset and prolonged in duration.
Question #3
A “Only take one nitroglycerin tablet for each episode of angina.”
B “Place the nitroglycerin tablet between cheek and gum.”
C “See if rest relieves the chest pain before using the nitroglycerin.”
D “Call 911 if you develop a headache following nitroglycerin use.”
Question #4
A The same type of activity that caused previous angina episodes.
B An unpredictable amount of activity.
C Activities that increase myocardial oxygen demand.
D Coronary artery spasm.
Question #5
A IV nitroglycerin
B Atenolol
C Amlodipine
D IV morphine
Question #6
A Improved quality of life
B Return to work and the lifestyle experienced before the illness
C Limit to the effects and progression of atherosclerosis
D Prevention of another cardiac event
Question #7
A Cardiogenic shock
B Venous occlusive disease
C Raynaud’s disease
D Coronary artery disease
Question #8
A shellfish allergy
B use of heparin
C prior intracranial hemorrhage
D recent consumption of a meal
Question #9
A prolonged chest pain that accompanies exercise
B chest pain of increased frequency, severity, and duration
C radiating chest pain that lasts 15 minutes or less
D chest pain that occurs at rest and usually in the middle of the night
Question #10
A 2.0 to 2.5
B .75 to 1.5
C .25 to .75
D 2.5 to 3.0
Question #11
A “The pain got worse when I took a deep breath.”
B “The pain resolved after I ate a sandwich.”
C “The pain lasted about 45 minutes.”
D “The pain occurred while I was mowing the lawn.”
Question #12
A Absent Q wave
B Prolonged PR interval
C Elevated ST segment
D Widened QRS complex
Question #13
A atropine sulfate
B heparin
C protamine sulfate
D adenosine
Question #14
A decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
B pericardial friction rub
C decreased white blood cell (WBC) count
D hypothermia
Question #15
A Bronchi
B Blood vessels
C Heart
D Uterus
Question #16
A 60 minutes
B 3 minutes
C 30 minutes
D 15 minutes
Question #17
A Low density lipoprotein (LDL), 160 mg/dL
B A ratio of LDL to HDL, 4.5 to 1.0
C High-density lipoprotein (HDL), 80 mg/dL
D Cholesterol, 280 mg/dL
Question #18
A “I should expect bruising at the catheter site for up to 3 weeks.”
B “I should avoid prolonged sitting.”
C “I should avoid taking a tub bath until my catheter site heals.”
D “I should expect a low-grade fever and swelling at the site for the next week.”
Question #19
A Variant angina
B Silent ischemia
C Stable angina
D Unstable angina
Question #20
A “Client will verbalize the intention to avoid exercise.”
B “Client will verbalize an understanding of the need to restrict dietary fat, fiber, and cholesterol.”
C “Client will verbalize an understanding of the need to call the physician if acute pain lasts more than 2 hours.”
D “Client will verbalize the intention to stop smoking.”
Question #21
A blood clots in the arteries
B emboli in the veins
C cholesterol plugs in the lumen of veins
D fatty deposits in the lumen of arteries
Question #22
A Diltiazem
B Isosorbide mononitrate
C Clopidogrel
D Metoprolol
Question #23
A Increases the atrioventricular node conduction
B Increases the heart rate
C Decreases the sinoatrial node automaticity
D Creates a positive inotropic effect
Question #24
A Digoxin
B Atropine
C Sodium nitroprusside
D Protamine sulfate
Question #25
A Chest x-ray
B Nitroglycerin SL
C Ativan 1 mg orally
D Serum electrolytes
Question #26
A Increases cardiac output
B Decreases resting heart rate
C Decreases cholesterol level
D Decreases platelet aggregation
Question #27
A Isolated premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)
B ST elevation
C Sinus tachycardia
D Frequent premature atrial contractions (PACs)
Question #28
A Assess distal pulses.
B Remove hair from skin insertion sites.
C Withhold anticoagulant therapy.
D Inform client of diagnostic tests.
Question #29
A Raynaud’s disease
B Atherosclerosis
C Coronary thrombosis
D Arteriosclerosis
Question #30
B Myoglobin
C Troponin
D Total creatine kinase
Question #31
A decreasing R to R interval
B an absent P wave
C slowing heart rate
D T-wave inversion
E ST elevation
Question #32
A “The higher the high-density lipoproteins (HDL), the more at risk you are for heart damage or a stroke.”
B “The low-density lipoproteins (LDL) pose a threat to plague formation and can cause a heart attack of stroke.”
C “The triglycerides levels measure good fat, so the higher the level, the less risk you are for a heart attack or stroke.”
D “The total cholesterol level of 252 mg/dL warrants medication treatment alone.”
Question #33
A Increase intravenous fluids
B Decrease intravenous fluids
C Prepare the client for diaylsis
D Irrigate the urinary catheter
Question #34
A an evolving MI.
B a cardiac dysrhythmia.
C variant angina.
D an old MI.
Question #35
A Cool, clammy skin and a diaphoretic, pale appearance
B Anxiousness, restlessness, and lightheadedness
C Chest discomfort not relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
D Intermittent nausea and emesis for 3 days
Question #36
A Isosorbide mononitrate (Isordil)
B Nitroglycerin transdermal patch
C Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol)
D Morphine sulfate (Morphine)
Question #37
A To dilate coronary arteries
B To decrease homocysteine levels
C To prevent angiotensin II conversion
D To decrease workload of the heart
Question #38
A Urine output
B Prothrombin time (PT) or international normalized ratio (INR)
C Vascular sites for bleeding
D Hourly IV infusion
Question #39
A Within 5 to 7 days
B Within 12 hours
C Within 24 to 48 hours
D Within 6 hours
Question #40
A Assess the client’s level of pain and administer prescribed analgesics.
B Assess the client’s level of anxiety and provide emotional support.
C Ensure that the client’s family is kept informed of the client’s status.
D Prepare the client for pulmonary artery catheterization.
Question #41
A cardiac catheterization
B cardiac graft procedure
C balloon angioplasty
D balloon valvuloplasty
Question #42
A “How is your appetite?”
B “Is your skin drier than normal?”
C “What color is your urine?”
D “Do you have any breathing problems?”
Question #43
A If dizziness occurs, adjust the medication.
B Take the medication at the same time each day.
C Dress warmly. Blood circulation may be reduced in the extremities.
D Don’t suddenly stop taking the medication without calling your health care provider.
Question #44
A Chest pain is typical
B Vague symptoms
C Decreased sensation to pain
D Gender bias
Question #45
A Coronary artery disease
B Venous occlusive disease
C Raynaud’s disease
D Cardiogenic shock
Question #46
A normal LDL level.
B fasting LDL level
C low LDL level.
D high LDL level.
Question #47
A Protamine sulfate
B Alteplase
C Clopidogrel
D Aspirin
Question #48
A diuretic
B nitrate
C beta-adrenergic blocker
D calcium-channel blocker
Question #49
A Abdominal obesity
B Dyslipidemia
C Hypotension
D Insulin resistance
Question #50
A Prolonged PR interval
B Widened QRS complex
C Elevated ST segment
D Absent Q wave
Question #51
A bilateral rales and rhonchi
B potassium level of 6 mEq/L
C serum glucose of 124 mg/dL
D weight gain of 6 ounces
Question #52
A Measure the blood pressure for hypertension.
B Check the radial pulse for dysrhythmias.
C Measure urinary output for dehydration.
D Count the respiratory rate for bradypnea.
Question #53
A Described as crushing and substernal
B Relieved by rest and nitroglycerin
C Associated with nausea and vomiting
D Accompanied by diaphoresis and dyspnea
Question #54
A Magnesium
B Potassium
C Sodium
D Calcium
Question #55
A Examine the legs for color, capillary refill time, and tissue integrity.
B Examine for pain around the shoulder and neck region
C Examine the extremities for skin lesions.
D Examine the client’s mental and emotional status.
Question #56
A Hyperlipidemia
B Obesity
C Race
D Tobacco use
E Gender
Question #57
A C-reactive protein (CRP)
B Triglyceride
C High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
D Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
Question #58
A The client exhibits a heart rate above 100 beats/minute.
B The client verbalizes the intention of making all necessary lifestyle changes except for stopping smoking.
C The client states that sublingual nitroglycerin usually relieves his chest pain.
D The client demonstrates ability to tolerate more activity without chest pain.
Question #59
A “Client performs relaxation exercises three times per day to reduce stress.”
B “Client verbalizes an understanding of the need to seek emergency help if heart rate increases markedly while at rest.”
C “Client walks 4 miles in 1 hour every day.”
D “Client’s 24-hour dietary recall reveals low intake of fat and cholesterol.”
Question #60
A a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle that causes the death of cells
B incomplete blockage of a major coronary artery
C complete closure of an artery
D a destroyed part of the heart muscle
Question #61
A Review the results of the latest blood cell count, especially the hemoglobin and hematocrit.
B Apply manual pressure at the site of the insertion of the sheath.
C Decrease anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy.
D Notify the health care provider.
Question #62
A decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
B decreased white blood cell (WBC) count
C pericardial friction rub
D hypothermia
Question #63
A a serum creatinine of 1.0 mg/dL
B a serum BUN of 70 mg/dL
C an hourly urine output of 50 to 70 mL
D a urine specific gravity reading of 1.021
Question #64
A Use an electric toothbrush
B Avoid the use of nail clippers
C Avoid continuous BP monitoring
D Avoid subcutaneous injections
Question #65
A Assess the client’s mental and emotional status.
B Assess the skin of the client.
C Assess the characteristics of chest pain.
D Assess for any kind of drug abuse.
Question #66
A Atelectasis
B Urinary tract infection (UTI)
C Elevated blood glucose level
D Hyperkalemia
Question #67
A Mental alertness
B Blood glucose concentration
C Activity intolerance
D Inadequate tissue perfusion
Question #68
A Administer oxygen, attach a cardiac monitor, take vital signs, and administer sublingual nitroglycerin.
B Gain I.V. access, give sublingual nitroglycerin, and alert the cardiac catheterization team.
C Alert the cardiac catheterization team, administer oxygen, attach a cardiac monitor, and notify the health care provider.
D Complete the client’s registration information, perform an electrocardiogram, gain I.V. access, and take vital signs.
Question #69
A Sedation, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and respiratory depression.
B Headache, hypotension, dizziness, and flushing.
C Flushing, dizziness, headache, and pedal edema.
D Nausea, vomiting, depression, fatigue, and impotence.
Question #70
A renal failure
B myocardial infarction
C atherosclerosis
D diabetes mellitus
Question #71
A Diltiazem
B Isosorbide mononitrate
C Metoprolol
D Clopidogrel
Question #72
A 60 minutes
B 6 to 12 months
C 9 days
D 30 minutes
Question #73
A Refrain from sexual activity for 1 month
B Cleanse the site with disinfectants and dress the wound appropriately
C Monitor the site for bleeding or hematoma.
D Normal activities of daily living can be resumed the first day after surgery
Question #74
A Repeat the dose of sublingual nitroglycerin every 15 minutes for three doses.
B Lie down or sit in a chair for 5 to 10 minutes after taking the drug.
C Store the drug in a cool, well-lit place.
D Restrict alcohol intake to two drinks per day.