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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Price increases and quantity decreases
B Price is unclear and quantity decreases
C Price is unchanged and quantity is unchanged
D Price and quantity both decrease
Question #2
A Price increases and quantity decreases
B Price and quantity both decrease
C Price is unclear and quantity decreases
D Price is unchanged and quantity is unchanged
Question #3
A Unchanged
B Increases
C Decreases
D Unclear
Question #4
A P increases; Q decreases
B P and Q both decrease
C P is unchanged; Q increases
D P is unchanged; Q is unchanged
Question #5
A Increases
B Unchanged
C Decreases
D Unclear
Question #6
D None of the above
Question #7
A It is yet another topic designed by your instructor to bore you
B They are legal in only a few states in the US because of how damaging they are to a state’s poorer population
C They are far worse than regular savings accounts in every possible way which explains why no one uses PLSAs
D They tended to be blocked by states which had a monopoly on lotteries
Question #8
A Q=q
B Its profits are affected by changes in tastes and preferences
C It tends to have some barrier to entry
D All of the above characterize a monopoly
Question #9
Question #10
A There are no fixed costs
B Firms will close in the short run
C The price above represents the long run equilibrium
D Firms will enter in the long run
Question #11
Question #12
A change nothing
B increase the price
C increase its output
D decrease its output
Question #13
A The market will transform into a monopoly
B The market price will go up
C Fifteen firms will leave the market
D There will be more than 100 firms in this market
Question #14
A 5
B 4
C 3
D 1
Question #15
A $200
B $700
C $500
D Not enough information
Question #16
A $500
B $50
C $200
D $100
Question #17
A $31.25
B $62.50
C $40
D $75
Question #18
Question #19
A It assumes people are rational
B Its supporters believe behavioral economics is a substitute for traditional economics
C It incorporates physics into economic thought
D It tries to use nudges to influence people’s choices for their benefit
Question #20
A Confirmation bias
B Framing bias
C Availability bias
D Planning fallacy
Question #21
A Framing bias
B Availability bias
C Planning fallacy
D Confirmation bias
Question #22
A Overconfidence bias
B Availability bias
C Framing bias
D Planning fallacy
Question #23
A The study of how any form of human behavior is due to being rational
B A part of microeconomics focused on supply and demand
C The branch of economics that includes anthropology in economic models
D The branch of economics that incorporates psychology into economic models
Question #24
A It is less than 0
B It is inelastic
C It is greater than 0
D None of the above
Question #25
A Unrelated
B Complements
C Substitutes
D None of the above
Question #26
A Price and quantity would decrease
B Price would decrease and quantity would increase
C Price and quantity would increase
D Price would increase and quantity would decrease
Question #27
A The tax burden will fall completely on the sellers
B The tax burden will fall equally on the sellers and buyers
C The tax burden will fall mostly on the sellers
D The tax burden will fall mostly on the buyers
Question #28
A Not enough information
B Increased tax burden on the sellers
C Increased tax burden on the buyers
D None of the above
Question #29
A Sellers will now pay more of the tax
B Buyers will now pay more of the tax
C Unclear
D No effect
Question #30
A The good likely has many complements
B The good has no substitutes
C An increase in the price will cause the revenue to decline
D Buyers will buy the product even if the price rises by a small amount
Question #31
A Unclear
B Unchanged
C Decrease in its magnitude
D Increase in its magnitude
Question #32
A The percentage change in quantity supplied from a 1% increase in the price
B The unit change in quantity supplied from a $1 increase in the price
C The change in quantity supplied from a given change in the price
D The Price Elasticity of Supply
Question #33
A Stays the same
B Unclear
C Decrease
D Increase
Question #34
A Consumers of this good are made happier by the tax
B The price sellers receive increases
C The quantity decreases
D The price buyers pay decreases
Question #35
A Rent control
B Ad valorem subsidy
C Minimum wage
D None of the above
Question #36
We have the following table for humidifiers:
Price Quantity supplied Quantity demanded
$200 3,500 0
$175 3,000 0
$150 2,500 500
$125 2,000 1,000
$100 1,500 1,500
$75 1,000 2,000
$50 500 2,500
$25 0 3,000
$0 0 3,500
What is the equilibrium price?
A $175
B $100
C $150
D $75
Question #37
A A Backstrom-Daldumyan Tariff
B Tax
C Price floor
D None of the above
Question #38
A A legalized maximum price for a good or service
B A legalized minimum price for a good or service
C A limit on the quantity of a good or service
D A tax placed on a good or service
Question #39
A Price increases, quantity unclear
B Supply curve shifts to the right; Demand curve shifts to the left
C Supply curve shifts to the right; Demand curve shifts to the right
D Price unclear, quantity decreases
Question #40
A Few people want primary care services
B There is a shortage of primary care doctors
C There is an effective price floor applied in this market
D The number of people who want to become primary care doctors far exceeds the demand
Question #41
A Unclear
B Increases
C Unchanged
D Decreases
Question #42
A The price decreases while the quantity is unclear
B The price increases while the quantity is unchanged
C Both increase
D Both decrease
Question #43
A The curve that tells us what a country is capable of producing if it uses all its resources
B The curve that tells us the quantity demanded at a given price
C The curve that tells us how much a certain economics instructor’s enrollment will fall when the students realize how boring he is
D None of the above
Question #44
Question #45
A The unemployment rate for November 2019 is 3.5%
B A tax on gas should be removed
C The national government should increase its spending to increase GDP
D A tax causes a decline in the quantity of a good or service
Question #46
Question #47
A International traders
B Firms
C The government
D Households
Question #48
A When you decided whether to take this class, you did not need to consider alternative uses of your time
B An increase in a country’s income means its education level will fall
C The government can never improve on market outcomes
D The best way to allocate resources is for the supply to follow the demand
Question #49
Question #50
A Increases the opportunity cost
B Decreases the benefit
C Increases the benefit
D Decreases the explicit cost
Question #51
A The study of decision-making of how to distribute scarce resources by individual people and firms
B The science of being boring at a national level
C The study of money, GDP and the stock market
D None of the above