Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Geography » Geography 321 – The United States » 2019 » Chapter 14 Test MexAmerica
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Tourism
B Banking
C Trade
D Education
Question #2
A Laredo
B Houston
C Brownsville
D Corpus Christi
Question #3
A Agriculture is important to the economy of most parts of MexAmerica.
B There is very little agriculture in MexAmerica
C Agriculture is important to the economy of select places in MexAmerica, but is not widespread
D Agriculture is widespread and central to the economy of the region
Question #4
A Tornado
B Lightning
C Hurricane
D Flash Flood
Question #5
A Fort Lauderdale
B South Padre Island
C Key West
D Galveston
Question #6
A The Gulf Coastal Plain
B The Rocky Mountains
C The Intermontane
D The Great Plains
Question #7
A Settlements where people live in trailers, shacks, and other substandard housing.
B Spanish settlements that refused to move after the Treaty of Guadalupe that were absorbed into the United States.
C Areas set aside for long-term residence motels for foreign workers.
D Cities that contain historical buildings from previous Spanish occupation.
Question #8
A The Rocky Mountains
B The Basin and Range
C The Gulf Coastal Plain
D The Great Plains
E All of these answer choices are physiographic subregions that make up MexAmerica
Question #9
A The computer
B Military aircraft
C The atomic bomb
D The electric automobile
Question #10
A The region includes the entire U.S. – Mexico border
B Excluding transitional areas, the region extends into Colorado and Utah
C The humid and wet climate attracted early Anglo settlement in the region
D About twenty-five percent of the population is of Spanish descent
E Native Americans account for about one percent of the population
Question #11
A Shortnose sturgeon
B Silvery minnow
C Long-toed salamander
D Vaquita
E West Indian manatee
Question #12
A weapons
B Petrochemicals
C Steel
D Beer and other beverages
E Clothing
Question #13
A They mostly assemble imported, duty-free components/raw materials
B They are mostly Mexican-owned
C nearly 80% of finished goods are re-exported to the U.S
D They began in the 1960s as coupon counting houses
E The only tariffs are limited to value added during assembly
Question #14
A America’s Longest Rivers
B The Official Texas River List
C The National River List
D America’s Most Beautiful River
E America’s Most Endangered River
Question #15
A Kansas
B Nevada
C Utah
D California
E Arizona
Question #16
A An urban population
B A small population
C A very low population
D A suburban population
E A young population
Question #17
A Drought
B Earthquakes
C Tornadoes
D Flooding
Question #18
A Mosquito-borne diseases
B Hepatitis
C Bronchial problems
D Arthritis
E Cholera
Question #19
A NAFTA eliminates tariffs and trade restrictions, facilitating export and import between countries in North America.
B NAFTA sets up regulations limiting industrial pollution in all three countries, ensuring the costs of manufacturing are similar in each country.
C NAFTA regulates and enforces protections for workers to ensure that they have safe working environments and fair wages.
D NAFTA eliminates trade restrictions on products from embargoed countries.
Question #20
A California, Nevada, Utah, as well as parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado
B West Texas, as well as parts of New Mexico, and Colorado
C Southern portions of Arizona and New Mexico
D East Texas, which was then the Republic of Texas
Question #21
A Eastern MexAmerica gets more precipitation.
B Actually northern MexAmerica gets more rain than southern MexAmerica.
C Precipitation is fairly even from east to west.
D Western MexAmerica gets more precipitation.
Question #22
A All three states have about the same percentage of Latino residents
B New Mexico
C Texas
D Arizona
Question #23
A Near the Rio Grande in the eastern portion of MexAmerica and the Arizona portion of the Colorado River, in the western part of the region
B Agriculture is widespread throughout MexAmerica because of the region’s rich soils
C In the northern part of the region where there is more regular precipitation
D In the southern part of the region where it is warm enough to grow frost intolerant crops Students may not think “b” is a viable answers unless center(s) is referenced in the question.
Question #24
A Phoenix
B Scottsdale
C Tucson
D Sun City
Question #25
A It helped increase U.S.-Mexican border integration
B It increased the flow of American retirees into Mexico
C It resulted in the creation of a special tariff class for the maquiladoras
D It resulted in the creation of the so-called ‘twin city’ phenomenon
E It increased the flow of Mexican shoppers into the U.S. searching for goods unavailable in Mexico
Question #26
A Near the Rio Grande River
B Near the Gulf of California
C Near the Grand Canyon
D Near the Sierra Madres
Question #27
A Sun City
B Phoenix
C Tucson
D Scottsdale
Question #28
A They pack cooling mud on and within their shells.
B They spend much of their lives underground in burrows.
C They sweat to cool down.
D Stay underwater, using waterholes and rivers to cool down.
Question #29
A Per capita incomes in Mexico are highest in the state of Nuevo Leon
B Many of the world’s leading automobile companies operate maquiladoras
C Since the founding of the first maquiladoras, the average number of births per woman in Mexico have increased
D El Paso’s ‘twin city’ is Juarez
E The leading maquiladora activity is the assembly of garment and textile products
Question #30
A Santa Fe
B San Antonio
C Las Cruces
D Albuquerque
Question #31
A The Hispanic population in New Mexico is centered in the northern parts of the state as opposed to the border areas
B At the end of the Mexican War, the total mexican population in the U.S. was around 82,500
C One of the major PUSH factors related to Mexican immigration into the U.S. is widespread unemployment in Mexico
D Spanish settlement of California began in the mid-1600s
E The first Spanish settlements were in the Upper Rio Grande Valley before 1700
Question #32
A These areas subscribe to no country’s laws on pollution.
B Companies in these areas have to pay no corporate income tax.
C These areas often have lax child-labor laws which allow workers as young as 12 to work in factories.
D They are able to hire Mexican workers for much lower wages than they would have to pay American workers.
Question #33
A California
B Texas
C Nevada
D New Mexico
E Arizona
Question #34
A NAFTA standardized finance and service exchanges
B Mexican exports to the US and Canada decreased but imports from Canada and the U.S. increased
C NAFTA established a trade agreement between Mexico, Canada and the U.S.
D NAFTA was established in 1994
E NAFTA created more jobs for Mexicans
Question #35
A 300 years
B 100 years
C 50 years
D 200 years