Quiz 7 - Anthropology 1 - Biological Anthropology
Watch the video, Ape-Man: Pelvis Differences. How did the pelvis of australopithecines enable scientists to determine that they were bipedal and not quadrupedal? https://wwnorton.com/common/mplay/6.11/?p=/college/anthro/anthro-in-action/vid/&f=ape_man_pelvis_diff&cdn=1&cc=1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- The pelvis was long and flat like apes. The pelvis was long and flat like humans.
- The pelvis was short and squat like humans.
- The pelvis was short and squat like apes.
- The pelvis could not be used to determine bipedalism.
From the video clip Ape-Man: Pelvis Differences. And from what you learned in the chapters this week, which of the following is NOT true regarding australopithecines? https://wwnorton.com/common/mplay/6.11/?p=/college/anthro/anthro-in-action/vid/&f=ape_man_pelvis_diff&cdn=1&cc=1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Australopithecines looked exactly like modern humans
- Australopithecines had pelvises more similar to modern humans than to non-human primates.
- Australopithecines were bipedal like modern humans.
- Australopithecines were much shorter than modern humans.
Watch the animation, Homo habilis to Homo erectus. Biological anthropologists think that there is a direct evolutionary relationship between earlier Homo habilis and later Homo erectus. Here you can watch the earlier hominid “”morph”” into the later one, showing changes in several anatomical features. https://wwnorton.com/common/mplay/6.11/?p=/college/anthro/anthro-in-action/animations/&f=homo_habilis_homo_erectus&cdn=1&cc=1Links to an external site. Based on this animation, you can conclude
- Homo erectus’ brain size increased while its facial anatomy decreased in size, likely the result of a change in diet.
- Homo habilis’ small brain suggests it could not have made or used tools.
- Homo erectus and Homo habilis look similar because they adapted to their environment in the same way.
- The changes apparent in Homo erectus are not so dramatic that they warrant the hominid being given a new species name.
What are the two unifying traits for all genera of hominins?
- bipedalism and material culture
- hunting and speech
- non-honing chewing and hunting
Which of these hominins lived about 7 million years ago and was our earliest known hominin ancestor? A partial skull was founds in fragments and was reconstructed. The location of the foramen magnum indicated it was bipedal.
- Sahelanthropus tchadensis
- Australopithecus afrarensis
- Homo erectus
- Ardipithecus ramidus
Which of the following hominins was found in Indonesia and is known as “the hobbit” because of its short stature?
- Homo floresiensis
- Homo neanderthalensis
- Australopithecus africanus
- Ardipithecus ramidus
What probably led to the radical increase in brain size from the Australopithecines to Homo habilis?
- Homo habilis evolved during a period of extreme climate change.
- They survived and adapted through problem solving skills.
- The Australopithecines had to deal with wild climate change and so their brains stayed small.
- Homo habilis did not have any material culture
Which line are Homo sapiens descended from?
- gracile grade hominins
- robust grade hominins
supra-orbital torus
- brow ridges
- protruding face
- more ape-like dentition
- a bone that protects from the back of the skull
mental eminence
- protruding face
- cheek bones
- brow ridges
- a pointy ridge on the top of the skull
occipital bun
- a bone that protects from the back of the skull
- protruding face
- brow ridges
- a pointy ridge on the top of the skull
U-shaped dentition
- more ape-like dentition
- cheek bones
- protruding face
- a pointy ridge on the top of the skull
Horse-shoe shaped dentition
- the dentition of modern humans
- a pointy ridge on the top of the skull
- protruding face
- brow ridges
saggital crest
- a pointy ridge on the top of the skull
- a pointy ridge on the top of the skull
- the dentition of modern humans
- brow ridges
zygomatic arches
- cheek bones
- protruding face
- the dentition of modern humans
- brow ridges
Anthropology 1 – Biological Anthropology
1. Quiz 3 – Anthropology 1 – Biological Anthropology
2. Quiz 4 – Anthropology 1 – Biological Anthropology
3. Quiz 5 – Anthropology 1 – Biological Anthropology
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