Quiz 4 - Geog 322
Which of the following cities does not have more than 10 million people?
- Rio de Janeiro
- Sao Paulo
- Lima
- Mexico City
- Buenos Aires
Urbanization in Latin America:
- is most extreme in Central America
- as a percentage, is slightly below the world average
- has resulted in at least 115 cities with 300,000 people or more
- experienced its most rapid growth in the 1990s
The colonial impact on cities:
- resulted in the gridiron street pattern that is still evident today
- was driven by the demand to control the interior regions, i.e. not coastal
- placed the best residential areas distant from the city centers
- was primarily British beginning in the 19th century
Which of the following was not an important Spanish port during the colonial era?
- Havana
- Port-au-Prince
- Santo Domingo
- Veracruz
- Cartagena
Urban Primacy:
- in Latin America is more intense than in other parts of the world
- is evident in every Latin American country
- is best exemplified in the country of Brazil
- is more pronounced today than it was 50 years ago
In 2015, the three countries with the highest rate of urbanization were:
- Argentina, Brazil, Chile
- Chile, Uruguay, Argentina
- Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil
- Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil
- Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil
Which of the following is a PUSH factor of immigration causing increased rates of urbanization in Latin America?
- presence of family/friends in large cities
- employment opportunities in large cities
- rural poverty and lack of job opportunities
- higher quality of life
According to the model of Latin American city structure, gentrification is most likely to occur:
- in the zone of In Situ Accretion
- close to the city center
- in the periferico
- on the spine
Which of the following is characteristic of segregation in Latin American cities?
- the growth of the middle class has made segregation more extreme
- elite suburbs are typically located far away from low-income settlements
- the topography of many cities leads to more extreme segregation
- As cities have expanded, there is more contact between affluent and low-income areas
Informal housing in Latin America:
- often have less access to government services such as schools and hospitals
- is primarily occupied by people involved in illegal activities
- is primarily located in the city centers
- are only located in primate cities
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