Quiz 3 - Geog 322
It has been argued that Latin America was more integrated into the world economy at the end of the 19th century than it is today.
- True
- False
The Modern/Liberal Period was characterized by:
- a commodity lottery which largely determined which countries fared well
- the rapid growth of industry in Latin America.
- the absence of foreign investment
- a mostly urban population
The Import-Substitution Period was precipitated by:
- excessive foreign investment
- The Great Depression and World War II
- the end of colonialism
- over-reliance on exporting primary goods
A substantial middle class was built during the Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) period.
- False
- True
Which of the following contributed to the demise of ISI?
- an abundance of high quality products that were too expensive for locals
- an absence of natural resources in the region
- a continued reliance on foreign technology and investment, despite efforts to become more self-sufficient
- not enough workers to fill the jobs
- encouraged greater state involvement in the economy
- was based on the notion of improving efficiency
- closed off the region to foreign investment
- is the complete antithesis to the Modern/Liberal period
Neoliberalism was first introduced in Latin America under a military dictatorship.
- False
- True
The Post-Neoliberal Era:
- can trace its origins to social unrest in Mexico during the 1990s
- was instigated by growing poverty and inequality during the Neoliberal period
- has yet to have any meaningful impact
- encourages free market reforms such as privatization
Brazil’s Bosa Familia:
- encourages young people to work to support their families
- has widened inequality
- has not spread beyond the largest cities
- receives financial support from the World Bank
The USAN (Union of South American Nations):
- encourages the creation of several trade blocs in South America
- is heavily criticized by leaders such as Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales
- has its origins in the ideas of Simon Bolivar
- began in 2010 and has had great success
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