Quiz 10 -Geog 322
What is at the heart of nearly all Latin American social movements?
- Economic marginalization
- An experience of exclusion
- a separatism agenda
- an attempt at building a communist state
- A challenge to neoliberalismm
The Zapatistas
- are connected with Mexican indigenous people and poor migrants in California.
- fight for the landless in in Brazil
- is one of Latin America’s motherist groups
- fight for the preservation of the Amazon
- is connected with NGOs in Russia
The Movement of Rural Landless workers in Brazil (the MST) marched for land rights in Brasilia, highlighting the importance of being seen and heard in public space.
- True
- False
The women’s movement in Chile:
- Got funding from NGOs in Sweden
- Supports neoliberal policies
- Collaborated with the Madres for expanded visibility online
- Took over government offices in the capital demanding greater inclusion of females in politics
The Zapatistas’ transnational activist network
- built a movement called Zapatism and inspired people in the global north to take action.
- Includes people in over 150 countries.
- Has been ignored by the Mexican government.
- Spread largely via immigration to the US.
An example of a social movement involving cultural politics AND active politics of place is the______.
- Afro – Colombian movement
- Madres de Plaza del Mayo
- Moviemiento de Trabajadores Sin Terra (MST)
- Afro – Peruvian movement
The piquetero movement in Argentina cannot be considered part of the transnational antiglobalization movement.
- True
- False
_____refers to how social movements come and stay together, organize activities for visibility, connect, and build coalitions.
- Networking
- Revolting
- Uprising
- Mobilization
Social movements that discuss alternative conception of democracy, justice, nature and citizenship seek to redefine__________.
- Economic power
- Intellectual power
- Social power
- The power of families
Recent Bolivian social movements have been focused on___________.
- New conceptions of the individual
- Economic inclusion and resource access, less foreign exploitation
- New forms of litigation/conflict resolution
- Lost family members
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