
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

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When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Quiz 1 to 4 - Dance 102 - Middle Eastern Dance History



Which of the following are general characteristics of combat dance? (Choose all that apply)              

  1. Generally performed by men of a region and Usually not classified as “dance”            
  2. Usually not classified as “dance”
  3. Involves a lot of intricate hip movements  
  4. Generally performed by men of a region


Which of the following is/are true of the Nizzawi? Choose all that apply. 

  1. It involves leg movements that mimic horse movements and It is performed before the game of Tahtib  and   Opponents use this time to size each other up and   It is a Saidi dance (performed in the Said)
  2. It involves leg movements that mimic horse movements
  3. It is typically performed in silence
  4. It is performed before the game of Tahtib
  5. It is a Saidi dance (performed in the Said)
  6. It is performed by Nomads
  7. It is performed primarily by women
  8. It is only performed by professional dancers
  9. Opponents use this time to size each other up


What kind of weapon is used in the Tahtib Combat dance? Choose all that apply.                             

  1. a Stick and Naboot and   Asa and   Shoum        
  2. A Knife
  3. a Rifle
  4. a shield
  5. Jambiyya  
  6. Naboot
  7. Asa
  8. Sikiin
  9. Shoum
  10. Galabiyya


Tahtib is… (choose all that apply)             

  1. …a remnant of an ancient Egyptian martial art…and …a contest with strict rules and a “”winner”” and a mock combat type of combat dance
  2. …a way for women and men of the region to meet each other
  3. …the newest form of “dance” in the Middle East
  4. …a remnant of an ancient Egyptian martial art
  5. …a contest with strict rules and a “winner”
  6. a mock combat type of combat dance
  7. a combat dance where the combat is only implied


Given what you know about Tahtib AND how people of that region think about the qualities a person with power should have (Omda), what do you think are likely values exhibited in the game of Tahtib? (Choose any that apply)”     

  1. Honor – A man proves his honor in Tahtib by following the strict rules surrounding the game…and The role of a man to be able to protect and provide for his family- this role is represented by the weapon he uses in the dance                
  2. Aggression – the man who can beat the other into submission always tahtib and the strongest man is in power
  3. Honor – A man proves his honor in Tahtib by following the strict rules surrounding the game
  4. The role of a man to be able to protect and provide for his family- this role is represented by the weapon he uses in the dance

How has language served to unify popular culture in the Middle East in the 20th century?              

  1. Movies and music exposed Arabs to the spoken language of Egypt
  2. A standard spoken dialect was agreed upon for the Middle Eastern region
  3. The “Gypsies” brought their language to the Arab world
  4. The Quran spread the language of Saudi Arabia


Which of the following statements describe Islam. (Choose all that apply)             

  1. Islam is split into 2 main groups: Shia and Sunni…and There are a large number of sects within Islam that may have widely varying religious views and means of religious expression and worship…and All Muslims share the 5 pillars of faith.   
  2. Islam is split into 2 main groups: Shia and Sunni.
  3. There are a large number of sects within Islam that may have widely varying religious views and means of religious expression and worship.
  4. All Muslims share the 5 pillars of faith.  
  5. Early Muslims tried to convert Jews and Christians to Islam through force. Those whom they could not convert were forced into exile.


Which statements best describe the life of Nomads? (choose all that apply)          

  1. They live in desert areas, with little rainfall…and They tend to livestock. … and They are known as warriors.         
  2. They live in desert areas, with little rainfall.
  3. They live in rural areas.
  4. They grow agriculture.
  5. They tend to livestock.
  6. They are known as warriors.
  7. They are a small percent of the population and have little cultural influence.                              


How do the 3 patterns of living unite the Middle East as a cultural area? (Choose all that apply)   

  1. One can find nomads, rural people and city dwellers throughout every part of the Middle Eastern region.
  2. nomads can only be found in the bilaad al maghreb.
  3. They do not, they only make it diverse.
  4. Nomads can only be found in the bilaad al mashriq.


There is one standard written/formal version of Arabic used throughout the Arab world, but many spoken colloquial dialects.”            

  1. True
  2. False


What is Raqs Sharqi?                                                                  

  1. A professional performance of a combination of the social and folkloric dances of Egypt
  2. A dance usually performed in rural areas
  3. The social dance of Egypt
  4. A dance performed by a group of women in the harem

Raqs Sharqi, as we know it today, ________________________________.

  1. Is a 20th century phenomenon
  2. Has existed unchanged since Ancient Egypt
  3. Was introduced into Egypt during the Ottoman Empire
  4. Is a 19th century phenomenon


Which of the following were true of the 19th century Ghawazi? (1 or more answers)        

  1. Both They went out unveiled and They were public dancers
  2. They were public dancers
  3. They went out unveiled
  4. They did not dance for men
  5. Highly educated


The Roma people…                                                                     

  1. Both Are popularly known by the name “Gypsies”, and Originally came from Northern India”
  2. Originally came from Egypt 
  3. Are popularly known by the name “Gypsies”
  4. Originally came from Northern India
  5. Originally came from Turkey


Which of the following were true of the high class Awalem according to the earliest accounts we have of them (the beginning of the 1800s)? (1 or more)                                                                      

  1. “Both they did not dance for men, and Highly educated
  2. They did not dance for men
  3. Highly educated
  4. They went out unveiled
  5. They were public dancers


In the 19th century (1800’s) which of the following were possible places to see dance? (1 or more)

  1. Both Streets in front of coffee houses, and In the Harem
  2. Movies
  3. Nightclubs
  4. Streets in front of coffee houses
  5. In the Harem


In the early decades of the 1800’s resentment over public dancers began to grow leading to the banishment of the ghawazi in 1834.  Why were people, especially the religious leaders, resentful?”

  1. Dancers were becoming the most well known symbol of Egypt
  2. Dancers would not marry Muslim men
  3. Dancers were all very wealthy
  4. They envied the glamorous life of the public dancers


Who banned the Ghawazi from Cairo in 1834?                                                

  1. Mohammed Ali
  2. Gamal Abdel Nasser
  3. Khedeve Ismael
  4. Mahmoud Reda



In what performance context did Middle Eastern dance become Raqs Sharqi?      

  1. European-style nightclubs
  2. American Movie Theaters
  3. Streets
  4. Moulids
  5. Theaters


What effect did the Egyptian movie industry have on Raqs Sharqi? (choose all that apply)

  1. All of the above
  2. It provided dancers another way of making money
  3. Helped to elevate its prestige a little bit
  4. Allowed those who did not frequent nightclubs to see Raqs Sharqi
  5. Created the first “stars” of Raqs Sharqi


What was the name of the woman who owned the very successful Casino Opera, from which Egypt’s movie industry found its first stars?

  1. Badia Masabni
  2. Tahia Carioca
  3. Naima Akef
  4. Fifi Abdo


During the 1952 revolution in Egypt, Islamicists and Communists (political groups and the general populace) expressed their frustration with the British occupation partly by __________________.

  1. Burning down nightclubs and cinema’s associated with British and immorality
  2. Staging folkloric Egyptian dance in the streets
  3. None of the above
  4. Blockading Pyramid’s road


How were the dances of Egypt altered to suit the purposes of the National Folkloric Troupe of Egypt?

  1. All of the Above
  2. Sexually suggestive movements were removed
  3. Group dancing  and Western-style staging were used
  4. Dances were created for places that did not have their own dances
  5. None of the above


Which of the following describe(s) the vision of the founder of the National Folkloric Troupe of Egypt?            

  1. To create an Egyptian folk dance company that would be as present Egyptian dance at a very high professional level
  2. To authentically recreate the technique and style of Egyptian dances on the theater stage
  3. To bring the nightclub art of Raqs Sharqi to the Soviet Union
  4. To show dancers of Raqs Sharqi the proper way to dance                              

Which of the following dancers became famous in the first half of the 20th century? (choose all that apply)

  1. All of the above
  2. Tahia Carioca
  3. Samia Gamal
  4. Naima Akef
  5. None of the above      

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