choose MGt 480 “AirAsia: Flying Low Cost with High Hopes.”
In each assignment you are asked to:
1) identify the most important strategic issues facing the firm as a result of both
internal and external analyses,
2) identify and analyze the best alternative courses of action most relevant to the key
3) recommend a specific course of action from the alternatives, and
4) justify that recommendation as the best given your analysis.
Please note this assignment is not the same as answering the discussion questions, which are provided to help you prepare for class discussion. A guideline for case analysis is appended to this syllabus. Please use frameworks and concepts we have or are discussing as appropriate when doing your analysis. Despite the increasing depth of analysis needed, case analysis can be no longer than two‐pages(single‐sided,single spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, 1” margins throughout). You are welcome to submit four analyses and I’ll keep your three highest grades. Case analyses must be submitted to Blackboard (under “Assignment”“Case analyses”) BEFORE we discuss the case in class. Late submissions will not be accepted.
No. of Pages: 2