Topic: Intercultural Relationship
Essay topic
Analyze the values and/or beliefs of another culture (not your own ).Use the theories regarding cultural patterns (beliefs, values, attitudes) or the specific taxonomies from the text. Since you will base most of your inferences on behavior you have observed (rather than research) I understand that you may feel “presumptuous” or worry that you’ll get it wrong. Although I hope you are correct in your conclusions, I am mostly asking that you be observant and careful in your examples and analysis
Essay topic
How has culture influenced an INTERCULTURAL RELATIONSHIP that you have now, have had in the past, or are familiar with? Or can you analyze an intra-cultural relationship you know that’s not from your own culture? Which course constructs are illustrated in your analysis? You may analyze romantic relationship, but may also choose to observe family dynamics, friendships, or work/school relationships as well. Are these cultural expectations of the relational behaviors and attitudes the same as yours, or are there distinct differences?
No.of Pages: 3