Globalyceum Unit 2 Exam
According to Jackson, what is a current practice of various states that may prove a barrier to voting?
- Preventing anybody who is the child of an immigrant from voting
- Requiring that a naturalized citizen refrain from voting for 10 years
- Requiring voters to show a particular kind of ID at the poll
- Allowing felons to vote once their prison sentences are over
Voter turnout varies with the type of election. From highest to lowest the order in the US would be:
- Primary elections, mid-term elections, presidential elections.
- Presidential elections, mid-term elections, primary elections.
- State elections, mid-term election, presidential elections
- Mid-term elections, primary elections, presidential elections.
Strolovitch’s main argument is
- We have to question whether groups that claim to represent the disadvantaged actually do it.
- Just because an organization has some indication in its name that it represents the marginalized, they sometimes could be doing more harm than good.
- All of these.
- Even though organizations may not be doing a good job of advocating for the marginalized, we should still celebrate the fact that they are making the effort.
Alexis de Tocqueville
- Believed that “faction” could be good.
- Believed that association was the secret of democracy in America.
- Regarded “faction” as a form of association.
- All of these.
In addition to the legislative branch, advocacy groups target the executive and judicial branches.
In democracies around the world, multi-party systems are much more common and one sees small parties that advocate for one issue, one religion, or one demographic group.
More Americans consider themselves “independents” than in the past.
Violence against women would be an issue that affects
- Mostly women of color.
- Lower-class women.
- Immigrant women.
- Women of all classes and races.
A candidate must win how many votes in the Electoral College to become president of the United States?
- 270
- 400
- 150
- All 538 of the votes
An example of an interest group offering a benefit to encourage people to join their organization is
- District attorneys offering reduced sentences for testimony about a crime.
- The American Association of Retire People (AARP) offering travel discounts.
- Hospitals offering charitable care to indigent patients.
- Congressmen providing assistance to constituents.
An example of an organization which claims to represent a large demographic group is
- The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
- The Japanese American Citizen’s Leagues (JACL).
- The National Organization of Women (NOW).
- All of these.
One method that schools use to politically socialize young people is
- Ask students to watch TV news.
- Ask students to read newspapers.
- Ask student to participate in mock elections.
- Tell students who to vote for.
What branch of government is targeted the most by advocacy organizations of the marginalized?
- The courts
- The president
- The Congress
- The state legislatures
Which of the following is NOT a social movement?
- #Black Lives Matter
- The Tea Party
- DREAMers
According to Jackson, what is an important part of passing on political culture from one generation to the next?
- Political socialization
- Political fraternization
- All of these
- Political indoctrination
Red states mean states that usually vote for the Democratic Party, while blue states mean those that are reliable for the Republican Party.
Which state has the most Electoral College votes?
- California
- Florida
- Texas
- New York
According to Jackson, what is a core political value that nearly all Americans accept?
- Democracy
- All of these
- Liberty
- Equality
What is incumbency advantage?
- The incumbent has a very good chance of getting re-elected if he or she runs again.
- The candidate can tap into the federal government to get money to run for re-election.
- The candidate listed at the top of the ballot is more likely to get elected.
- The candidate uses his position to enrich him or herself.
According to Strolovitch, in judging the effectiveness of an advocacy organization which claims to represent the marginalized,what are the guiding questions we should ask?
- What coalitions do they form? Because coalitions are the key to success.
- How active for the intersectionally marginalized are they? Because without that the organization is a failure
- What institutions do they target and what coalitions do they form? Because the political activity is the most important barometer.
- How active for the intersectionally marginalizedn are they, what institutions do they target, and what coalitions do they form?
The “explosion” of national advocacy groups representing people of color, women, and low-income people resulted in
- The founding of over 700 groups.
- None of these.
- Nearly 10,000 groups.
- Actually a pretty small number–only 200 groups.
Polls show that Americans support that core political belief that women should have the same rights as men.
Older voters vote twice as frequently as younger voters.
There are very few sources of news about politics these days.
Which pair is an example of a social movement AND an interest group that work on similar issues.
- #Black Lives Matter and the NAACP
- The Living Wage Movement and The Fight for $15
- NOW and the Women’s Rights Caucus
- The Sierra Club and the Environmental Defense League
What is the basis for the number of electors each state receives in the Electoral College?
- The number of eligible voters in that state.
- The population of that state, based on the most recent census.
- The number of representatives it has in Congress.
- The current population of that state.
The agencies which connect people to government are called “linkage mechanisms.”
“Blue Dog Democrats” are conservative on economic issues and
- Moderate on social issues.
- Conservative on social issues.
- Have no opinion on social issues.
- Moderate on social issues, except for the right to life issues.
When women’s groups wanted to fight pregnancy discrimination in the 1970s,
- They went to Congress.
- They went to the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
- All of these.
- They chose a legislative and an executive strategy.
Which primary model is by far the LEAST used in congressional primaries?
- Closed primaries
- Top-two primaries
- Open primaries
- Hybrid primaries
When is the candidate’s website NOT a good source of information?
- To find an unbiased account of the candidate’s voting history.
- To find out which prominent people and organizations support the candidate.
- To find out more about the candidate’s positions on the issues.
- To find more information about the candidate’s biography.
What was Shay’s Rebellion?
- tax riot in Vermont that occurred in 1770.
- It was an armed resistance to the authority of the State of Massachusetts.
- A walkout of Congress in 1792 over the Indian policy of George Washington.
- A march that occurred in Philadelphia during the Constitutional Convention.
Third parties dominated American politics until the last 50 years when just two parties started to dominate.
Are Americans more likely to vote in presidential elections than other types of elections?
- Yes, consistently American participate in presidential elections over other elections.
- No, Americans like to vote for direct democracy issues rather than indirect democracy representation.
- Only in years when the presidential election is particularly interesting.
- No, because Americans are more interested in local issues.
Because social movements lack access to the reins of power and its resources, it uses other resources that are more readily available to it, such as
- All of these.
- Energy.
- Numbers.
- Commitment.
The American people believe that justices on the US Supreme Court
- Should be elected for life.
- Should be elected and only for a 10-year term.
- None of these.
- Should be appointed for life.
The difference between direct democracy and representative democracy is that in the former the voter votes directly on the issue, while in later the voter votes for a person who will vote for the voter.
What is NOT a tactic that social movements use to accomplish their goals.
- None of these.
- Attend political meetings of politicians and picket.
- Work in the campaign of an incumbent legislator.
- Hold a public march in the streets.
In the United States, political parties are
- None of these
- Are a relatively accidental feature of the American history
- Relatively rare
- Mentioned in the Constitution
Intersectional marginalized people are
- Those who are marginalized in some states or regions but not in others.
- Those who have tried to work within the political process but are forced to “go to the streets” to advocate for their issues.
- Those who have multiple historic disadvantages in the political system, such as women of color.
- Those who do not agree with the Republican or Democratic Parties’ principles.
According to Strolovitch, it is hard to imagine that extreme liberal or conservative parties would gain significant power in the US as they have sometimes done in countries like Germany or France.
James Madison
- Thought that factions would simply turn into political parties and become harmless.
- All of these.
- Believed that political interest groups should be suppressed.
- Said that “liberty is to faction what air is to fire.”
With regard to ideology, Americans
- All of these.
- Tend to stay identified with a political party consistently the rest of their lives.
- Tend to identify with a party by their mid 20s.
- Tend to choose a political affiliation early in life.
How do the two dominant political parties prevent minor parties from emerging?
- By refusing to give successful third party candidates leadership positions in the legislature.
- By poaching popular third party candidates before they begin to help their party.
- By using their vast funds and media resources to disparage minor party candidates.
- By manipulating election rules in debates and public funding to discriminate against the minor parties.
The Founding Founders were preoccupied by the possibilities and dangers presented by
- Organized interests.
- All of these.
- Mass movements.
- Political parties.
Contemporary political observers echo the two views of de Tocqueville and Madison in how they view the role of political groups.
The pluralist view of power in action can be summed up as follows:
- Interest groups compete for political power until one group wins by garnering the most resources.
- Interests compete for political power, resources, and money, but no one dominates the playing field.
- Interests compete for political power until one group dominates the playing field.
- None of these.
Why is the US Census the most accurate survey of the American people?
- Because it uses the same, full-proof questions every ten years.
- Because is has the highest level of sampling–in the tens of thousands.
- Because it surveys every American citizen.
- Because is has the best statisticians.
De Tocqueville saw political groups as a “necessary evil” in American democracy.
Pluralists in the 19th century believed that
- Interest groups would always pursue their own political interests vigorously.
- All of these.
- Interest groups would always form
- No single interest would win or lose all of the time.
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