Exam 3 Soc 202
(15 & lecture) Which one of the following doesn’t belong to socialization studies?
- values
- norms
- socialization agencies
- human instincts
(chapter 15 & lecture) In the chapter the significant value includes,
- working class children are taught to be neat or clean
- working class children are taught to be curious
- middle class children are taught to be obedient
- upper class children are encouraged to be happy
(chapter 25 & lecture) Control theories assume that delinquent acts result from
- individual’s low class
- individual’s bond to society is weak or broken
- the degree of economic development in a society
- All of the above
(lecture) According to the Functionalist perspective
- those who have more power should be respected
- power and prestige have less significance than money
- those who invest more of their time, energy, and money should be rewarded higher
- occupations can change our personalities
(lecture) In abnormal socialization process, the cases include_____
- the acculturation process
- the conceptualization process
- animal children and the individual who was left in the remote island.
- All of the above
The chapter and lecture notes indicated the high delinquency rates among minority youth are largely the results that
- elite ruling class caused social inequality
- prejudice and discrimination caused social inequality
- minorities’ weak family socialization process caused their emotional and behavioral problems
- they don’t have educational opportunity at all in the US
(lecture) Socialization is a process that individuals must
- receive high educations
- internalize the social norms and pass down them from one generation to the next through language and learning
- act abnormal occasionally
- none of the above
(lecture) The Functionalist perspective emphasizes that stratification serves to ensure that
- all groups get along with one another
- life’s difficulties are lessened for the disadvantaged
- the most talented and well-educated individuals fill a society’s desirable positions
- those in need will be helped by the most fortunate ones
(lectures) In social research, the questionnaire survey result is considered
- a quantitative data
- a qualitative data
- a contextual data
- an in-depth interviewing data
A ‘panel study’ is considered a cross sectional study which cannot explain a causal relationship among variables.
A convenience sample collected by a researcher is
- a non-random sample
- a probability sample
- a follow up study
- a cohort study
In LA County Jail, the gang members took letter B out of words
A null hypothesis is the one that researchers want to accept.
A questionnaire survey usually shows a high degree of validity.
A random sample is also a probability sample that represents most characteristics of the study population.
Blue eye and brown eye video used social survey in the classroom by teacher.
A snowball sampling is a non-random sample and it begins with one or a few cases and spreads out of the initial cases.
- True
Chapter 15 used questionnaire surveys in both France and US.
- False
By studying socialization, one recognizes that there are at least
- 4 socialization agencies
- 6 socialization agencies
- 7 socialization agencies
- 8 socialization agencies
By way of the data presented, Hirschi finds that social class and delinquency are ________
- positively related
- negatively related
- unclear
- weakly or not related
Chapter 15 indicates that in social science researchers often measure
- co-workers’ religion preference
- economic development stages
- individual class positions
- All of the above
Chapter 25 reflected Durkheim’s theory that quantity and quality of individual networks have nothing to do with societies’ economic development.
Control theory and juvenile delinquency show that
- the higher the social economic class, the lower the crime rates
- the lower the social economic status, the higher the crime rates
- the more virtual supervision provided by mothers, the less juvenile delinquent acts of children
- A and B only
Hypotheses tests are often associated with quantitative studies.
In Eyes on the Prize, a city called Money had a bus workers’ strike
In ‘Control Theory and Juvenile Delinquency’, if some students failed to complete the questionnaires,
- they could be arrested
- they attended follow-up sessions during regular class period
- the researchers talked to their parents
- all of the above
In ‘obedience to authority’,
- a table of respondents’ occupation by age is summarized
- a table of verbal designation and voltage indication is included
- a table of how to think about oneself and society is included
- A and B only
In ‘obedience to authority’,
- a survey regarding the degree of obedience is conducted
- a field research at Yale is conducted
- an experimental design of a subject to administered ‘electric shocks’ to a victim is included
- a probability sample is included
In ‘social class and parental values’,
- the author used three separate samples in two countries
- the ‘class’ variable includes five categories
- occupation and education were used to measure class status
- all of the above
In ‘social class and parental values’,
- longitudinal data is collected among both children and parents
- surveys were conducted in both the U.S. and Italy
- cross-sectional data about parental values are collected
- B and C only
In chapter 15,
- parents’ incomes are measured to represent the class variable
- social mobility is measured
- items regarding social values are ranked by parents
- all of the above
In chapter 21, both respondents’ occupation and income are measured.
In chapter 25 the data are collected
- from general social surveys
- from observational field research
- from school records, questionnaires, and police records
- all of the above
In chapter 25, the author pointed out that
- individuals’ race and ethnicity relate to delinquent acts
- individuals are moral beings to the extent that we have ‘internalized the norms’ of society
- poor individuals have low occupational mobility
- all of the above
In general, social structure reinforces individual behaviors.
In lecture and chapters, the socialization process indicates that individuals should have
- strong relations with their parents or intimate caregivers
- strong tie with those who have dated with them.
C strong egos
- all of the above
In lecture, the “probability sample” means
- there is a high degree of validity in the sample
- the reliability is low in the sample
- the independent variables are very critical
- the random selected sample
In lecture, the surveys usually have a
- higher degree of validity
- higher degree of probability
- higher degree of reliability
- all of the above
In lecture, validity refers to
- getting similar results when conducting research
- getting different results when conducting research
- how well the concepts reflect the true social world
- all of the above
In social research, a study population means
- the entire study subject
- the subgroup of the study subject
- a cross sectional study
- a longitudinal study
Middle class parents emphasized more on their children’s
- happiness
- money savings
- self-control
- A and C only
Probability sampling technique indicates that a few units in a population have specifiable or equal chances of being selected.
Qualitative data refers to descriptive, observational, conversational or ethnographic data collection.
Quantitative data can best be collected through individual memories and their own stories.
Social control theory contends that when individuals experience financial pressures, they would definitely commit to deviant or criminal actions.
The cohort study usually takes longer time than panel study.
Positivism science uses empirical data to examine the world.
Understanding the nature of the ties between social class and parent-child relation is part of understanding
- the role models
- the sanctions that occur during interaction
- the agencies of socialization
- the effects of social structure upon parents’ values
When conducting social experiment, the respondents are supposed to know the research purpose so that they would be more relaxed.
Working class parents do not pay too much attention to
- internal values of their children
- external values of their children
- social norms
- class consciousness
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