Exam 1 Soc 305
A hierarchy that assigns group members to have less or more of what a society has, is called a system of
- education
- occupation
- cultural system
- social stratification
A hypothesis is a verified statement about testing social variables’ relationship.
- True
- False
According to book chapter and lecture, “culture” is the same as “personality”.
- True
- False
According to chapter 1,
- animals do not have any culture at all
- human cultures ensure a great diversity in life
- the mental and psychiatry variables are not important in personality studies
- none of the above
According to chapter, all cultures have same meanings in terms of “happy”, and “productive”.
- True
- False
According to Freud’s conflict model
- human selfish instincts come into conflict with taboos of a society
- minority members interact with one another
- the sacrifices of self is the beginning of personality
- a and c
According to fulfillment model,
- there are two forces located in individuals and conflict is necessary
- there is a need for approval of others and self
- one has to meet the expectations of others and his/her society
- b and c only
According to functionalist theory
- the rich should be punished
- the top talented individuals are rare in a society and they should be rewarded higher than others
- the poor should be disregarded
- all of the above
According to introduction lecture, Human first learned
- to stand up and create simple tools
- to use fire to cook raw meat
- to create speaking and symbolic languages
- all of the above
According to methods notes,
- a cohort study is a cross sectional study
- a cross sectional study is better than a longitudinal study
- a panel study follows the exact individuals in the surveys
- all of the above
According to methods notes,
- the independent variables can include gender
- the dependent variables cannot use race and age
- the independent variables are the effect
- both a and b
According to methods, when doing survey research,
- quantitative data are collected through questionnaires
- ethnographic interviews are used
- researchers use content analyses
- researchers use observations and conversations in fields
According to the Consistency model
- the content of personality is largely learned
- a person also tries to control anxiety-modification of events
- a person needs to be approved by others
- both A and B
According to the Functionalist theory’s own arguments
- both carpenters and doctors jobs should be equally important
- power and prestige have much less significance than money
- if one invests more time, energy and money, one should be rewarded higher with money, prestige and power
- class struggles are necessary in a society
Dr. Mead argued that individuals in a modern society use ______ to conduct daily interactions
- personality
- speaking, symbolic, and written languages
- class consciousness
- all of the above
England started the capitalist society first because of the
- invention of the steam machine
- process of “sheep ate humans”
- profit made from the sheep industry
- both B and C
Factors that influence culture include
- ecological
- social
- biological
- all of the above
Freud argued that early childhood socialization is
- related to a society’s authority ranking
- very important in shaping individuals’ personality
- related to one’s religion
- related to one’s community
Functionalist theory stated that
- skills are greatly influenced by genetic inheritance
- inequality is not affected by greed
- a society is like a functional body with some occupations are more important than others
- all of the above
Human development history went through
- only 2 stages
- only 3 stages
- at least 4 stages
- None of the above
In book chapter, Etics refer to those psychological processes that are different across cultures.
- True
- False
according to the chapter,
- culture is a adaptation process that produces behaviors, thinking, and ways of being.
- sexual orientation is not part of culture
- race is also culture
- all of the above
In chapter 2, the most common dimension of culture operationalized on individual level is
- social integration and isolation
- social structure and social behaviors
- individualism and collectivism
- all of the above
In Yanomamo video, there is no inter-tribe marriage
- False
- true
In lecture, humans first experienced low birth and low death stage
- True
- False
In chapter, it is said that there are no differences in how parents structure the home environment for children
- True
- False
According to Dr. Mead 1 to 6 year old is the most important stage for socialization.
- True
- False
Door to door or face to face survey is more expensive than telephone survey.
- True
- False
In lecture, a random sample means all individuals in the sample has an equal chance to be selected.
- True
- False
In lecture, an independent variable is the effect of a dependent variable.
- True
- False
In lecture, cross sectional data are more complex and costly than longitudinal data.
- True
- False
In lecture, personality
- is the most important outcome of socialization
- is the fairly stable patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions
- is biologically determined only
- both A and B
In lecture, there are five socialization agencies for children.
- True
- False
Darwin’s evolution theory includes natural selection and genetic inheritance two basic principles
- True
- False
In methods, Field study has a high degree of reliability.
- True
- False
In book, enculturation is unrelated at all to socialization.
- True
- False
According to notes and book, personality includes only two components: cognition and emotion.
- True
- False
In the video, Yanomamos do mention those persons’ names after their death.
- True
- False
According to notes and chapter, “values” are guiding principles for behaviors and most desirable goals in a society
- True
- False
According to lecture, the animal adopted children can finally become normal
- True
- False
In chapter 2 when doing culture and personality research
- the response bias can be involved
- the measurement bias can be involved
- the sampling bias can be involved
- all of the above
The intermediate variable in Marxist Conflict theory is
- social class
- class consciousness
- class struggle
- all of the above
Personality refers to the unique constellation of traits, attributes, qualities, and individual characteristics.
- True
- False
Qualitative data are usually collected through field observations/conversations and ethnographic interviews.
- True
- False
According to lecture and notes, usually a culture cannot be changed dramatically.
- True
- False
children who were adopted by animals
- learned correct eye to eye contacts with humans after being rescued
- usually cannot become normal because they lost most important socialization stage
- would learn speech fast after being taken back to human societies
- would be able to grow up as normal persons later
In lecture, the core U.S. values include competition, materialism, hard working, individualism, egoism etc.
- True
- False
The homeless person James Robertson
- did have early childhood socialization
- lost two children in a fire explosion in 1957
- lived in LA streets for at least 16 years
- all of the above
One cannot apply self-administered questionnaire surveys to primitive societies
- because primitive societies’ people are very selfish
- because those societies usually include group marriages
- because many of those societies don’t have written languages.
- all of the above
Hong Kong ranked top number 1 for the IQ scores
- True
- False
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