Discussion Forum Topic Week 2
The discussion forum topic is an assignment to be submitted for a grade. This is the second of ten discussion forum topics to be submitted during the semester. This is a two part assignment. Part 1 is to submit a response worth up to 4 points, and Part 2 is to reply to at least two of your classmates’ responses worth up to 1 point, for a total of up to 5 points for the assignment. Read the directions carefully and read the grading rubric, then compose your response and submit your response by clicking Reply.
Part 1:
You have learned about theoretical perspectives in which to view life span psychology. Now it is time to discuss the theoretical perspectives. Which theoretical perspective seems like the one that is best suited to explain development across the human life span, from birth to old age?
- Choose which theoretical perspective seems to be the best one to use to study human lifespan development?
- Explain why you think that particular theoretical perspective is the best one to study human lifespan development.
- Describe one drawback, or limitation, that you perceive about the theoretical perspective that you chose.
- Write one question that you would ask the pioneer of that perspective, if you could have a conversation with the pioneer of that theoretical perspective.
- Reply to two classmate’s responses.
Sample of Good Work:
For example, if you thought that the cognitive social learning theory was the best theoretical perspective used to study human development, you might say that this theory was the best, because people learn from watching others and copying what other people do. That you see this on a daily basis. That the research presented in the book seemed to provide compelling evidence that this was the best theoretical perspective in which to study human development. You could also say that one drawback, or limitation of this theoretical perspective, but it does not account for an individual’s personality that influences behavior. One question you might have for the pioneer of this theoretical perspective could be: Is it possible for social cognitive learning to occur between two people, if they live across the country and have never met each other in person and therefore had not had an opportunity to physically see each other in person, in order to be influenced by one another’s behavior?
The purpose of the discussion forum topic is to apply the course material to the real world and to your own life by giving examples that are meaningful to you. This is due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. Please see the Grading Rubric for Discussion Forum Topic.
This discussion forum topic ties into Student Learning Outcome (SLO) 1:
Student Learning Outcomes 1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical constructs among the 4 main areas of human development (Physical, Cognitive, Social, and Emotional) throughout the lifespan.
This discussion forum topic ties into Course Objective 1.
Course Objective 1. Discuss the classical theoretical approaches to understanding human development across the lifespan.
This discussion forum topic ties into Learning Objective 1.
Learning Objective 1. Discuss the theoretical perspectives used to study life span development.
Part 2:
After submitting a response to the discussion forum topic, view your classmates’ responses and reply to at least two classmates’ response by asking a question, answering a question, offering a suggestion, giving praise, agreeing, politely disagreeing, providing encouragement, sharing a story, or offering a comment. This is due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. Please see the Grading Rubric for the Discussion Forum Topic.