Chapter 2 Quiz - Psych 041
_____________ theories offer a coherent set of ideas related to how humans develop, how we change over time, and what factors in influence us across the lifespan.
- Developmental
- Cognitive
- Psychological
- Biological
Drives and urges are relatively quiet during this stage, according to Freud.
- the oral stage
- the genital stage
- the anal stage
- the latent stage
According to Freud, this part of our self is reasonable and practical:
- Consciousness
- Ego
- Id
- Superego
This theorist emphasized the potential a child has to learn if given guidance.
- Pavlov
- Piaget
- Freud
- Vygotsky
The ecological-systems perspective of human develop emphasizes
- the relationship between the individual and the environment including social systems such as family, community and school.
- the comparison of social systems in cultures with various types of subsistence patterns with and emphasis on hunter-gatherers and herding societies.
- the importance of the physical environment, including pollutants, in affecting development.
- the extent to which a person acts according to the “pleasure principle” or the “reality principle.”
This stage is experienced in early adulthood, according to Erikson.
- trust vs. mistrust
- industry vs. inferiority
- identity vs. role confusion
- intimacy vs. isolation
According to Erikson, a three month old is in which psychosocial stage?
- autonomy vs. shame and doubt
- caring vs. doing
- integrity vs. despair
- trust vs. mistrust
A dog learns to sit in order to get a treat. This best illustrates:
- classical conditioning
- trial and error learning
- social learning theory
- operant conditioning
When a child learns a behavior from watching a model do the same behavior, it is called:
- Classical conditioning
- Influence
- Reinforcement
- Social learning
A dog is shocked at the time a bell rings. Eventually, the dog begins to jump in fear at the sound of a bell. What is the unconditioned response? (Hint: the unconditioned response is a response to a stimulus that unlearned and instinctual)
- The sound of the bell
- The administration of the shock
- Jumping to the shock
- The jumping when a bell is sounded
_____________ was one of the first theorists to recognize that children think differently than adults.
- Freud
- Bandura
- Piaget
- Vgotsky
According to Piaget, pre-school age children children learn to understand the world through _______________.
- adults
- symbols
- sensorimotor exploration
- neuronal growth
Cognitive theories aim to help us understand _____________ in lifespan development.
- Mental processes
- Genetics
- Social learning
- Behaviors
According to Piaget, children create mental frameworks called ________ to understand the world.
- schema
- scaffolding
- experiences
- models
Which of the following is not a defense mechanism?
- Denial
- Sublimation
- Assimilation
- Repression
The following is an example of negative reinforcement:
- giving a child a gold star for good behavior
- instituting a curfew for being late
- taking away one’s license for speeding
- taking pain medication for a headache
_________________ occurs when a child learn something new about the world and makes space for this new schema in their mind.
- Assimilation
- Reinforcement
- Sublimation
- Accommodation
One of the major criticisms of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is about the lack of emphasis the role of ___________ has in this process.
- Culture
- Biology
- Gender
- Conditioning
An example of a macrosystem, according to Bronfenbrenner, is:
- School
- War
- Religious Teachings
- A child’s daily routine
Who is one of the most controversial theorists in lifespan psychology, according to the text?
- Piaget
- Freud
- Bronfenbrenner
- Erikson
Psyc 041 – Lifespan Psychology
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