Chapter 15 Test - Geog 321
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According to the video, what is one of the two types of the oldest trees found in California?
- Sycamore trees
- Cedar trees
- Pine trees
- Redwood trees
- Birch trees
What 1969 disaster in Southern California prompted the organization of the first Earth Day in 1970?
- The 100th death in Los Angeles due to air pollution.
- A trash dump catching fire.
- A massive river fish kill.
- An off-shore oil spill.
What is the largest interior city in California?
- Pasadena
- Lancaster
- San Diego
- Sacramento
- San Dimas
According to the lecture, all of the following statements are true regarding California EXCEPT:
- Three of the most powerful earthquakes ever in the U.S. occurred along California’s Central Coast
- The San Andreas Fault ends in San Francisco Bay
- Ground-shaking hazards from earthquakes extend all the way up to northern Washington
- An earthquake belt exists from Los Angeles southeast through the Imperial Valley
- There really was a major earthquake in Missouri
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According to the video, because of the ocean temperatures off the California coast, the sea life is most similar to?
- Sea life found near Puerto Vallarta
- The Indian Ocean
- The Bahamas sea life
- A Mediterranean environment
- An Arctic environment
A Mediterranean climate, many endemic species, and many fault lines are associated with the physical geography of what region?
- The Pacific Northwest.
- The Intermontane.
- The Coastal South.
- The California region.
In the Southern California conurbation most non-Anglo ethnic groups live in what area?
- Non-Anglo ethnic groups live in suburban areas AND away from the coast
- In suburban areas
- Away from the coast
- Near the center of Los Angeles
- Near the coast
According to the lecture, which of the following statements about California is INCORRECT?
- Hot winds blowing toward coast are known as Santa Ana winds
- California’s original Native-American population consisted of large tribes with little cultural variation among tribes
- Nearly 10% of all North American Native Americans before European contact lived in California
- One of the great advantages of California is its climate
- The first Spanish exploration of California occurred around the mid-1500s
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and fighting in the South Pacific led to the establishment of what industry in California?
- The Entertainment Industry
- The Defense Industry
- The Forestry Industry
- The Petroleum Industry
What two European groups, beside the Spanish, sent explorer to California coast?
- The Dutch and the Swedish
- The Germans and the Prussians
- The French and the Portuguese
- The British and the Russians
According to the lecture, which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding California?
- Land-use competition is a one of the major issues facing California farms
- California accounts for more than 55% of all the irrigated water usage in the U.S.
- California has more irrigated land than any other state in the U.S.
- The largest increase in the number of farms would appear to be in the area immediately north of San Francisco
- The largest decrease in the number of farms appears to be in areas around San Diego
In 1900, which was the city with a larger population, San Francisco or Los Angeles?
- Los Angeles wasn’t founded until after 1900
- Both cities had about the same population
- San Francisco had a larger population
- Los Angeles had a larger population
The City of San Francisco grew to become the largest city on the West Coast after what?
- The discovery of gold in California
- The turn of the 20th century
- The bombing of Pearl Harbor
- The United States entered WWI
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According to the webpage, the robots couldn’t duplicate human judgment and dexterity when picking what crop?
- Asparagus
- Artichokes
- Blackberries
- Nectarines
- Bananas
Looking at the map (15.6), what local water project takes water from the Colorado River?
- The Los Angeles Aqueduct.
- The All American Canal.
- The Colorado Aqueduct.
- The Coachella Canal.
Chaparral thrives in?
- Areas with winter rainfall
- Very wet climates with cool temps
- Foggy areas
- Desert conditions
- Moist soil
The primary direction of movement along the San Andreas Fault is what?
- Vertical
- Oblique
- Normal
- Horizontal
Which of following best describes the major industries of Sacramento, California?
- Aerospace, farm machinery, food processing, and government
- Dairy, agriculture, government, and tourism
- Government, agriculture, food processing, and aerospace
- Tourism, government, farm machinery, and dairy
One of the weaknesses of California’s massive agricultural economy is what?
- The amount of farms starting to become unusable for agriculture because of the overuse of pesticides.
- Its reliance on underpaid migrant labor from Latin America.
- Too much farmland has been used for industrial farming and cannot be used for organic farms.
- The extinction of native species, due to loss of habitat, has resulted in certain plant eating insects and animals no longer having natural predators.
Divisions between northern California and southern California are exacerbated by conflict over what resource?
- Water
- Gold
- Oil
- Money
The concentration of high-technology firms in Silicon Valley is primarily related to what factor?
- The region was ideally located to attract and retain a highly educated workforce
- The fame of the Los Alamos labs.
- The power grid for California was centered around the Silicon Valley.
- The Silicon Valley was protected by massive shore defenses after WWII.
Why does the text say there is a greater density and cultural diversity of Native Americans living in California, than in the rest of North America, prior to European contact?
- Past periods of disease forced isolation between many groups that led to cultural uniqueness.
- The mild climate and rich diversity of resources.
- The flat terrain and lack of wetlands in the Central Valley drew many Native American immigrants from the surrounding Aztec, Mayan, Great Basin and Puget Sound tribes.
- A greater number of tribal conflicts caused groups to split and become isolated.
According to the text, the name California comes from what?
- The name comes from the Native American Wiyot word for “Golden Land.
- The name comes from a mythical land in Spanish romance novel “Las Sergas de Esplandián” or “The Adventures of Esplandián”.
- The name comes from a knight the 11th century Old French Poem, the “La Chanson de Roland” or “The Song of Roland”.
- A tribute to the Infante de Isla California who funded many of the Christian missions.
The predominantly African American suburbs of Inglewood and Baldwin Park near Los Angeles are examples of what?
- Ethnoburbs
- Microdistrict
- Penurbia
- Boomburb
According to the lecture, which of the following is INCORRECT?
- In California’s Central Valley, the rainfall is on the windward (western) side of the Sierra mountains
- California’s Central Valley is generally wetter than the coastal areas
- The marine west coast climate includes mild temperatures with relatively little variation
- California’s Central Valley experiences warmer summer temperatures than the coastal regions
- The climate north of San Francisco includes year-round precipitation
Which of these is NOT an issue affecting Southern California?
- Smog
- Not enough farming
- Pollution
- Water shortages
- Rapid in-migration
The Spanish Mission system had two main purposes, to convert the native population to Catholicism and to what?
- As a trading post between native tribes and Spanish merchants.
- To catalog native tribes and their languages.
- As a place for natives to go when they are sick or injured.
- To use natives as slave labor in agriculture.
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According to the webpage, which of these activities is NOT supported by the watershed?
- Deep water shipping channels
- Water for railroad corridors
- Drinking water
- Water for amusement parks
- Irrigation for agriculture
Mediterranean climates are prevalent in which part of North America?
- Along the west coast in what is today known as the state of California.
- In parts of coastal Oregon where maritime air dominates in both summer and winter months.
- On the lower slopes of low lying mountain ranges in the Atlantic Periphery region.
- In parts of the Coast Ranges where the normal lapse rate is dominant.
Which of the following is the water-control project that takes water from the Owens Valley and sends it to Los Angeles?
- The Central Valley Project.
B The Hetch Hetchy Project.
- The Los Angeles Water Project.
- The California Aqueduct.
Which of the following agricultural crops is grown in California, but nowhere else in the United States?
- Tomatoes and cotton
- Strawberries and plums
- Dates and figs
- Lettuce and almonds
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According to the webpage, water flows downstream to the Pacific Ocean via?
- The Sacramento River
- The Golden Gate Strait
- Alcatraz Island
- The Salton Sea
- The Panama Canal
According to Figure 15.6, the Coachella Canal is considered a ________?
- River
- Federal project
- State project
- Local project
- Superfund site
Which term (originally applied to the Los Angeles areA. is used by geographers to define and discuss an ethnic enclave located outside the city’s downtown?
- A barrio
- An ethnoburb
- An exurb
- Multiple nuclei
According to the lecture, which of the following is INCORRECT regarding development projects in California?
- The development of the California Aqueduct was partially influenced by the fact that precipitation is heaviest in Northern California while water usage is greatest in Southern California
- The primary water source of the original Los Angeles Aqueduct was Lake Tahoe
- The source of the Colorado River Aqueduct completed in 1939 was Parker Dam
- The California Aqueduct runs from the Delta-Mendota Canal to the Western San Joaquin Valley and various Southern coastal urban centers
- The Metropolitan Water District was set up in 1928 to serve Los Angeles and 10 other cities
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