Chapter 12 and 13 Test Geog 321
For question #34 go here:
According to the webpage, the Mormons lived in which of these states before their departure to Utah?
- Oregon
- Minnesota
- Georgia
- California
- Illinois
According to the Colorado Plateau video, how was the Plateau formed?
- folding when two tectonic plates collided
- Glaciation during the last Ice Age
- Earthquake
- Through a series of volcanic eruptions
- massive uplift from faulting
The population of what ethnic group has seen significant population growth in the Rocky Mountain region in recent decades?
- Latino
- African-American
- Chinese
- Basque
How did most Basque settlers to the Intermontane West make a living?
- Mercantilism
- Mining
- Ranching
- Growing crops
What natural hazard, often occurring in the spring and summer in the Rocky Mountain Region, is known to cause property damage and even deaths?
- Lightning
- Avalanches
- Flash flooding
- Forest fires
According to the video which of these is an indicator of what is beneath Yellowstone?
- Mud pots
- Geysers
- Acid vapor
- All of these answer choices are correct
- Steam vents
The most important factor influencing vegetation patterns in the Rocky Mountain Region is what?
- Animal habitation
- The distribution of precipitation
- Differences in elevation
- Planting patterns of indigenous groups
for this question go here:
According to the video, what is beneath Yellowstone?
- An underground lake
- Tar pits
- The remains of a meteorite
- A massive limestone cave
- One of the world’s largest volcanoes
Which of the following best describes the fumaroles that exist in Yellowstone National Park?
- Lava deposits that are constantly heated from superheated gases in the ground below.
- Lakes that are heated by underground pyroclastic flows.
- Hot springs so hot that they create steam and vent sulfuric acid
- Smoke from lava pits below ground that vent to the surface through cracks.
Which of these landforms characterize the Intermontane region?
- All of these answer choices are correct
- Canyons
- Flat-top Mesas
- Fault-block Mountains
- Arroyos
On average, which of the following is the driest state in the United States?
- Montana
- Nevada
- Utah
- Arizona
Which cities is still a major research site for atomic energy and other forms of energy?
- Ogden
- Boise
- Las Vegas
- Los Alamos
- Salt Lake City
In the Ferrari video, they describe driving on the Bonneville Salt Flats as similar to
- trying to run on marbles
- a snowboarder
- an air hockey puck
- going down a water slide on roller skates
- an ice skater
According to this video, what river does the Hoover Dam utilize? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- The Missouri River
- The Yukon River
- The Mississippi River
- The Colorado River
- The Columbia River
Why is the climate of the Rocky Mountains relatively warm?
- Warm air travels north from the Gulf of Mexico.
- Warm air travels east from the Pacific Ocean.
- The coldest air from Canada flows only to either side
- The low pressure above the mountains draws warm air from all sides.
According to the video, construction on the Hoover Dam started in what year? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- 1945
- 1981
- 1920
D 1931
- 1960
Telecommuting, scenic amenities, and universities are all factors related the growth of what economic sector in the Rocky Mountain region?
- Primary
- Quaternary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
Which of these states is the leading coal-producer in the United States?
- Montana
- Nevada
- Wisconsin
- Colorado
- Wyoming
Driving through eastern Washington you notice many areas of exposed rock, deep river canyons, and huge boulders scattered across the landscape. Then you remember these are all impacts left on the landscape of what?
- Volcanic activity
- Glacial scouring
- The Missoula Flood
- Block faulting
What was the response of Chief Joseph, leader of the Nez Perce, when the U.S. government wanted the Nez Perce to move reservation?
- Chief Joseph hid in the Rockies engaging in active war with the U.S. government.
- Chief Joseph wanted peace with the white settlers and so encouraged his people to move to the reservation
- Chief Joseph merged the Nez Pierce with the Blackfeet tribe defying the U.S. government order.
- Chief Joseph and his people tried to escape the U.S. cavalry by fleeing to Canada
The formation of the Rocky Mountains began about 200 million years ago with the collision of the North American Plate and that other plate?
- The Juan de Fuca Plate
- The South American Plate
- The Caribbean Plate
- The Pacific Plate
Which Rocky Mountain city is host to one of the largest rodeos in North America?
- Helena
- Calgary
- Denver
- Butte
The Intermontane region includes some of the driest places in the United States. What is the primary cause of these low rates of precipitation?
- The region is located to the west of the Rocky Mountains
- The region is affected by cold, dry northern air from Canada
- The lack of groundwater in the area keeps humidity low
- The region is located on the leeward (eastern) side of a series of mountain ranges
Before the northern part of the Rocky Mountain Region was part of Canada, the territory was controlled by who?
- The Hudson’s Bay Company
- The Northern Rockies Company
- France
- Russia
The first miners and ranchers in the Intermontane West were of what background?
- Mormon
- Native American
- Spanish
- Basque
Because of its pattern of discontinuous settlement, most of the population of the Intermontane West lives where?
- Population is evenly mixed between rural and urban areas
- In small towns and cities centered around mining, logging, and ranching
- In rural areas because most people are still involved in mining, ranching, and logging
- In large cities such as Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, and Boise
Which of the following is the driest place in the United States, getting an average of only 3 inches of precipitation per year?
- Death Valley
- The Cadillac Desert
- Frasier Valley
- The Sonoran Desert
Which of the following locations is associated with the development of the atomic bomb during WWII?
- Area 51
- Los Angeles
- Los Alamos
- Las Vegas
Hell’s Canyon, a narrow, steep-sided valley, on the Idaho- Oregon border is an example of a valley formed by what?
- Flowing water
- Tectonic activity
- Volcanic activity
- Glaciation
Conflict over what resource has been common in the Intermontane since the days of early settlement?
- Gold
- Land
- Oil
- Water
The city of Butte, Montana has been designated a U.S. National Historic Landmark because of the area’s historic connection with what industry?
- Farming
- Ranching
- Logging
- Mining
According to Figure 12.4, what is the name of the vegetation zone in the lowest elevation?
- Alpine
- Spruce Fir Forest
- Subalpine meadows
- Aspen Village
- Shrub-steppe communities
The discovery of what resource near Butte, Montana caused a huge boom in the region in the 1880s and 1890s?
- Coal
- Precious metals
- Oil
- Uranium
In towns like Butte and Helena, growth in what industry has made up for loss in mining jobs?
- Banking
- Logging
- Government research
- Historic tourism
According to the Colorado Plateau video, what is the age of the sandstone stock found on the Plateau?
- 200 million years ago
- 320 million years ago
- 270 million years ago
- 500 million years ago
- one billion years ago
Historically, the settlement pattern of Intermontane West was low population densities that were centered around areas suited for farming or mining. Another way to say this is what?
- It was a land of patchy population.
- It was a land of discontinuous settlement.
C It was a land of irregular population.
- It was a land of uneven settlement
According to the lecture, which of the following is INCORRECT regarding irrigation in the region?
- The Grand Coulee Dam is on the Columbia River
- Irrigation from Arizona’s Salt River enables the region to grow winter lettuce
- The Columbia River irrigation water has made Washington a major producer of pears
- California’s Imperial Valley has become a major agricultural center due to its 300 frost-free days
- Irrigation supplied by the Snake River is partly responsible for Idaho’s potato crop
Which city, that has experienced population growth due to the high technology sector in recent decades, is also the largest U.S. city in the Rocky Mountain region?
- Butte
- Calgary
- Helena
- Denver
What was the first (and most important) city founded by the Mormons?
- Salt Lake City
- Sun Valley
- Sedona
- Provo
What mountain building event, which occurred about 35-55 million years ago, created the front ranges and foothills of the Rocky Mountains?
- The Silurian Orogeny
- The Gondwana Orogeny
- The Laramide Orogeny
- The Columbia Orogeny
For question #35 go here:
According to the webpage, what president removed Brigham Young as the governor of Utah?
- Thomas Jefferson
- Abraham Lincoln
- Woodrow Wilson
- James Buchanan
- Millard Fillmore
In the Intermontane region, western is to windward as eastern is to what?
- Stillward
- Leeward
- Anti-windward
- Shielded
According to the Columbia Plateau video, the Plateau is in what state?
- Oregon
- California
- Nevada
- Washington
The ________ part of the Rockies receives the most precipitation.
- Western
- Southern
- Eastern
- Northern
Most Native American settlements in the Intermontane were located near what?
- Rivers
- Rocky areas
- Mountains
- Forests
The largest city in the Intermontane Region is ________.
- Salt Lake City
- Las Vegas
- Boise
- Provo
What technology, new in the late 19th century, increased the demand for copper worldwide?
- Cartridge style bullets
- Electricity
- Lead-free plumbing
- The automobile
Looking at the map (Figure 13.13), which Western state has the most Uranium deposits?
- Wyoming
- Nevada
- Arizona
- Colorado
Another name for steep-sided dry canyons found in eastern Washington is what?
- Coulees
- Box Canyons
- Perennial Canyons
- Gulches
Why is ranching more common in the Rocky Mountain region than agriculture?
- Ranching is not more common in the Rocky Mountains than agriculture.
- Cattle and sheep were more profitable than agriculture.
- Cattle and sheep can graze in areas with marginal soils and little water.
- The long period of snowfall would affect animals less than plants.
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