Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles Valley College » Political Science » Political Science 001 – The Government of the United States » Fall 2021 » Midterm Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A all network news reports be balanced and fair-minded or they would be labeled editorials.
B all regulated newspapers establish a section of the editorial page for letters from readers.
C all broadcasters provide candidates for the same political office with equal opportunities to communicate their messages to the public.
D broadcasters who aired controversial issues provide time for opposing viewpoints.
Question #2
A 40
B 55
C 75
D 25
Question #3
A tendency that people have to seek out news sources that confirm their prior beliefs about politics.
B process of preparing the public to bring specific criteria to mind when evaluating a politician or issue.
C fact that many important news stories go uncovered by the mainstream media.
D bias that news organizations show toward covering dramatic and entertaining stories.
Question #4
A advertising.
B subscriptions.
C charitable donations.
D government grants.
Question #5
A adversarial journalism.
B nonprofit journalism.
C yellow journalism.
D fake news.
Question #6
A sell subscriptions to members of the public.
B make their content available to the public at no cost.
C receive funding from the public through license fees, subsidies, or tax dollars.
D report extensively on government officials and political issues.
Question #7
A the New York Times
B the National Broadcasting Network (NBC)
C the American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
D National Public Radio (NPR)
Question #8
A a leak by a minor Defense Department staffer.
B President Nixon’s repudiation of the Johnson administration’s strategy in Vietnam.
C a Freedom of Information Act request by the American Civil Liberties Union.
D investigations led by Washington Post reporters in 1972.
Question #9
A television
B newspapers
C radio
D the internet
Question #10
A Lemon
B strict scrutiny
C speech plus
D clear and present danger
Question #11
A led Congress to pass a new law giving workers expanded rights to sue in cases where they learn of discriminatory treatment well after it has started.
B ruled that state-sponsored schools must be open to both men and women.
C overturned significant portions of the Violence Against Women Act.
D struck down Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act as unconstitutional.
Question #12
A Twenty-five; 25
B Zero; 50
C Nineteen; 31
D Thirty-one; 19
Question #13
A distributing leaflets while chanting slogans at a protest demonstration
B posting a comment to a social media website
C writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper
D reading a poem out loud in the middle of a public park
Question #14
A United States v. Williams
B Miller v. California
C District of Columbia v. Heller
D Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union
Question #15
A journalists are held to a higher standard of libel than ordinary citizens.
B the press has no constitutional right to withhold information in court.
C journalists can be punished for reporting inaccurate information on political stories.
D prior restraint is permitted in cases that involve national security.
Question #16
A organic.
B de jure.
C libertarian.
D de facto.
Question #17
A indexing.
B means testing.
C preemption.
D general revenue sharing.
Question #18
A dual sovereignty
B comity
C federalism
D vesting
Question #19
A to protect citizens from the abuses of state governments
B to promote competition between the states
C to keep the states from going to war with each other
D to promote the development of commercial activity between and among the states
Question #20
A 1973
B 1915
C 1937
D 1865
Question #21
A home rule
B preemption
C cooperative federalism
D grant-in-aid
Question #22
A The Court allowed Congress to use the necessary and proper clause to broadly interpret its delegated powers.
B The Court declared that a national bank was unconstitutional.
C The Court gave a very restricted definition of Congress’s delegated and implied powers.
D The Court announced that dual federalism did not conform to the framers’ design.
Question #23
A full faith and credit clause of the Constitution.
B supremacy clause of the Constitution.
C Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.
D Supreme Court’s decision in Loving v. Virginia.
Question #24
A regulating the health and safety of the workplace
B nationalizing the nation’s oil reserves
C preventing the production of impure goods
D chartering a national bank
Question #25
A necessary and proper clause
B due process clause
C Tenth Amendment
D commerce clause
Question #26
A Preamble
B Article I
C First Amendment
D Tenth Amendment
Question #27
A could be amended with a simple majority vote of the Congress.
B could be amended only through a national constitutional convention in which three-fourths of state governor’s approved of all changes.
C could not be amended.
D could be amended only with a unanimous vote of the Congress.
Question #28
A It asserted that America was “first and foremost, a Christian nation.”
B It asserted that there were “unalienable rights” that could not be abridged by governments.
C It asserted that slavery was a “morally unjust” institution that should be outlawed.
D It asserted that laissez-faire capitalism would be the “supreme law of the land” in America.
Question #29
A tyranny
B democracy
C a mixed regime
D a republic
Question #30
A the cost of war against Napoleon in Europe
B the expenses incurred in colonizing South Africa
C the extensive roads and canals built by the British in North America
D a deficit that was incurred as a result of the French and Indian War
Question #31
A James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton
B John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson
C Charles Beard, Daniel Shays, and Paul Revere
D James Madison, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson
Question #32
A representatives who were significantly more educated and wealthier than the majority of the public.
B representative bodies that resembled those represented to the highest degree.
C representatives who would reflect commercial interests.
D as few representatives as possible.
Question #33
A a veto over constitutional amendments.
B an equal number of senators but linking representation in the House of Representatives to population.
C the opportunity to elect its own governors.
D an equal number of votes in the Electoral College.
Question #34
A explicitly stated in Article II of the Constitution.
B explicitly stated in Article I of the Constitution.
C not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.
D explicitly mentioned in the First Amendment.
Question #35
A a carefully worded resolution calling on the Congress to send commissioners to Philadelphia at a later time to improve and reform the Articles of Confederation.
B the adoption of the Star Spangled Banner as the country’s national anthem.
C the Declaration of Independence.
D the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
Question #36
A the national government into two branches.
B the federal court system into two levels: the Supreme Court and the appellate courts.
C the legislature into two chambers.
D the powers of the executive branch between two individuals: the president and the vice president.
Question #37
A increased; decreased
B decreased; increased
C increased; remained relatively constant
D remained relatively constant; decreased
Question #38
A shifted as a result of people leaving the Northeast and Midwest and moving to the South and Southwest.
B not experienced any regional shifts.
C shifted as a result of people leaving the South and Southwest and moving to the Northeast and Midwest.
D shifted as a result of people leaving urban areas and moving to rural areas.
Question #39
A less than a majority of citizens vote in every election.
B all candidates for office are wealthy.
C citizens are informed.
D all candidates for office are highly educated.
Question #40
A 15; 150
B 4; 327
C 15; 323
D 4; 150
Question #41
A remained relatively constant between 1960 and 2015.
B increased dramatically between 1960 and 2015.
C decreased dramatically between 1960 and 2015.
D decreased between 1960 and 1975 but increased between 1975 and 2015.
Question #42
A significant resources, such as money.
B strongly held convictions.
C knowledge of the American political system.
D a lot of corporate connections.
Question #43
A is not allowed to directly employ any Americans.
B employs a very small number of Americans.
C is the nation’s fifth-largest employer.
D is the nation’s largest employer.
Question #44
A citizens in a state approving the use of medical marijuana through a popular referendum
B a group of citizens coming together to debate the pros and cons of higher taxes
C a citizen calling her representative to complain about potholes on local roads
D a citizen deciding to contribute money to his preferred presidential candidate
Question #45
A 12
B 72
C 32
D 52
Question #46
A democratic.
B constitutional.
C oligarchic.
D totalitarian.