
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

L1 The Foundation of Biochemistry

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  West Los Angeles College  »  Chemistry  »  Chem 221 – Biochemistry for Science Majors  »  Fall 2021  »  L1 The Foundation of Biochemistry

Need help with your exam preparation?

Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #6
Question #7
Question #13
A  It increases the rate
B  It increases the activation energy
C  It increases the heat of reaction
D  It increases the yield
Question #14
A  The position of equilibrium is not affected by adding a catalyst since a catalyst speeds up both the forward and back reactions by exactly the same amount.
B  Equilibrium constants are not affected by adding a catalyst since no shift in the position of equilibrium occurs.
C  Not all chemical reactions respond to catalysts
D  A catalyst will increase the activation energy in both directions; therefore, no shift in the position of equilibrium will result.
Question #15
A  increasing the amount of free energy released
B  decreasing the activation energy
C  decreasing the amount of free energy released
D  increasing the energy of the transition state
E  increasing the activation energy
Question #16
A  catabolic
B  anabolic
C  heterotrophic
D  autotrophic
E  amphibolic
Question #17
A  The Gibbs free energy is represented by the symbol G
B  A reaction with a negative Gibbs free energy change of reaction is called an exergonic reaction
C  If the Gibbs free energy change for a reaction is negative, the reaction happens spontaneously
D  The Gibbs free energy change is the proportion of the enthalpy change of a reaction that is used to increase the entropy
Question #20
A  negative
B  infinite
C  positive
D  zero
Question #21
A  backward
B  nonspontaneous
C  spontaneous
D  forward
Question #22
A  both forward and reverse
B  Reaction stops
C  reverse
D  forward
Question #23
A  A state of balance in a chemical reaction where the speed of the forward reaction is unequal to the reverse reaction.
B  A steady state in which matter is entering and leaving the system at a constant rate.
C  A neutralization reaction with equal number of moles of an acid and a base.
D  A chemical reaction in which the forward and reverse reactions are occurring at the same time and at the same rate.
Question #24
A  the free energy change is 0
B  the reverse process is spontaneous but the forward process is not.
C  both forward and reverse processes have stopped
D  the forward process is spontaneous but the reverse process is not
Question #25
A  is considered irreversible
B  is considered reversible
Question #26
A  products have less energy than reactants
B  less activation energy is needed than for an endergonic reaction
C  more activation energy is needed than for an endergonic reaction
D  products have more energy than reactants
Question #27
A  The products have more total energy than the reactants
B  The reaction goes only in a forward direction: all reactants will be converted to products, but no products will be converted to reactants
C  A net input of energy from the surroundings is required for the reactions to proceed
D  The reaction proceeds with a net release of free energy
E  The reactions are rapid
Question #28
A  manipulating the concentrations of products and reactants such that ΔG < 0
B  coupling them with exergonic reactions via a common intermediate
C  coupling them to the hydrolysis of ATP
D  all of the above
Question #29
A  endothermic
B  at equilibrium
C  exothermic
D  exergonic
E  endergonic
Question #30
A  Removing a product shifts a reversible reaction in the direction of formation of products.
B  Adding a product causes a reversible reaction to shift in the direction of the formation of the reactants.
C  Adding a reactant always shifts a reversible reaction in the direction of reactants.
D  Removing a reactant always shifts a reversible reaction in the direction of reactants.
Question #32
A  exothermic
B  endothermic
C  exergonic
D  endergonic
E  at equilibrium
Question #33
A  both the forward and the reverse reactions have stopped.
B  neither the forward nor the reverse reaction has stopped
C  the forward reaction has stopped.
D  the sum of the concentrations of A and B must equal the sum of the concentrations of C and D.
E  the reverse reaction has stopped.
Question #34
A  At equilibrium, ΔG = 0
B  If ΔG for a reaction is negative, the forward reaction happens spontaneously
C  Catalysts do not alter the position of equilibrium: they do not shift the equilibrium to the left or right
D  If the equilibrium constant is very large, ΔG is positive
Question #35
A  The reaction lies to the left
B  The reaction lies in the middle
C  The reaction lies to the right
Question #37
A  At equilibrium, there is no net change in the system
B  At equilibrium, the forward and back reactions cease to occur
C  At equilibrium, the concentration of reactants and products stays the same
D  At equilibrium, the rates of the forward and back reactions are identical
Question #38
A  When an isolated system undergoes a spontaneous change, the entropy of the system will increase
B  At absolute zero, the entropy of a perfect crystal is considered to be zero
C  The internal energy of the universe is constant
D  Energy can be neither created nor destroyed
Question #39
A  The energy consumed when chemical bonds are broken during a chemical reaction
B  The increase in disorder of the system as a reaction proceeds
C  The difference between the energy released by bond formation and the energy consumed by bond cleavage during a chemical reaction
D  The energy released when chemical bonds are formed during a chemical reaction
Question #40
A  The total energy in a chemical universe (a system and its surroundings) is constant
B  An object suspended in the air has more energy than an object lying on the ground
C  Energy can be converted from one form to another
D  The energy stored in chemical bonds is referred to as kinetic energy
Question #41
Question #42
A  waste of energy
B  exergonic change
C  dynamic steady state
D  free-energy change
E  equilibrium state
Question #43
A  cis-trans isomers
B  geometric isomers
C  anomers
D  enantiomers
E  diastereoisomers
Question #44
A  Tetrahedral
B  Linear
C  Trigonal bipyramidal
D  Trigonal pyramidal
E  Trigonal planar
Question #46
A  are independent of the functional groups
B  are the reactions of the functional groups
C  require an enzyme in all cases
D  all of the above
Question #47
A  thermally isolated
B  open systems
C  isolated systems
D  closed systems
E  none of the above
Question #48
A  A living cell tries to maintain a steady state
B  Maintaining a steady state is coupled to a flux of metabolites
C  All living organisms try to be in equilibrium
D  Chemotrophs rely on chemical compounds derived from other organisms
E  Organisms use metabolic processes to obtain the free energy they need to carry out various functions