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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A 19
B 21
C 20
D 18
Question #2
A Speaks to a local civic club about the homebuying process
B Contacts a mortgage broker to find out what first-time homebuyer programs are available
C Gives her neighbor a tour of another neighborhood home that’s on the market
D Performs a CMA for an acquaintance and provides advice on setting a listing price based on other comparable properties in the area
Question #3
A 640 square feet
B One acre
C 640 miles
D 640 acres
Question #4
A Prior to loan application
B At loan application or within three days after loan application
C Prior to or within three days after the loan application
D Prior to or within 10 days after the loan application
Question #5
A Fiona wants to reduce her base rent.
B Fiona is hoping to purchase the building at a later date.
C The landlord is her business partner.
D Fiona wants to demonstrate how viable her business is.
Question #6
A The secondary market regulates the primary market.
B The secondary market packages loans to sell to the primary market.
C The primary market packages loans to sell to the secondary market.
D The primary market regulates the secondary market.
Question #7
A A rental agent only has “agency” with landlords, so only landlords must be provided with the disclosure.
B Agency disclosure is required for buyers and sellers, but not tenants or landlords.
C Agency disclosure is required for both landlords and tenants.
D Agency disclosure is not required if a licensee represents both the tenant and the landlord.
Question #8
A It causes premature birth.
B It can cause serious lung disease and cancer.
C It causes a skin rash.
D It causes dementia if levels of exposure are high.
Question #9
A The center-most section identified in the rectangular government survey system
B A north-south line used as a reference point in the rectangular government survey system
C The center-most township identified in the rectangular government survey system
D An east-west line used as a reference point in the rectangular government survey system
Question #10
A The property can be a primary or secondary residence.
B The property must be at least five acres.
C The property must be located in California.
D The property can be a mobile or manufactured home.
Question #11
A License
B Covenant
C Grant
D Easement
Question #12
A Area preference
B Permanence
C Improvements
D Scarcity
Question #13
A Never questioning a client’s opinion
B Putting the client’s interest first
C Carrying out a client’s instructions without question
D Keeping a client’s confidential information confidential
Question #14
A Acceleration
B Due-on-sale
C Alienation
D Defeasance
Question #15
A Method of annexation
B Adaptability of the item to the land’s use
C Intention in placing item on land
D Agreement of the parties
Question #16
A The smaller number
B A middle point between the two numbers
C The larger number, as a buyer has already been found
D A weighted average based on the sales price, appraisal amount, and recent sales
Question #17
A A lawsuit filed by a landlord to regain possession of an improvement to property.
B A lawsuit filed by a tenant when the security deposit is withheld unlawfully.
C A lawsuit filed by a landlord against a holdover tenant.
D A lawsuit filed by a rental agent when the commission is not paid.
Question #18
A When a party meets all terms of the contract
B When a party does some, but not all, of what the party has agreed to do
C When a party acknowledges receipt of the contract
D When a party rejects all terms of the contract
Question #19
A A judgment lien
B Created by law and gives right of possession
C A mortgage
D Created by a court of common law; doesn’t give the right to possession of the property
Question #20
A Testimony from long-time neighbors
B Aerial photographs
C Legal descriptions of both properties
D Affidavit from surveyor
Question #21
A Nine square feet
B 10 square feet
C Six square feet
D Three square feet
Question #22
A An influx of higher wage earners to a given area would create a price decrease for lower-valued homes.
B An influx of higher wage earners to a given area would decrease the demand for higher-priced housing.
C An increase in the number of retirees in a given population would negatively impact the demand for large, single-family homes.
D An increase in the number of retirees in a given population would positively impact the demand for large, single-family homes.
Question #23
A Tenancy at will
B Fee absolute
C Qualified fee
D Fee simple
Question #24
A Someone who is involved in a transaction but represents neither party
B Someone who’s hired to act on behalf of a client
C Someone who uses or purchases a product or service
D Someone who’s in a position of trust and loyalty
Question #25
A Tenuous
B Mutual
C Ill-advised
D Unlawful
Question #26
A Review transaction documents with the buyer, clarifying anything that could be confusing, without stepping outside the scope of your license
B Explain to the buyer why it’s unnecessary to have a professional inspection done on a new home
C Show properties the buyer might qualify for if he would put down more earnest money
D Coach the buyer on how to negotiate the terms of the sales contract to be completely in the buyer’s favor
Question #27
A Include a “not to exceed” clause
B On a government-issued form
C Payable at an indefinite time
D Signed
Question #28
A Escrow officer
B Buyer’s agent
C Listing agent
D Conservator
Question #29
A Demand
B Scarcity
C Utility
D Transferability
Question #30
A The Equal Credit Opportunity Act
B Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
C The Community Reinvestment Act
Question #31
A Universal agent
B Single agent
C Limited agent
D General agent
Question #32
A A fixture
B An improvement
C The wrong color for her new house
D Too heavy
Question #33
A A blueprint
B A written narrative of the building plan
C The building plan
D A survey
Question #34
A Condominium project
B Stock cooperative project
C Time-share
D Planned development
Question #35
A he former client has moved out-of-state.
B it will help another client.
C the former client is found guilty of fraud.
D the transaction has closed.
Question #36
A Community Reinvestment Act
C Truth in Lending Act
D Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Question #37
A Contract
B Clairvoyance
C Conveyance
D Covenant
Question #38
A 25 years old
B 20 years old
C 30 years old
D 15 years old
Question #39
A 18.96%
B 25.58%
C 19.58%
D 14.51%
Question #40
A Must report this to California DRE only if the charge is related to theft
B Must report this to California DRE under all circumstances
C Need not report this to California DRE because it is not a guilty verdict
D Must not report this; as it would be a violation of confidential information
Question #41
A Confidentiality
B Disclosure
C Reasonable skill and care
D Obedience
Question #42
A $1,093.13
B $874.50
C $901
D $1,126.25
Question #43
A Bulk
B Aesthetic
C Moratorium
D Rural
Question #44
A Micah’s commission may be at risk.
B Micah may be forced to send the client a written apology.
C Micah may lose the client’s business.
D Micah may receive a slap on the wrist from his broker, and be told to shape up or ship out.
Question #45
A $792.54
B $3,113.46
C $604.95
D $1,997.62
Question #46
A The agreement terminates by force of law.
B Jenson and Susan can mutually agree to terminate the agreement.
C It’s terminated once the specified term in the agency agreement expires.
D The client can revoke the agreement but may be considered in breach of contract.
Question #47
A $2,475
B $2,450
C $2,400
D $3,200
Question #48
A Physical depreciation
B Functional obsolescence
C External depreciation
D None. Depreciation doesn’t apply to new buildings.
Question #49
A Implied agency and undisclosed dual agency
B Implied friendship
C Undisclosed single agency
D A potential bonus from the buyer
Question #50
A No, agency disclosure is only required on leases exceeding one year.
B No, Damian does not provide the agency disclosure to his client. He only provides it to others involved in the transaction.
C Yes, agency disclosure is required on sales of residential properties with one to four units.
D No, agency disclosure is not required on sales of residential properties with one to four units.
Question #51
A File a security agreement at the county clerk’s office.
B Purchase title insurance.
C File a lis pendens claim at the court before buying the property.
D Ensure the seller’s name is on the deed.
Question #52
A Representing the buyer’s interests
B Reviewing transactional documents with the seller
C Advocating for the seller
D Negotiating for the seller
Question #53
A Dedicate a certain percentage of the land to the state of California
B Attain a surety bond and furnish it to the state of California for one-and-a-half times the amount of any deposit monies.
C Sign an affidavit of proforma
D They must have a disclaimer that the property has not been examined the BRE on all marketing and sales materials.
Question #54
A Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
B Civil Rights Act of 1866
C Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974
D Civil Rights Act of 1968
Question #55
A 640
B 43,560
C 1,760
D 5,280
Question #56
A 27.5 years
B 39 years
C Indefinitely
D Zero years (commercial properties cannot be depreciated)
Question #57
A Sublease
B Gross lease
C Net lease
D Percentage lease
Question #58
A The contract between the parties should clarify the disposition of the crop.
B The buyer should assume the crop transfers with the property.
C The seller should assume the crop does not transfer with the property.
D The seller should harvest the beans before the sale closes.
Question #59
A $500
B $21,780
C $5,000
D $43,560
Question #60
A Downzoning
B Spot zoning
C Incentive zoning
D Aesthetic zoning
Question #61
A Steven postponed his vacation so he could attend his seller client’s closing.
B Michael submits all offers he receives on Jarrod’s property.
C Tanaka refuses to encourage his seller client to lower his asking price.
D Margo tells her seller client Troy that his property is worth less than it really is so he will get a quick sale.
Question #62
A 7.50%
B 8%
C 9%
D 12.50%
Question #63
A A payment of less than $10,000
B A payment of more than $10,000
C Earnest money paid with a cashier’s check or wire transfer
D Gifting a house to a family member
Question #64
A Yes, agency disclosure is required for lease transactions.
B No, agency disclosure is only required on sales of residential properties.
C No, agency disclosure is only required for commercial transactions.
D No, agency disclosure is not required for residential transactions involving five or more units.
Question #65
A Notice
B Compensation
C Sympathy
D Alternative living arrangements
Question #66
A $2,310
B $4,620
C $462
D $231
Question #67
A Nothing. There is no defense against unpaid subcontractors.
B File a notice of completion.
C File a lien release.
D Require the contractor obtain a payment bond.
Question #68
A Co-ownership
B Estate by severalty
C Property partnership
D Dual ownership
Question #69
A A public listing and notice of foreclosure of a property.
B A notice that notifies potential buyers of a pending lease
C A legal term that means “it depends” and requires a certain minimum sales price of the property.
D A legal notice that a lawsuit is pending that affects the title of a property
Question #70
A The date the lien is to be paid off
B The date it is recorded
C The lien holder
D The amount of the lien
Question #71
A Judgment lien
B Foreclosure action
C Lis pendens
D Mortgage lien
Question #72
A $1,069.77
B $1,064.7
C $,1055
D $1,050
Question #73
A Clairvoyance and contract
B Conveyance and contract
C Conveyance and concession
D Concession and contract
Question #74
A Integrated planning
B Form-based planning
C Pocket planning
D Traditional planning
Question #75
B Natural scents
Question #76
A Mobilehome Landlord-Tenant Relations
B Mobilehome Rent Law
C Mobilehome Residency Law
D RV Park Occupancy Law
Question #77
A Substitution
B Conformity
C Contribution
D Anticipation
Question #78
A Kady’s firm uses representation agreements that, when signed, provide consent to dual licensee dual agency. Kady’s buyer makes an offer on one of Kady’s colleague’s listings.
B Levi’s customer, Renee, wants to make an offer on Levi’s seller client’s home. Levi presents Renee’s offer to his client.
C Jarrod represents the seller, Juan. A buyer, Alaina, approaches Jarrod about representing her in the purchase of Juan’s house. Jarrod obtains Juan and Alaina’s consent to dual agency.
D Tom is holding an open house for his client. Ruby, a buyer, says she wants to make an offer.
Question #79
A They’re recorded at the real estate brokerage’s main office.
B They’re recorded at the recorder’s office in the county where the property is located.
C They’re recorded at the lending bank’s main office.
D Mortgages are not recorded; only deeds are.
Question #80
A The higher the score, the higher the credit risk
B Each company a uses a slightly different scoring system
C Scoring is consistent across the three companies
D Each company posts the borrower’s FICO® Score
Question #81
A Lenders will not approve a loan.
B The property may float away.
C The property will never sell.
D Flood insurance may be required.
Question #82
A She sold the loan on the primary market for a lower interest rate.
B Her bank foreclosed on the loan.
C Her bank sold it on the secondary market as an investment product.
D She received another loan on the secondary market when her bank demanded full payment.
Question #83
A Divide the smaller number by the larger number.
B Move the decimal point two places to the left and remove the percent symbol.
C Divide the top number by the bottom number.
D Move the decimal point right two spots and add a percent symbol.
Question #84
A Buyer agency
B Seller agency
C Dual-licensee dual agency
D Single-licensee dual agency
Question #85
A It puts a limit on how much interest financial institutions can charge.
B It states that all real property sales must involve lawyers.
C It doesn’t allow people to own land unless they can afford it.
D It provides requirements that contracts have to meet to be legally enforceable.
Question #86
A The asset is worth more because of capital improvements.
B The owner/investor is making less income from the property than previously.
C Investors can take a business deduction for annual depreciation.
D The asset is worth less because the economy took a downturn.
Question #87
A Profit
B Earnest money
C Attorney review
D Consideration
Question #88
A Rex’s agent can continue to market the property, but Rex’s family must approve the sale.
B The listing agreement is terminated by force of law.
C The listing is temporarily on hold until a court gives permission to invalidate it or until the listing expires.
D It’s still valid; Rex’s family must abide by it.
Question #89
A The owner of the empty lot down the street that Elizabeth uses as a vegetable garden with the owner’s permission
B The resident of the adjoining property to whom Elizabeth has given permission to store some items in her gardening shed
C The neighbor who constructed his new backyard fence six inches across Elizabeth’s property line
D The utility company that needs to access the power line that crosses a corner of Elizabeth’s land
Question #90
A Reliction
B Dedication
C Accession
D Alienation
Question #91
A Neither the buyer nor seller
B The seller
C Both the buyer and seller
D The buyer
Question #92
A The seller is in a hurry to move because his wife is seven months pregnant.
B The roof leaks when it rains.
C The seller is willing to take less than the asking price.
D None of these facts may be shared with the buyer if you are the seller’s agent.
Question #93
A The Freedom of Information Act
B The First Amendment
C The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Question #94
A NAR Code of Ethics
B Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
C National Association of Appraisers (NAA) bylaws
D Real estate license law
Question #95
A Witness
B Notary public
C Grantee
D Grantor
Question #96
A Determines real estate policy and issues regulations to enforce law
B Issues real estate licenses
C Discusses real estate policy and makes recommendations to the Commissioner
D Values real property in California
Question #97
A A second mortgage
B The state of his local housing market
C Whether he will incur a prepayment penalty
D Whether his uncle would like this
Question #98
A Check with his real estate agent to make sure that the penalty shown is typical.
B Ask the lender if there are other options available that would not involve a prepayment penalty.
C Resolve to not try to pay the loan off early.
D Laugh and throw the Loan Estimate in the trash.
Question #99
A Voidable
B Void
C Fraud
D Valid
Question #100
A Receive payment for managing real estate.
B List a friend or family member’s home for sale for a fee.
C Give advice to a friend who is negotiating the purchase of a house.
D Negotiate the sale of a house for two friends and receive a tip as thanks.