Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Psychology » Psychology 106 – Developmental Psychology » Summer 2021 » Module 5 Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A HIV and gonorrhea
B chlamydia and human papilloma virus
C herpes and trichomoniasis
D syphilis and hepatitis C
Question #2
A a stereotype
B a negative behavior
C an unconscious association
D a form of discrimination
Question #3
A blended identity
B bicultural identity
C multicultural identity
D hybrid identity
Question #4
A moratorium
B diffusion
C achievement
D foreclosure
Question #5
A industry versus inferiority
B intimacy versus isolation
C identity versus identity confusion
D Generativity versus stagnation
Question #6
A rises; declines
B declines; rises
C plateaus; declines
D raises; plateaus
Question #7
A higher earnings, mellow temperaments, and a greater sense of identity
B higher earnings, occupational status, and career attainment over the long run
C mediocre job success, a greater sense of identity, and higher sense of self-worth
D milder temperament, more secure attachments, and happier long-lasting marriages
Question #8
A 6 years
B 5 years
C 7 years
D 4 years
Question #9
A an elementary school
B a college or university
C a middle school
D a daycare center
Question #10
A multiple thinking
B dualistic thinking
C commitment
D relativism
Question #11
A realistic thinking
B multiple thinking
C hypothesis thinking
D dualistic thinking
Question #12
A an awareness of how logic can be used to solve all of life’s problems
B an awareness of how social factors and factors specific to a given situation must be taken into account in approaching most of life’s problems
C an awareness of how sensory input and motor skills can be incorporated to solve situational problems that are more concrete
D an awareness of how one’s internal state affects his or her physiological response
Question #13
A are often cognitively unaware of how personal fables and an imaginary audience affects egocentric thought
B are often limited by their egocentrism and concrete-operational thoughts
C often lack the ability to coordinate their sensory modalities with motor skills
D often exaggerate the extent to which logical thinking can be applied to real-life situations
Question #14
A friendliness
B social investment
C unstructured socializing
D structured socialization
Question #15
A alcoholism
B risk-taking drinking
C social drinking
D binge drinking
Question #16
A a male who is in his early 40s
B a female who is in her early 30s
C a female who is in her late teens
D a male who is in his early 20s
Question #17
A aging adults
B adolescents and emerging adults
C middle adults and aging adults
D children and young adolescents
Question #18
A is just getting lucky
B is 20 years old and 20-year-olds have the fastest reaction times
C has more experience playing this game
D is cheating
Question #19
A emotional maturity; behavioral and cognitive majority
B financial independence; the capacity to support one’s parents financially
C the capacity to support one’s parents financially; financial independence
D behavioral and cognitive maturity; emotional maturity
Question #20
A collective cultures; individualistic cultures
B developed countries; undeveloped countries
C undeveloped countries; developed countries
D individualistic cultures; collective cultures
Question #21
A an understanding of who one is, what one’s capabilities and limitations are, what one’s beliefs and values are, and how one fits into the society around them
B an understanding of one’s gender identity, to possess stability in one’s career, to understand one’s ethnic heritage and biological beginnings
C an understanding of one’s multifaceted self, to possess instability in one’s occupational field, to understand one’s biological heritage, and to reflect on one’s life with high integrity
D an understanding of who others are, what a person’s temperament is, how the genetic lineage affects longevity, and to have a shaky global view
Question #22
A fear of divorce
B parents today discourage early marriage
C marriage is not necessary for sexual relationships
D emerging adults cannot make decisions
Question #23
A It is the age of stability, being other-focused, identity diffusion, feeling in-between, and stagnation.
B It is the age of instability, being other-focused, identity foreclosure, feeling marginalized, and possibilities.
C It is the age of identity explorations, instability, being self-focused, feeling in-between, and possibilities.
D It is the age of identity moratorium, stability, feeling marginalized, being self-focused, and developing a global worldview.
Question #24
A the ethic of community
B the ethic of divinity
C the ethic of autonomy
D the ethic of culture
Question #25
A Moral reasoning is based on the individual’s own independent judgments rather than on what others view as wrong or right.
B Rules should be obeyed to avoid punishment from those in authority.
C What is right is whatever agrees with the rules established by tradition and by authorities.
D Moral reasoning is based on perceptions of the likelihood of external rewards and punishments.
Question #26
A psychological functioning
B cognitive development
C biological maturity
D environmental forces
Question #27
A neutrally, their global self-esteem is variable throughout adolescence
B Negatively, their global self-esteem is very high during adolescence
C negatively, their global self-esteem is lower than boys’ during adolescence
D positively, their global self-esteem is quite high throughout adolescence
Question #28
A parents are much less critical during this time
B adolescents have initiated romantic relationships by this time
C peers’ evaluations become less important
D adolescents feel more mature
Question #29
A real self
B fictional self
C feared self
D ideal self
Question #30
A rises; levels off
B declines; rises
C levels off; declines
D rises; declines
Question #31
A adolescence is often a time of intellectual volatility
B adolescence is often a time of emotional volatility
C adolescence is often a time of emotional stability
D adolescence is often a time of intellectual stagnation
Question #32
A the adolescent growth spurt
B egocentrism
C the imaginary audience
D the personal fable
Question #33
A the imaginary audience
B egocentrism
C the adolescent growth spurt
D the personal fable
Question #34
A a greater amount of testosterone, which has been shown to enhance memory
B their ability to question their parents and the world around them
C their ability to think concretely and egocentrically of the world
D a greater amount of experience and knowledge of the world
Question #35
A virtual memory devices
B long-term memory devices
C learning devices
D mnemonic devices
Question #36
A preoperational
B sensorimotor
C formal operations
D concrete operations
Question #37
A formal operations
B pre-operations
C advanced hypothesis testing
D concrete operations
Question #38
A Addictive substance use; medicinal substance use
B Experimental substance use; social substance use
C Social substance use; experimental substance use
D Medicinal substance use; addictive substance use
Question #39
A addicted
B using substances socially
C experimenting
D self-medicating
Question #40
A He is not telling the truth; adolescents are either users or not users.
B He is a likely telling the truth; experimentation is one of the four major reasons that adolescents use substances.
C He is probably lying, most drug abusers do.
D He is likely self-medicating.
Question #41
A feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood
B pica
C anorexia nervosa
D bulimia nervosa
Question #42
A bulimia nervosa
B feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood
C anorexia nervosa
D pica
Question #43
A 70%; early to mid-20s
B 80%; teens and early 20s
C 90%; teens and early 20s
D 60%; early to mid-20s
Question #44
A public circumcision
B public beatings
C the warrior
D the farmer
Question #45
A Aging confirmations
B History-graded norms
C Puberty rituals
D Psycho-cognitive stages
Question #46
A He is likely to engage in early sexual behavior.
B He is likely to have difficulties with alcohol use and delinquency.
C He is likely to be a homebody and prefers to stay at home rather than go out on the weekends.
D He is likely to spend too much time studying.
Question #47
A a girl who experiences late-onset puberty
B a boy who experiences late-onset puberty
C a boy who experiences early-onset puberty
D a girl who experiences early-onset puberty
Question #48
A Sooner trend
B Lowering trend
C Secular trend
D Early onset trend
Question #49
A Foremost menstruation; primary ejaculation
B Primary menstruation; foremost ejaculation
C Menarche; spermarche
D Spermarche; menarche
Question #50
A secondary sex characteristics
B quarternary sex characteristics
C tertiary sex characteristics
D primary sex characteristics
Question #51
A thalamus; hypothalamus
B dopamine; serotonin
C cortisol; relaxin
D estradiol; testosterone