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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Due to the fact that extrinsic utility can create innate pleasure, which is innately stronger than intrinsic utility.
B Due to the fact that individuals derive innate pleasure from consuming a good.
C Due to the fact that individuals derive pleasure from having other people know or view what they are consuming.
D Due to the fact that individuals derive pleasure from consuming services.
Question #2
A Consuming a hot dog has the lowest opportunity cost because if you consume a hot dog you are foregoing the consumption of a burger, which has a higher marginal utility per dollar compared to a hot dog.
B Consuming a burger has the lowest opportunity cost because you are foregoing the least in terms of dollars spent on consumption.
C Consuming a burger has the lowest opportunity cost because if you consume a burger you are foregoing the consumption of a hot dog, which has a higher marginal utility per dollar compared to a burger.
D Consuming a burger has the lowest opportunity cost because if you consume a burger you are foregoing the consumption of a hot dog, which has a lower marginal utility per dollar compared to a burger.
Question #3
A Compensating people with money as the price of a good decreases.
B Reducing people’s substitution constraint.
C Substituting money with consumption.
D Compensating people with money as the price of a good increases.
Question #4
A As the price of a good declines, an individual’s real income declines, or the amount of that good that they can purchase with their budget declines.
B None of the available answers.
C As the price of a good varies, an individual’s real income changes, or the amount of that good that they can purchase with their budget varies.
D As the price of a good increases, individual’s real incomes increase, or the amount of goods that they can purchase with their budget increases.
Question #5
A An increase in the consumption of Red Bull will increase the marginal utility of Red Bull, which will equate the two marginal utility to price ratios.
B A decrease in the consumption of coffee will increase the marginal utility of coffee, which will equate the two marginal utility to price ratios.
C An increase in the consumption of Red Bull will decrease the marginal utility of Red Bull, which will equate the two marginal utility to price ratios.
D An increase in the consumption of coffee will reduce the marginal utility of coffee, which will equate the two marginal utility to price ratios.
Question #6
A Her total utility per dollar spent is the same for all goods.
B Her marginal utility per dollar spent is the same for all goods.
D Her total marginal utility for each good is identical to its price.
E The marginal utility is the same for each item purchased.
F Her total utility for each good is identical to its price.
Question #7
A Surfing.
B Snowboarding.
C The individual is indifferent.
D Neither.
Question #8
A Consuming more Red Bulls and fewer coffees.
B Consuming less of both goods.
C Consuming more cups of coffee and fewer Red Bulls.
D Not changing the combination of Red Bulls and coffees consumed.
E Switching to water because it is healthier for you.
Question #9
A Maximize consumption.
B Consume until marginal utility begins to fall.
C Maximize disutility.
D Maximize total utility.
E Maximize marginal utility.
Question #10
A Gives them the greatest additional satisfaction.
B Costs the least, but is still high quality.
C Gives them the greatest additional satisfaction per dollar spent.
D Is of the highest quality.
E Costs the least.
Question #11
A Marginal utility is positive.
B Marginal utility is negative.
C Total utility is decreasing.
D Total utility is increasing and at an increasing rate.
Question #12
A Marginal utility is decreasing.
B Marginal utility is increasing.
C Total Utility is decreasing.
D Marginal utility has turned negative.
Question #13
A Total utility of two burritos is 15
B Marginal utility of the second burrito is 15
C Marginal utility of the first burrito is 15
D Total utility of the two burritos is 10.
Question #14
A Positive marginal utility
B Total utility
C Negative marginal utility
D All of the available answers
E Disequilibrium
Question #15
A Minimum satisfaction one gets from consumption
B Satisfaction one gets from the consumption of an additional unit of a product times its price
C Additional satisfaction one gets from the consumption of another unit of a product.
D Total satisfaction one gets from one’s consumption of a product
E Maximum satisfaction one gets from consumption
Question #16
A Consumption expenditures, which drives prices.
B Utility or the satisfaction that one receives from consuming a good/service.
C Utility or the usefulness that one derives from consuming a good/service.
D Investment, which in the long-run determines the overall price level.