Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Psychology » Psychology 106 – Developmental Psychology » Summer 2021 » Module 1 Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A selective survival
B selective sampling
C attrition
D cohort effect
Question #2
A cohort effect
B age effect
C time of measurement effect
D gender effect
Question #3
A dependent; independent
B independent; dependent
C correlational; quasi-experimental
D quasi-experimental; correlational
Question #4
A ethnographic research
B longitudinal research
C cross-sectional research
D quasi-experimental research
Question #5
A quasi-experiment
B experiment
C theory
D correlation
Question #6
A a semi-reliable design
B a cross-sectional design
C a quasi-experimental design
D a longitudinal design
Question #7
A Reliability; validity
B Validity; reliability
C Standardization; variance from the mean
D Variance from the mean; standardization
Question #8
A informed consent; debriefing
B non-numerical; numerical
C reliable; valid
D internally measured; externally measured
Question #9
A Personal information will not be shared with anyone outside the immediate research group and any results from the research will not identify any of the participants by name.
B Subjects are told what the purposes of the study are, what participation in the study involves, what risks (if any) are involved in participating, and what the person can expect to receive in return for participation.
C They are usually comprised of people who have research experience themselves and therefore have experience that enables them to judge whether the research being proposed follows reasonable ethical guidelines.
D Subjects must be told the true purpose of the study and the reason for any deception that may have been part of the study.
Question #10
A They are usually comprised of people who have research experience themselves and therefore have experience that enables them to judge whether the research being proposed follows reasonable ethical guidelines.
B Subjects must be told the true purpose of the study and the reason for any deception that may have been part of the study.
C Subjects are told what the purposes of the study are, what participation in the study involves, what risks (if any) are involved in participating, and what the person can expect to receive in return for participation.
D Personal information will not be shared with anyone outside the immediate research group and any results from the research will not identify any of the participants by name.
Question #11
A They are usually comprised of people who have research experience themselves and therefore have experience that enables them to judge whether the research being proposed follows reasonable ethical guidelines.
B Personal information will not be shared with anyone outside the immediate research group and any results from the research will not identify any of the participants by name.
C Subjects are told what the purposes of the study are, what participation in the study involves, what risks (if any) are involved in participating, and what the person can expect to receive in return for participation.
D Subjects must be told the true purpose of the study and the reason for any deception that may have been part of the study.
Question #12
A Reliability; confidentiality
B Informed consent; debriefing
C Debriefing; informed consent
D Confidentiality; reliability
Question #13
A Ethical Standard Board
B University Research Sponsorship Department
C Department of Research
D Institutional Review Board
Question #14
A generalizability
B validity
C reliability
D standardization
Question #15
A population
B hypothesis
C variable
D theory
Question #16
A a group of people who participate in a research study
B the way the study is conducted and the data are collected
C a statement indicating that participation in the study is voluntary, and that persons may withdraw from participation in the study at any time
D a framework that presents a set of interconnected ideas in an original way and inspires further research
Question #17
A identify a question to be investigated; form a hypothesis; choose a research method and a research design; collect data to test the hypothesis; and draw conclusions that lead to new questions and hypotheses
B collect data to test a theory; manipulate variables within a laboratory setting; conduct a statistical analysis of the data; synthesize the results; and publish the findings
C observe the environment; generate a theory of the phenomenon to be studied; generate possible hypotheses; systematically vary variables; and conduct an experiment
D generate a conclusion; isolate variables; determine how variables are related to the conclusion; conduct the research study; and published the findings
Question #18
A selecting a research method and a research design
B identifying a question of scientific interest
C collecting data
D forming a hypothesis
Question #19
A cultural beliefs are the basis for many other conditions of children’s development
B nearly everyone lives in a very similar culture
C culture should be factored out to determine what really influences development
D culture is damaging and can be devastating to a young child’s development
Question #20
A exosystem
B mesosystem
C macrosystem
D chronosystem
Question #21
A mesosystem
B exosystem
C macrosystem
D chronosystem
Question #22
A time and historical change
B schools, religious institutions, and the media
C cultural beliefs and values, and economic and governmental systems
D parents, siblings, peers and friends, and teachers
Question #23
A mesosystem
B microsystem
C macrosystem
D exosystem
Question #24
A microsystem
B exosystem
C macrosystem
D mesosystem
Question #25
A Piaget
B Erikson
C Freud
D Bronfenbrenner
Question #26
A fixation
B sensitivity
C crisis
D critical period
Question #27
A biological factors were more important in terms of development, and Freud believed that culture was more important
B development continued throughout the lifespan, and Freud believed that only the early years were important
C sexuality was even more important than Freud did
D personality was set at birth, while Freud thought that it was completed by age 6
Question #28
A conscious, collective unconscious, subcortical unconscious
B id, ego, superego
C the self, the shadow, the anima
D real self, fear self, future self
Question #29
A psychocognitive
B psychosexual
C psychobiological
D psychosocial
Question #30
A psychoanalysis
B psychosocial moratorium
C behavioral therapy
D humanistic psychology
Question #31
A middle-SES; high-SES; middle-SES fathers are more likely to be absent from the family
B low-SES; high-SES; low-SES mothers are less likely to receive prenatal care
C middle-SES; low-SES; middle-SES mothers are more likely to live in rural parts of the country
D high-SES; low-SES; high-SES mothers are not likely to consume fluoride in their drinking water
Question #32
A moderate; low
B high; moderate
C high; low
D low; high
Question #33
A social class status
B socioeconomic status
C education status
D tax bracket status
Question #34
A minority culture
B subcultural groups
C ethnic populace
D majority culture
Question #35
A rural cultures
B traditional cultures
C agrarian cultures
D conventional cultures
Question #36
A most of the population
B the wealthy elite
C about half of the middle class
D about one fourth of the middle class
Question #37
A 30%
B 90%
C 50%
D 70%
Question #38
A 40%
B 80%
C 20%
D 60%
Question #39
A 40%
B 80%
C 60%
D 20%
Question #40
A developing country
B collective culture
C developed country
D individualistic culture
Question #41
A Canada
B the United States
C Germany
D Japan
Question #42
A 18%, 82%
B 47%, 57%
C 37%, 63%
D 27%, 73%
Question #43
A Developing countries
B Collective cultures
C Individualistic cultures
D Developed countries
Question #44
A population-rich countries
B developing countries
C developed countries
D impoverished countries
Question #45
A increase slowly
B decrease
C remain stable in population
D increase more than developing countries
Question #46
A developing countries
B South American countries
C emerging countries
D developed countries
Question #47
A births per woman
B conceptions per woman
C fetuses that were spontaneously aborted
D women on fertility drugs
Question #48
A the Internet
B social networks
C small world syndrome
D globalization
Question #49
A the expression of their phenotype
B their genetic lineage
C the strength of their id
D their culture
Question #50
A evolution
B growth
C change
D development