Navigation » List of Schools » East Los Angeles College » Psychology » Psychology 001 – General Psychology » Spring 2021 » Module 5A_5B Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Hans Eysenck and Raymond Cattell.
B Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.
C Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
D B. F. Skinner and Albert Bandura.
Question #2
A striving for superiority
B unconditional love and acceptance
C sexual conflicts during the adolescent years
D human relationships, particularly the family
Question #3
A oral, genital, anal, latency, phallic
B anal, oral, latency, phallic, genital
C oral, anal, genital, latency, phallic
D oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Question #4
A Self-Actualization
B Conditional Positive Regard
C Penis Envy
D Individuality
Question #5
A fraternal twins
B biological siblings
C identical twins
D parents
Question #6
A The person is engaging in sublimation
B The person has bery high levels of libido.
C The person has a strong id and a weak superego.
D The person had a fixation during the oral stage.
Question #7
A intraversion
B openness to experience
C extraversion
D agreeableness
Question #8
A an increase in anxiety
B the release of pent-up emotions.
C treating the therapist like the patient
D gaining access to the unconcscious mind.
Question #9
A A group of personality theorists who accepted many of the basic principles of Freudian psychoanalytic theory but went on to develop their own personality theories.
B A group of artists who applied Freud’s ideas to painting, sculpture, drama, and poetry.
C A group of psychologists who tried to reconcile Freud’s ideas with contemporary neuroscience
D A group of political activists who objected to Freud’s ideas on moral and religious grounds.
Question #10
A psychoanalytic theory
B humanistic theory
C trait theory
D social cognitive theory
Question #11
A The Emotional Stroop Task
B The Rorschach
D Thematic Apperception Test
Question #12
A the irrational component of personality that seeks immediate gratification
B the rational, organized component of personality that is sensitive to the demands of the external world
C the moralistic component of personality that evaluates the acceptability of behavior and thoughts
D the inherited mental images of universal human themes and preoccupations
Question #13
Question #14
A denial
B rationalization
C repression
D undoing
Question #15
A they are stuck in the oral phase.
B they are stuck in the anal phase.
C they are stuck in the phallic phase.
D they are stuck in the genital phase.
Question #16
A Extraversion
B Openness
C Introversion
D Neuroticism
Question #17
A extraverted; introverted
B independent; dependent
C introverted; extroverted
D dependent; independent
Question #18
A regression
B undoing
C sublimation
D displacement
Question #19
A Thantos
B Libido
C Psychosexual frustration
D Pathos
Question #20
A historical era
B historical era, genetics, and gender
C gender
D genetics and gender
Question #21
A introversion
B conscientiousness
C repression
D psychoticism
Question #22
A the most fundamental human motive was the desire to improve oneself, master challenges, and move toward self-perfection.
B the Oedipus complex persists and resurfaces throughout life.
C the images and themes contained in the collective unconscious are transmitted from one generation to the next.
D there are eight stages of psychosocial development that occur throughout the lifespan.
Question #23
A A healthy social interest.
B A focus on family.
C A striving for self-actualization.
D A strong collective unconscious.
Question #24
A a projective test
B a self-report inventory
C an aptitude test
D an achievement test
Question #25
A neuroticism
B extraversion
C conscientiousness
D agreeableness
Question #26
A unconditional positive regard
B self-efficacy
C congruence
D conditional positive regard
Question #27
A An unintentional mistake, accident, or misstatement that Freud interpreted as revealing unconscious wishes or motives.
B An undergarment that was worn by fashionable upper-class women in Vienna in the early 1900s.
C Freud’s near-fatal accident, in which he tripped over his couch and hit his head on a statue of Moses.
D A humorous term for a pratfall or stumble in early silent-movie comedies, perfected by Charlie Chaplin.
Question #28
A an individual’s unique and relatively consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving
B a person’s skill in making others feel good about themselves.
C the way people perceive a particular person.
D the socially desirable characteristics that a person typically displays.
Question #29
A is stuck in the phallic stage.
B is stuck in the anal phase.
C is stuck in the oral phase.
D is stuck in the genital stage.
Question #30
Question #31
A Thematic Apperception Test
B The Emotional Stroop Test
D The Rorscach
Question #32
A a biological sibling
B a cousin
C an Aunt or Uncle
D an adopted sibling
Question #33
A A great sense of humor.
B A solution centered focus.
C Making large sums of money.
D Treating others with unconditional positive regard.
Question #34
A a set of friendships and acquaintances.
B a way of making a living.
C a plan for achieving superiority.
D a means of satisfying biological drives.
Question #35
A the ego may not develop.
B the child may experience fixation and continue to seek pleasure through behaviors associated with the particular psychosexual stage.
C the parent will experience the psychological wrath of the superego, which will promote strong feelings of guilt and inferiority.
D the child will experience reaction formation and behave in a way that is directly opposite to the frustrated desires.
Question #36
A the inherited mental images of universal human themes and preoccupations
B the irrational component of personality that seeks immediate gratification
C the moralistic component of personality that evaluates the acceptability of behavior and thoughts
D the rational, organized component of personality that is sensitive to the demands of the external world
Question #37
A Introversion
B Extroversion
C Opennes to Experience
D Neuroticism
Question #38
A the latency stage of psychosexual development.
B the Oedipus complex.
C his attainment of the genital stage of psychosexual development.
D fixation at the oral stage of psychosexual development.
Question #39
A gain access to the unconscious
B protect the id.
C acheive physical gratification.
D reduce anxiety.
Question #40
A displacement
B denial
C projection
D sublimation