Midterm Chapters 1 to 4 Communication Studies 35
It’s simply impossible to be aware of everything, no matter how attentive we may be.
- False
- True
Defensiveness can become a problem for someone who is presented with information that contradicts his/her self-perception.
- False
- True
You want to let a close friend know how much she/he means to you in a way that is sincere and doesn’t embarrass either of you. Following the advice on communication competence in your text, you would
- follow the approach that you saw another friend use successfully, assuming it would work for you.
- consider a variety of alternatives, choosing the one that you think will be most successful under these circumstances.
- avoid sending any message until you were sure it would be well received.
- try to follow exactly the approach you used successfully with others in the past.
Skillful, integrated communicators are characterized by
- a greater degree of sociability.
- others helping them out
- a conscious focus on communicating effectively.
- exposure to a wide range of communication styles.
Almost all messages have
- no dimensions unless the communicators intend them to.
- a content dimension.
- both content and relational dimensions.
- a relational dimension.
When Joe hangs his framed medical degrees on his office wall he is managing his identity through
- setting
- appearance
- manner.
- image.
- role
Opinions of family members or teachers early in your life have little impact on the formation of your self-concept.
- False
- True
Your text suggests all of the following are indicators that you are probably spending too much time online except __________________.
- time of Internet use exceeding the amount anticipated or intended
- decrease in time needed online to achieve satisfaction
- failure in attempts to reduce Internet use
- Internet use resulting in failure to fulfill responsibilities at work, home, or school
“The right to be forgotten” means you don’t have to worry about content that your contribute to social media.
- False
- True
Identity and communication are related in that we
- find others’ identities become our own through communication.
- are drawn to communicators who test and challenge our identity
- gain an idea of who we are from the way others communicate with us.
- control communication with our identity.
The self-concept is a constantly changing set of perceptions that others have of you.
- False
- True
People who have low self-esteem
- are likely to approve of others.
- expect to be rejected by others.
- perform well when being watched.
- work harder for critical people.
A phone message includes which of the cues of a face-to-face conversation:
- vocal tone
- eye contact
- facial expression
- posture
People will always respect and like you more if you go out of your way to please them.
- False
- True
Research has shown that competent communicators achieve effectiveness by
- apologizing when they offend others.
- adjusting their behaviors to the person and situation.
- giving lots of feedback.
- developing large vocabularies.
Two friends communicating face to face would most likely be
- sending and receiving messages at the same time.
- primarily sending messages.
- taking turns sending and receiving messages.
- neither sending nor receiving messages.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow suggests that the most basic human needs
- are proof that animals ascended from lower animal forms.
- are invented by other psychologists.
- must be satisfied before we concern ourselves with other ones.
- prove the existence of a superior being.
A high level of self-esteem guarantees interpersonal success.
- True
- False
The only type of self-fulfilling prophecy that can occur is when your own expectations influence your behavior.
- True
- False
According to your text, the world appears different to each of us.
- True
- False
As the text points out, your goal should be to become a perfect communicator.
- True
- False
People who think highly of themselves are likely to think highly of others too.
- True
- False
The kind of person you believe yourself to be is called the
- perceived self
- desired self.
- presenting self.
- myth of self.
- transient self.
In the Ethical Feature “The Ethics of Online Anonymity,” your text asserts that, in most social media, the veil of anonymity provides cover for ________________.
- insensitive and hurtful comments that few people would make if their identity was known
- participating in controversial political discourse
- supportive comments that they would be otherwise too shy to share
- spontaneous expressions of passionate opinion
While culture has a great deal to do with our perception, it is understood that a person’s mood and tolerance to stress do not.
- True
- False
When people communicate, they are often both senders and receivers of messages at the same time.
- True
- False
The person you believe yourself to be in moments of honesty is called the presenting self.
- True
- False
The communication strategies people use to influence how others view them is the process of
- ego-video.
- identity management.
- manipulation.
- social ethics.
- reflected appraisal.
In the Looking at Diversity Feature “Forging Relationships with Social Media,” Kevin Schomaker says online communication has been beneficial for him because he’s able to make a first impression that doesn’t include his physical disability.
- True
- False
According to your text, the self-concept influences much of our future behavior.
- True
- False
The self-concept is extremely resistant to change.
- True
- False
Ironically, when an isolated communicator’s sense of self-efficacy increases due to successful mediated communication, he or she is likely to increase the amount of time spent in mediated communication and become more isolated.
- True
- False
When compared with committed and monogamous relationships that began in person, those that started online had ____________.
- slightly lower satisfaction rates and slightly higher incidences of breakups
- slightly higher satisfaction rates and slightly higher incidences of breakups
- slightly higher satisfaction rates and slightly lower incidences of breakups
- slightly lower satisfaction rates and slightly lower incidences of breakups
When you believe that a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle every situation with complete confidence and skill, you are falling for the fallacy of
- causation.
- perfection.
- approval.
- shoulds.
- overgeneralization.
The only way we learn who we are is through communication.
- True
- False
The self-concept is a relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself.
- True
- False
Research shows that when online, communicators express themselves
- less honestly and more caution
- more honestly and with more caution
- more honestly and bluntly, with less caution and self-monitoring.
- less honestly and with more self-monitoring.
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