Chapter 4 Quiz - Psych 041
The average newborn doubles her birthweight in:
- the first year.
- four months.
- six months.
- two months.
The slowest-to-mature brain lobe is the:
- striate cortex.
- parietal cortex.
- frontal cortex.
- temporal cortex.
In the process of transient exuberance, great brain growth is seen, especially in the area of the:
- dendrites.
- axons.
- nucleus.
- axon terminals.
The sense that is the least developed at birth is:
- vision.
- taste.
- smell.
- hearing.
The difference between gross and fine motor skills is whether they:
- are controllable.
- involve mental or physical skills.
- are due more to nature or nurture.
- involve bigger or smaller muscles.
Unusual swelling of a toddler’s face and abdomen and thin, colorless hair are symptoms of:
- rickets.
- marasmus.
- hypoglycemia.
- kwashiorkor.
During the sensorimotor stage, the main task is to:
- learn to use language to express sensations.
- think logically and critically.
- use senses and motor skills to understand the world.
- think of past and future events.
Active experimentation is part of _______ in Piaget’s substages of sensorimotor intelligence.
- stage six.
- stage three.
- stage four.
- stage five.
- is found only in infants from the Western Hemisphere.
- precedes cooing.
- occurs only if the infant can hear.
- is universal.
On average, children begin saying recognizable words at about:
- 24 months old.
- 3 months old.
- 12 months old.
- 6 months old.
A match between a child’s temperament and the demands of the environment is called:
- goodness of fit.
- synchrony.
- organismic specificity.
- temperamental enhancement.
Secure attachment makes a toddler:
- cling to the mother.
- willing to explore.
- self-centered.
- try to talk.
Angel does not notice when his mother leaves the day-care center and ignores his mother when he returns. Angel’s behavior is:
- insecure-resistant attachment.
- insecure-avoidant attachment.
- secure attachment.
- disoriented attachment.
Newborns show a preference for _________ flavors.
- Sour
- Sweet
- Salty
- Umami
The process of myelination involves:
- bone growth.
- parents’ teaching their children.
- nerve insulation.
- muscle growth.
Newborns show a preference for _________ flavors.
- Sweet
- Sour
- Bitter
- Salty
Which sense is the most underdeveloped at birth?
- Vision
- Hearing
- Taste
- Touch
The following is an example of underextension:
- Calling a bird an “airplane”
- Calling all animals “kitties”
- Calling a mother “mama”
- Calling only the cat in the house “kitty”
A baby who cries when dropped off at daycare and cried again at pickup could possibly have a(n) _________ attachment style.
- secure
- insecure avoidant
- insecure resistant
- disorganized
A child with this temperament needs a little transition time to feel comfortable:
- insecure avoidant
- slow to warm
- undifferentiated
- easy
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