Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Health Sciences » HSCI 390 – Bio Statistics » Spring 2020 » Our Effects Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A the dominant herbivorous organisms of a region
B global patterns of atmospheric circulation
C global patterns of oceanic circulation
D the intensity of a solar radiation
Question #2
A The level of resources in the habitat will increase equally
B Both a) and d) are possible
C The population will slowly decline until it reaches its carrying capacity and fluctuate at about that number
D The carrying capacity will increase
E The population may shoot past its carrying capacity too quickly and then crash
Question #3
A 10,000
B 10
C 100
D 100
E 2,000
Question #4
A photosynthesis by plants and phytoplankton removes substantial amounts of atmospheric nitrogen
B nitrogen forms the framewok for organic molecules essential to all organisms
C nitrogen is a major constituent of phospholipids, ATP, and other energy-storing molecules
D nitrogen is a component of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
E The nitrogen cycle is NOT important biologically: the atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen, so nitrogen is freely available to all living organisms regardless of where it is in its cycle
Question #5
A sugars
B enzymes
C substrates
D work
Question #6
A on an island that has just risen out of the ocean
B in a forest that had burned to bare ground
C on the surface of recently cooled lava
D on bare ground exposed by the retreat of a glacier
Question #7
A All cells must have chloroplasts in order to survive
B All other organisms require carbon dioxide for life processes
C Photosynthesis captures energy that other organisms access when they eat either plants or organisms that eat plants
D The sugars made during photosynthesis are building blocks of DNA
Question #8
A oscillating cycle
B S-shaped population curve
C C-shaped population curve
D J-shaped population curve
Question #9
A deserts
B temperate forests
C estuaries
D tropical forests
Question #10
A Prey species, such as mussels, would decline, but most species within the community would be unaffected.
B The communities would be statistically indistinguishable from one another.
C Other predators will simply replace P.ochraceus and take advantage of prey that P.ochraceus consumed
D Sea star prey, such as mussels, might increase in abundance and crowd out other community members
Question #11
A CO2 reacts so quickly with other compounds that it should not be occurring
B it has occurred relatively rapidly
C there is no known mechanism for its occurrence
D it has occurred relatively slowly
Question #12
A provided by carbon dioxide
B extracted from DNA
C oxidized to make sugars
D provided by enzymes
Question #13
A cause the abundance of their prey to rise
B quickly alter the behavior of their prey
C drive their prey to extinction
D restrict the distribution of their prey
Question #14
A Seeds and grasses are eaten by various insects and small herbivores, the insects are eaten by a meadowlark, the small herbivores are eaten by a hawk, the meadowlark and the hawk eggs are eaten by snakes, and the snakes are eaten by owls.
B Goats eat grass; the goats are milked and eaten by humans
C Seeds are eaten by sparrow, the sparrow is eaten by a hawk, and the hawk’s eggs are eaten by a snake.
D Seeds are eaten by a tufted titmouse, the titmouse is eaten by a hawk, the hawk eggs are eaten by snakes, and the snakes are eaten by owls.
Question #15
A exponential growth
B logiistic growth
C density-dependent
D density-independent