Chapter 1 Test Geog 321
What country in North America has the largest total number of immigrants of any country in the world?
- Greenland
- Canada
- The United States
- None of the above
The combined area of Canada and the United States covers about what percent of the world’s land area?
- 40%
- 25%
- 13%
- 5%
Which country has the highest rate of immigration (as a percentage of population) in the world?
- Greenland
- Both A and B
- Canada
- The United States
North America is the world’s ________.
- Fourth largest continent
- Third largest continent
- Second largest continent
- First largest continent
The longest peaceful international border in the world is shared by
- Canada and Greenland
- Canada and Alaska
- Canada and the continental United States
- The continental United States and Mexico
Looking at the map (1.10) what crop, besides corn, is grown in the Corn Belt?
- Soybeans
- Wheat
- Tobacco
- Hay
The word Geography comes from the words for “earth” and “writing” in what language?
- French
- German
- Greek
- Latin
Most immigrants from Latin America and Asia have arrived in the United States when?
- Around American independence
- Since the 1990s
- Since the 1960s
- In the 19th and early 20th century
Which one of these regions is NOT one of Garreau’s regions of North America?
- Dixie
- The Oil Field
- Quebec
- Ecotopia
- The Breadbaskeet
- The Breadbasket
Garreau’s Nine Nations of North America are examples of what type of region?
- Landform
- Agricultural
- Formal
- Functional
Which country in North America was the last to achieve independence from colonial rule?
- The United States
- Mexico
- Canada
- Greenland
According to the lecture, the population density of the U.S. is _________sq/mile.
- 30
- 77
- 6
- 104
- 42
By current research, aboriginal people first came to the North American continent about when?
- 14,000 to 50,000 years ago
- 140,000 to 500,000 years ago
- 1,400 to 5,000 years ago
- 1,400,000 to 5,000,000 years ago
A presidential republic, such as the United States, has what characteristics?
- The judicial and the legislative branches are linked
- The executive and legislative branches of government are separate
- The president and the executive branch are separate
- The executive and legislative branches of government are linked
Geography in the past was deeply connected to exploration, today it is ________.
- Still based on exploration
- A study of interconnectedness
- a technical discipline related solely to the use of GIS
- A study of cartography
Joel Garreau, in his book Nine Nations of North America divided the continent based on what characteristic?
- Landforms
- All of the above
- Political divisions
- Cultural characteristics
During the 19th and early 20th centuries the majority of immigrants to the United States were from what part of the world?
- Eastern and Southern Europe
- Africa
- Western Europe
- Latin America and Asia
A region created by a shared set of links or spatial interactions is called what?
- A formal region
- A functional region
- A perceptual region
- A core region
Looking at the map (1.10) what part of North America is associated with sugarcane farming?
- Idaho
- California
- Texas
- Florida
In terms of cultural diversity for North America (Canada and the United States), which of the following is true?
- Canada is probably the most culturally diverse region on Earth, while the United States is not.
- As a whole, Canada and the United States is probably the most diverse region on Earth.
- The United States is the most culturally diverse region on Earth while Canada is not.
- As a whole, Canada and the United States is probably not the most diverse region on Earth.
The world’s largest island is what?
- Japan
- Greenland
- Australia
- Great Britain
The Corn Belt is considered to be what type of region?
- A Conceptual region
- A Physiographic Region
- A Formal region
- A Functional region
- A Nodal region
For question #35, go here:
According to the webpage, what is the largest urban area in the United States?
- Chicago
- Los Angeles
- Miami
- Washington, D.C.
- New York City
An area of near uniformity in one or more characteristics is called what?
- A core region
- A formal region
- A perceptual region
- A functional region
According to the lecture, what state gets the HIGHEST average precipitation?
- Arizona
- California
- Florida
- Louisiana
- Washington
According to the lecture, the U.S. covers nearly
- 10.6 million square miles
- 2.5 million square miles
- 3.8 million square miles
- 5 million square miles
- 1.1 million square miles
The total amount of miles of border shared by the U.S. with Mexico is?
- 2,456
- 3,500
- 4,565
- 6,500
- 1, 989
According to the video which of these is NOT a sector in the US-Mexico border patrol?
- Yuma
- El Paso
- Tijuana
- San Diego
- Del Rio
For question #33, go here:
According to the webpage, what is the population density per square kilometer?
- 76
- 23
- 57
- 96
- 31
According to Figure 1.10, what specialty crops are known to grow in Florida?
- Rice and peanuts
- Sugar cane and fruit
- Sugarbeets and soybeans
- All of the above are grown in Florida
- Wheat and potatoes
For question #34, go here:
According to the webpage, what is a cordelia?
- A series of mountain ranges
- A series of deserts
- A series of lakes
- A series of rivers
- Wetland areas
According to the lecture, which of the following is INCORRECT
- the population density of North America is around 42
- the latitudinal location of the US provides a wide variety of climates
- The Ohio and Missouri Rivers drain into the Mississippi River
- The Western Uplands consist of rolling hills and low mountains
- The US has a tropical rainforest climate
At the time of American independence in 1789, the population of the United States was dominated by
- Western Europeans
- Eastern Europeans
- Native Americans
- Africans
For #32, go here:
According to the webpage, where are the Everglades located?
- Florida
- California
- Texas
- Mississippi
- North CArolina
According to the lecture the greatest portion of the United States at the same latitude as
- The Sahara Desert
- Russia
- Australia
- The Mediterranean Sea
- Brazil
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