Online Quiz 1: Chapters 1 and 2 The Evolution of Management
Jim is meeting with his supervisor to persuade him to utilize his new marketing campaign strategy. He will most likely use which of the following management roles?
- Interpersonal
- Decisional
- Informational
- Delegational
Lindsay is a manager at ABC Company. She manages the payroll department and has five employees. She spends the majority of her time defining work responsibilities for her team members and allocating their time to specific tasks. Lindsay is primarily focused on which of the four manager’s tasks:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Leading
- Controlling
Which of the following is NOT a Success Factor for Organizations?
- Interested consumers and advocates
- Access to Resources
- Profitability
- Effective Leadership
What are the 3 P’s of the triple bottom line?
- People, Product, Planet
- Product, Promotion, Placement
- People, Product, Profit
- People, Profit, Planet
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a regulatory act that requires organizations to maintain a commitment to the health and well-being of the local and global community.
- True
- False
When workers begin to test management by performing as slowly as possible, while giving their supervisor the impression they are working fast is known as:
- Soldiering
- Delaying
- Contingency
- Entropy
Which of the following is NOT a reason to which the Hawthorne Studies research team attributed the increase in performance?
- A less restrictive/ friendlier supervisory style
- Working in small groups
- More specific goals
- Increased earnings
____________________ states that different organizations, situations, and contexts require different managerial approaches:
- Theory X
- Theory Y
- Contingency Theory
- Systems Theory
Which theorist is most notably known for linking motivated and satisfied employees to successful management?
- Max Weber
- Henri Fayol
- Douglas McGregor
- Mary Parker Follett
Frank Gilbreth is associated most with:
- Division of labor
- Quality movement
- Time studies
- Motion studies
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