Quiz 12 - Geog 322
The author argues that the concept of childhood has remained constant over time and across space.
- True
- False
Based on the author’s discussion of children’s work in highland Ecuador, which of the following is most accurate?
- Children do not do any household work until age 8
- Girls are expected to work at a much earlier age than boys
- Children’s work often integrates many aspects of play
- Children’s work is done more as a cultural preference than as an economic necessity
Which of the following is NOT one of the guiding principles of the UNCRC (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)?
- right to life, survival, and development
- nondiscrimination
- the right to participate
- right to at least a high/secondary school education
- right to life, survival and development
Which of the following statements about rural children is most accurate?
- the distinctions between work and play are clearly defined within communities
- young children typically have many more household responsibilities than there US and Canadian counterparts
- Young boys are typically more responsible for household chores than are girls
- Boys are typically more involved in community work than are girls
Which of the following statements about school in rural Latin America is LEAST accurate?
- In many rural communities they only have primary level schools
- School is mostly free but other expenses can make it difficult for children to attend
- Educational attainment rates in Panama are higher than they are in Honduras
- many more girls than boys attend school
Street (not street working) children:
- often have frequent contact with their families
- typically do not work
- only engage in illegal activities
- typically sleep on the street
The difference between “children IN the streets” and “children OF the streets” is:
- children in the streets typically earn more money
- children of the streets go to school on a regular basis
- children of the streets only engage in illegal activities
- children in the streets typically return to their home at night
Children working (as compared to those living) on the streets:
- are typically outnumbered by those living on the streets
- typically forego school to earn money for their family
- work primarily to pay for their education
- are almost always girls
Children’s street work:
- allows them to avoid dangerous street life
- often integrates work and play
- lowers self esteem among the children
- is becoming less common in most cities of Latin America
Youth activism in Latin America:
- has no historical precedence
- has organizational linkages throughout the region
- does little to protect children from drugs and violence
- focuses mostly on economic rather than social issues
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