Discussion Forum Topic Week 14
The discussion forum topic is an assignment to be submitted for a grade. This is the tenth of ten discussion forum topics to be submitted during the semester. This is a two part assignment. Part 1 is to submit a response worth up to 4 points, and Part 2 is to reply to at least two of your classmates’ responses worth up to 1 point, for a total of up to 5 points for the assignment. Read the directions carefully and read the grading rubric, then compose your response and submit your response by clicking Reply.
Part 1:
If you were on campus and had some time between classes, and decided to go to an eatery on campus and get a bite to eat, then think of what you would expect to hear from a individual who was sitting next to you in the eatery, who was in the late adulthood age range, while chatting in friendly conversation. What do you think the individual would talk about and what do you think you would learn from the individual?
- State the age and gender of the individual, and information about the physical health of the individual in late adulthood..
- State information about one biological aspect of mental health during late adulthood.
- State information about a decline in memory, or a change in intellectual abilities, or a decline in cognitive abilities during late adulthood.
- State information about retirement, or family, or friends in late adulthood.
- Reply to two classmates’ responses.
Sample of Good Work:
If I had some free time between classes and decided to go to one of the eateries to grab a bite to eat, and I met a woman sitting near me and she started talking to me, she would probably tell me that she was 87 years old and her health was holding up, because she had never smoked and did not drink alcohol, and her parents lived to age 97. She might tell me that she was grateful that she did not have depression, like some of her friends, which is biological and tends to run in families. I would expect to hear her tell me that her memory was not what it used to be, and that she was also grateful that her mind was still good, unlike some of her friends, who had Alzheimer’s disease. She would probably tell me that she had retired about 10 years ago and was on campus taking a class for fun, to keep her mind active and to have social contact with people. She might tell me that she, herself, was in between classes, too, and was waiting to meet a friend for lunch, and discuss what they would take the following semester.
The purpose of the discussion forum topic is to apply the course material to the real world and to your own life by giving examples that are meaningful to you. This is due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. Please see the Grading Rubric for Discussion Forum Topic.
This discussion forum topic ties into Student Learning Outcome (SLO) 1:
Student Learning Outcomes 1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical constructs among the 4 main areas of human development (Physical, Cognitive, Social, and Emotional) throughout the lifespan.
This discussion forum topic ties into Course Objectives 3, 7, 8, and 18.
Course Objective 3. Discuss key features of physical development across the lifespan, such as prenatal factors, heritability, puberty, hormonal changes, physical health, and biological aspects of mental health.
Course Objective 7. Discuss the components of and changes that occur in human memory across the lifespan including the declines in memory common during late adulthood.
Course Objective 8. Discuss the various theories in intelligence and changes in intellectual abilities that occur across the lifespan.
Course Objective 18. Examine core issues related to development during the aging years, such as various declines in cognitive abilities, retirement, family and friends, and caring for the elderly.
This discussion forum topic ties into Learning Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Learning Objective 1. Discuss physical health in late adulthood.
Learning Objective 2. Discuss biological aspects of mental health in late adulthood.
Learning Objective 3. Discuss the declines in memory during late adulthood.
Learning Objective 4. Discuss changes in intellectual abilities in late adulthood.
Learning Objective 5. Examine declines in cognitive abilities in late adulthood.
Learning Objective 6. Examine retirement, family, and friends in late adulthood.
Learning Objective 7. Examine caring for an individual in the age range of late adulthood.
Part 2:
After submitting a response to the discussion forum topic, view your classmates’ responses and reply to at least two classmates’ response by asking a question, answering a question, offering a suggestion, giving praise, agreeing, politely disagreeing, providing encouragement, sharing a story, or offering a comment. This is due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. Please see the Grading Rubric for the Discussion Forum Topic.