Prepare a COMPANY PROFILE for a healthcare organization that is involved with technology applied to healthcare.
Sections MUST INCLUDE company name, HQ location; HIS/T business; annual revenues (best over multiple years so we can tell if there is growth – maybe a chart?); total employees; featured HIS/T software/device/service; future plans; and most importantly your thoughts why this is or is not a good place to work to get started in HIS/T.
I have posted examples TO GET IDEA.
The Mitre Paper from Amazon makes a strong case for how AI will directly impact healthcare right away.
1. Define Artificial Intelligence. How does it fit with healthcare?
2. Describe how Neural Networks and Deep Learning are similar and different. Provide two examples.
3. What is JASON and what does it do? Describe how JASON is involved with healthcare.
No. of Pages : 3