Please read Sustainable Living & Mindful Eating Chapter 2 and then post a response using the formatting guidelines below, as well as two replies.
What is the most important information that you learned in Chapter 2?
What is your dosha?
Discussion Requirements
For each chapter of Sustainable Living & Mindful Eating, you will complete a critical thinking assignment.
The assignment is worth 14 points total: 10 for the initial post and 2 points for each reply (total of 2 replies required)
This assignment is a demonstraton that you:
Have read the entire chapter
Understand the activities
Can demonstrate in at least 550- to 750 words to your instructor that you have done the reading.
Please be complete and thorough.
Please spell check and ensure you are using appropriate college-level writing skills. This is an important assignment, so please take it seriously.
Initial Discussion Post Formatting Requirements:
The most important information/key concepts we need to understand from this chapter is:
How can I use the information in the chapter to help me with my daily mindful eating practice?
In what ways will the material learned in this chapter help me manage my mindful eating and stress levels more effectively?
What are your thoughts and feedback regarding the information and the activities in this chapter?
This assignment is aligned with the following learning objectives:
Mastery of effective oral and written communication in assignments and classroom discussions.
Thoughtfully respond to culturally relevant traditions related to food supply.
Perform personal and group critique of readings and class exercises
Understand the ways stress impact food choices, and food choices impact stress and food.
Identify the long-term consequences of stress on eating habits, and healthful eating.
No. of Page: 2