
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Chapter 11 Quiz

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Los Angeles Mission College  »  Psychology  »  Psychology 041 – Lifespan Psychology  »  Spring 2016  »  Chapter 11 Quiz

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Focuses heavily on job-related instruction
B  Offers paid employment as a component of the program 
C  Focuses heavily on basic skills
D  Carefully integrates academic and job-related instruction
Question #2
A  Dustin, who takes high-pressure advanced placement classes
B  Hilda, who is in a vocational track
C  Dwayne, who receives personalized remedial instruction
D  Linda, who is in a college preparatory track 
Question #3
A  These students are nonetheless likely to find adequate employment after leaving school
B  Rarely do these students report a history of dissatisfaction with school
C  Rarely are other warning signs present 
D  A substantial number quietly disengage from school
Question #4
A   Close to 20 percent and rising
B  Especially low among Hispanic teenagers
C  Higher among boys than girls
D  Particularly high among low SES Caucasian youth
Question #5
A  Early-maturing boys and girls
B  Girls more often than boys
C  Low- SES minority students
D  Late-maturing boys and girls
Question #6
A  Were able to apply their learning to new weather problems
B  Activated subcortical areas involved in implicit memory
C  Activated the hippocampus, which plays a vital role in explicit memory
D  Learned more thoroughly than participants working only on the weather task
Question #7
A  Share those values
B   Have parents who value effort
C  Are less involved in extracurricular activities
D  Are less academically successful
Question #9
A  Compared with other students, dropouts are more likely to have involved parents
B  Nearly all dropouts achieve poorly and show high rates of norm-violating acts 
C  The dropout rate is higher among African American teenagers than among Hispanic teenagers
D  Risk factors in first grade predict dropout nearly as well as risk factors in secondary school
Question #10
A  Requiring extracurricular involvement 
B  Using standardized testing instead of grades to determine who graduates
C  Offering remedial instruction in small classes 
D   Putting students in larger classes
Question #11
A  Few high school dropouts return to finish there secondary education
B  Over 90 percents of U.S. Youths complete high school by age 24 
C  Today, fewer U.S. youths finish their high school education than 50 years ago
D  High school dropouts have a much higher employment rate than high school graduates
Question #12
A  When riley fails to make the volleyball team. She believes that no one has ever felt as disappointed
B  Benny goes to the Friday night football game with a group of friends and cheers as loud as anyone else
C  Harry believes that he will never have a car accident because he is a better driver than most people
D  When her fork falls off her tray in the cafeteria, Hannah is certain that everyone is thinking that she is clumsy 
Question #13
A  Through exposure to many experiences that require them to match theories against evidence
B  As the result of an abrupt, stage wise change 
C  Through direct instruction from adults and more expert peers
D  Through rote memorization
Question #14
A  Emotional self-regulation
B  Verbal ability 
C  Advanced spatial reasoning
D  Metacognition 
Question #15
A  Literature and writing
B  Math and science 
C   Social Sciences 
D  Art and music 
Question #16
A  Does appear until adulthood
B  Occurs gradually from childhood on 
C  Appears at puberty
D  Is found in children as young as 3
Question #17
A   Proportional 
B  Sensorimotor 
C  Concrete operational
D  Formal operational
Question #18
A  Should not taken lightly because a single heavy does can lead to permanent injury or death
B  Is a normal part of adolescence and, therefore is not a cause for concern 
C  is linked to depression, anxiety, and impulsive behavior
D  Is much greater among African American than among Caucasian-American youth
Question #19
A  Alcohol
B  Marijuana 
C  Cigarettes
D  Cocaine
Question #20
A  Have a better chance of gradating high school than children of adult mothers
B  Fare better if the teenage parent drops out of high school
C  Score higher on intelligence tests than children of adult mothers
D  Often become adolescent parents 
Question #21
A  Know more about child development 
B  More often engage in child abuse
C  Interact more efficiently with their infants
D  Perceive their babies as less difficult 
Question #22
A  Today, about 95 percent of U.S. adolescent mothers graduate from high school
B  Very few teen mothers experience pregnancy and birth complications
C  Many teen mothers perceive their babies as less difficult
D  Teenage mothers spend more of their parenting years as single parents
Question #23
A  About 50 or 60 percent of adolescents who report having engaged in homosexual acts identify as heterosexual
B  Attraction to members of the same sex is limited to teenagers who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual
C  Most homosexual adolescents are “gender-deviant” in dress and behavior
D  Bisexuality is a transient state
Question #24
A  Genetic factors; prenatal biological influences
B  Genetic factors; authoritarian child rearing
C  Personal choice; prenatal biological influences
D  Social influences; genetic factors
Question #25
A  School sex education classes prevent teenagers from having unprotected sex
B  About 20 percent of sexual active U.S. teenagers do not use contraception consistently
C  Adolescent contraceptive use has decreased in recent years 
D  Even teenagers who report talking openly with their parents about sex are unlikely to use birth control
Question #26
A  It is usually harder to treat young people with bulimia than those with anorexia
B  Bulimics typically deny or minimize the seriousness of their disorder 
C  Bulimics usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits 
D  Bulimics are usually excellent students who are responsible and well- adjusted
Question #27
A  Half; also afflicted with bulimia nervosa
B  Half; gay or bisexual youths who are uncomfortable with a strong, muscular appearance 
C  Three- quarters; African-American youths who are dissatisfied with their physical characteristics
D  A quarter; early-maturing youths who are anxious and prone to depression
Question #28
A  Boys account for less than 1 percent of anorexia cases
B  About 10 percent of North American and Western European teenagers are affected
C  Anorexia nervosa is equally common in all SES groups 
D  Although being anorexia is unhealthy, it is rarely fatal 
Question #29
A  Moral issues; lying, stealing, and cheating
B  Important family values; a belief in a higher power
C  School issues; the importance of education 
D  Everyday matters; driving,dating partners, and curfews
Question #30
A  19-year-old Jesse
B  14-year-old Grace
C  16-year-old Tyler
D  13-year-old Tya
Question #31
A  Less intense
B  More positive
C  More stable
D  Strongly related to situational changes
Question #32
A  Perform better on cognitive tasks in the morning hours
B  Are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression 
C  Display increases in executive function
D  Are less likely to engage in high-risk behaviors
Question #33
A  Become capable of reading and interpreting emotional cues
B  Have difficulty strong and retrieving long-term memories
C  Cope better with stressful events and rarely experience negative emotion
D  React more strongly to stressful events and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely 
Question #35
A  The first outward sign of puberty is menarche for girls and spermarche for boys 
B  Growth in body size is complete for most girls by age 16 and for boys by age 17 1/2
C  On average, the growth spurt is underway in North America around age 8 for girls and 10 for boys
D  In early adolescence, the typical girl is shorter and lighter than the typical boy
Question #36
A  Occur suddenly
B  Are underway at birth
C  Are underway by age 8 or 9
D  Are unimpressive
Question #37
A  Briefer but more intense than
B  The same length as
C  Briefer but less intense than
D  Much longer than
Question #38
A  Biologically determined
B  Influenced by biological, psychological, and social forces
C  Socially determined 
D  Environmentally determined 
Question #40
A  Period so turbulent that is resembles the era in which humans evolved from savages into civilized beings
B   Biologically based “developmental disturbance”
C  Pleasant time of life in which the social environment is responsible for the range of teenage experience 
D  Time in which teenagers grasp scientific and mathematical principles and grapple with social and political issues