Navigation » List of Schools » California State Polytechnic University » History » History 2202 – U.S. History, 1877 to the Present » Fall 2022 » Chapter 6 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A It emphasized the creation of economic policies to benefit the U.S.
B It focused on negotiation as the most important tool of foreign policy.
C It pledged American neutrality in international conflicts.
D It called for the promotion of democracy in all countries.
E It included the threat of American military force as a tool in foreign policy.
Question #2
A Set forth principles for trade with Latin America
B Announced the construction of the Panama Canal
C Announced that the Western Hemisphere was American territory
D Declared America’s right to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations to maintain regional stability
E Declared his intent to defend Latin American countries militarily against European threats
Question #3
A Used military force to take control of the region.
B imposed a trade embargo on Colombia.
C assisted in a Panamanian revolt against Colombia, giving Panama independence.
D declared war on Colombia of which Panama was a part of.
E started to build its canal even though it did not have approval.
Question #4
A 1914
B 1918
C 1915
D 1916
E 1917
Question #5
A The government engaged in a vast propaganda campaign to gain support for the war effort.
B The government took significant control over production and manufacturing.
C The government instituted a draft.
D The government restricted the civil liberties of American citizens.
E The government placed large numbers of dissidents in special detention camps for the duration of the war.
Question #6
A Helped promote democratic institutions in China.
B opened Chinese markets for American goods
C increased Chinese investments in the United States.
D gave the US territory in China.
E Kept European goods out of China
Question #7
A Puerto Rico
B The Philippines
C Hawaii
D All of these became US territories as a result of the war.
E Cuba
Question #8
A They understood that it was flawed because it placed blame for the war on Germany alone.
B They feared that it would involve the nation in future conflicts
C They disliked Wilson
D They believed in the notion of collective security
E They feared that it would damage American exceptionalism and its democratic institutions
Question #9
A A charity to rebuild Germany after the war
B An end to Germany’s submarine warfare
C German unconditional surrender to end the war
D American intervention in the war
E The formation of an international organization to maintain peace
Question #10
A The role of the military in expanding American influence in Latin America.
B The notion that a country’s greatness depended on its naval power.
C The necessity of free labor to promote global stability.
D The need of a strong system of alliances for national security.
E The significance of a stable economy for any democracy.
Question #11
A Germany’s invasion of Mexico
B Zimmerman Telegram
C Bolshevik revolution in Russia
D sinking of the Lusitania
Question #12
A Only Germany used propaganda.
B Wilson considered propaganda immoral.
C The focus was on painting the enemy in negative terms.
D It helped shape attitudes about the war and the enemy.
E It focused mostly in recruitment.
Question #13
A Exemplifies Roosevelt’s shrewd style of negotiating treaties
B Argued for equal access to all nations to the Chinese markets
C Gave control of China to the European powers
D Was a major reason for the outbreak of war between Japan and Russia
E Emphasized American control of Chinese markets
Question #14
A The annexation was part of the treaty that ended the war with Spain.
B It came about immediately after Americans on the island forced the Queen to give up her throne.
C The debate over the annexation reflected the divisions between imperialists and anti-imperialists in American government.
D The annexation was delayed because Americans on the islands demanded admission as a state.
E It was a result of a popular election in Hawai’i under Queen Liliuokalani.
Question #15
A the border dispute between Venezuela and British Guiana
B the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana harbor
C Spanish brutality
D the construction of the Panama Canal
E the sinking of the Lusitania