Navigation » List of Schools » California State Polytechnic University » History » History 2202 – U.S. History, 1877 to the Present » Fall 2022 » Chapter 12 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A openly criticize the war effort
B restrict reporting on the war
C give less air time to antiwar protesters
D appeal to American patriotism to support the war effort
E give more air time to antiwar protesters
Question #2
A Resulted in the long-term imprisonment of General Oliver North
B Involved selling arms to Iran and illegally using the proceeds to fund anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua
C All of these are accurate
D Helped elect a Democrat in the 1988 presidential election
E Resulted in an attempt to impeach President Reagan for his role
Question #3
A William Westmoreland
B John Dean
C Gerald Ford
D Donald Rumsfeld
E Henry Kissinger
Question #4
A compelled President Nixon to end the secret bombing war in Cambodia.
B ended the military draft and created an all-volunteer army.
C gave the president the power to commit troops without declaring war.
D required Congress to approve funds for military operations.
E required presidential reporting and congressional approval of extended troop commitments.
Question #5
A Curtailed US influence in Vietnam
B Ended the war in Vietnam
C Gave the President the power to conduct the war without formal congressional declaration of war
D Enhanced congressional control over foreign policy
E Illustrated the role of public opinion in shaping foreign policy
Question #6
A congressional approval for an expanded war effort
B an end to the secret American bombing campaign against Cambodia
C The wiping out of North Vietnamese resistance as their supply routes were interrupted
D China entering the war on the side of North Vietnam
E new waves of bitter domestic protest against the war
Question #7
A the fall of the Soviet Union
B an end to communist governments in Asia
C a reluctance to commit US troops for extended military action abroad
D a continued boycott of trade with Asia
E a change in US foreign policy from containment to a more isolationist foreign policy
Question #8
A an increasing alliance between Arab nations and the Soviet Union.
B a vigorous effort to end America’s reliance on imported oil.
C considerably lower energy prices for European countries that had remained neutral in the war.
D America’s growing reliance on Iran as its major source of Middle Eastern oil.
E an OPEC oil boycott of the United States and a subsequent energy crisis and recession.
Question #9
A A war conducted without a declaration of war
B An example of the doctrine of containment
C All of these
D A war that deeply divided the US
E A war that fostered cynicism and distrust of the government
Question #10
A He framed American foreign policy in moral terms as a struggle against the evils of communism.
B He believed in rolling back communism worldwide.
C He secured an American foothold in the Middle East and its oil.
D He oversaw a major increase in American military spending.
E He developed a close relationship with the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Question #11
A was aimed at ending the division of Germany and Korea.
B ushered in an era of relaxed tensions between the United States and the two leading communist powers, China and the Soviet Union.
C found little support among Americans.
D was designed to improve relations between the Soviet Union and China.
E countered considerable resistance from European nations.
Question #12
A declare the American intention to send a man on the moon before the Soviets could get there
B reduce the nation’s commitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Atlantic Treaty Organization to appease the Soviets
C forbid Americans to trade with and travel to Latin America
D Negotiate a limited nuclear testing bane with the Soviets
E organize the Peace Corps
Question #13
A détente.
B unilateralism.
C containment.
D isolationism.
E human rights.
Question #14
A Reaching a major milestone in settling the Egyptian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.
B The signing of a treaty restoring Panamanian sovereignty over the Canal Zone.
C Normalizing relations with the revolutionary government of Iran.
D Normalizing formal relations with mainland China.
E the renewal of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
Question #15
A All of these statements are accurate.
B He emphasized the role of alliances in countering Soviet influence.
C He used the Central Intelligence Agency to engineer political coups to achieve foreign policy goals.
D He supported an autocratic government in South Vietnam after the nation was divided in 1955.
E He utilized American popular culture to counter Soviet influence.