Navigation » List of Schools » Los Angeles City College » Anthropology » Anthropology 101 – Human Biologic Evolution » Fall 2022 » Midterm Exam
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A Males live in large groups and compete for solitary females.
B Females live in small groups and compete for access to solitary males.
C Males live alone and use a system of smells and calls to warn other males away.
D Females live in large groups that compete for resources with large groups of males.
Question #2
A Orangutans
B Gibbons
C Lemurs
D Baboons
E Bonobos
Question #3
A binocular stereoscopic vision.
B a dominance hierarchy.
C small canine size.
D intense competition for estrus females.
Question #4
A solitary
B polyandrous
C monogamous
D polygynous
Question #5
A includes heavy grinding molars similar to those of grazing animals
B includes large canines for tearing meat
C uniform in size and shape
D highly generalized
Question #6
A 0
B 50
C 100
D 25
Question #7
A They emigrate after reaching maturity
B They are larger than chimp males
C They band together in polyandrous societies
D They travel in large independent groups
Question #8
A secondary plant compounds
B thorns
C increased competition
D high fiber diet
Question #9
A They have an extended ontogeny.
B They live longer than any other mammal.
C They grow up faster than other mammals.
D They rely on instinct more so than other mammals.
Question #10
A species A diverges into species B and C, and species A may or may not still exist
B species A is abducted by aliens, combined with alien DNA, and released as a new species
C species A becomes species B, and both still exist (i.e., bonobos and chimps)
D species A becomes species B, and species A no longer exists
Question #11
A Bonobo females can achieve more dominance status.
B Only bonobo males engage in border clashes.
C Bonobo females do not emigrate
D Bonobo fathers nurture their young
Question #12
A gradualism
B punctuated equilibrium
C anagenesis
D cladogenesis
Question #13
A the reproductive success of one’s close family also matters.
B animals compete equally with all creatures of the same species.
C only individual selection matters in evolution.
D an animal is only concerned with its own survival and reproduction.
Question #14
A founder effect
B differential mortality
C genetic drift
D gene flow
Question #15
Question #16
Question #17
A the disappearance of green eye color in a group of people over time.
B female peacocks choosing to mate with males with the largest tail feathers.
C robust finch beaks becoming more dominant due to hard, drought resistant nuts.
D farmers selecting to breed pigs that gain weight the fastest.
Question #18
A only the allele from the father was expressed.
B the factor that is expressed is dominant.
C only the allele from the mother was expressed.
D that characteristic was not expressed.
Question #19
A codons; amino acids
B amino acids; polypeptides
C polypeptides; genes
D codons; genes
Question #20
A a version of a gene
B the location of a gene on a chromosome
C the state of the DNA before replication
D a sex cell
Question #21
A protein synthesis and cell reproduction
B there is only one function of DNA, which is protein synthesis
C ATP production and cell reproduction
D protein synthesis and ATP production
Question #22
B somatic cells
C gametes
D stem cells
Question #23
A Intelligent design fully embraces the mechanisms of Darwinian evolution.
B The fossil record is complete and there are no gaps.
C The gaps are not wide enough to correspond with any creation events.
D Gaps in the fossil record are expected due to the low probability of fossil preservation.
Question #24
A Within a population, some variations are favored by environmental conditions and others are not.
B A divine creator created all species according to an unknowable plan.
C All species are fixed and unchanging.
D Organisms transform and pass these transformations on to their offspring.
Question #25
A a process by which many species result from one ancestral one
B genetic change that occurs in a population over time
C when individuals transform over their lifetime and their offspring inherit those transformations
D survival of the fittest
Question #26
A individuals transform over their lifetime and their offspring inherit those transformations
B allele pairs correlate with one another
C all species are fixed
D random mutations provide a pool of variation from which nature selects
Question #27
A Genetic drift
B Sexual selection
C Mutation
D Gene flow
Question #28
A Naturalists did not have the pro[per technology to study evolution.
B The New World had not yet been thoroughly examined.
C Too few fossils had been studied and classified.
D Naturalists still tried to fit their observations of the natural world into Church doctrine.
Question #29
A Anthropometry
B Archaeology
C Forensic anthropology
D Molecular anthropology
Question #30
A analogous features.
B adaptive function.
C overall appearance.
D design principles.