Navigation » List of Schools » Glendale Community College » Psychology » Psychology 103 – Physiological Psychology » Spring 2022 » Exam 4R
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A pituitary.
B sweat glands.
C adrenal medulla.
D anterior pituitary.
E adrenal cortex.
Question #2
A bipolar
B schizophrenia spectrum
C anxiety
D depressive
E phobic
Question #3
A their own substantia nigra
B their own striatal
C fetal substantia nigra
D adrenal cortex
E fetal adrenal medulla
Question #4
A John Money
B sexual dimorphism
C anabolic steroids
D Kluver-Bucy syndrome
E estrous cycle
Question #5
A requested mastectomy and phalloplasty.
B suspected he was a boy from the second grade on.
C all of these
D refused to wear a bra.
E acted like a male from an early age.
Question #6
A all of these
B a selective decline in memory.
C changes in personality.
D seizures.
E disturbances of attention.
Question #7
A neurobehavioral
B neurochemical
C psychiatric
D degenerative
E neuropsychological
Question #8
A treatments that improve depression increase BDNF.
B women have twice as much as men.
C BDNF is localized in the prefrontal lobes.
D it plays an important role in mental health.
E regeneration is not possible without it.
Question #9
A internalized testes.
B breasts.
C little public hair.
D all of these
E shallow vaginas.
Question #10
A the penis.
B ovaries.
C a Müllerian system.
D testes.
E a Wolffian system.
Question #11
A greater for males than for females.
B more than for dizygotic twins.
C greater among cocaine users.
D much more than 50%.
E much less than 100%.
Question #12
A is stimulated by a high ratio of androgens to estrogens.
B is stimulated by a high ratio of estrogens to androgens.
C can be blocked by hormones but is not stimulated by them.
D occurs automatically even if testosterone is present in large amounts.
E occurs automatically unless testosterone is present.
Question #13
A depressed people have low levels of monoamines.
B depressed people have high levels of monoamines.
C most drugs used to treat depression are monoamine agonists.
D most drugs used to treat depression are monoamine antagonists.
Question #14
A neurotransmitters; brain
B glutamate; brain
C blood; heart
D blood; brain
E air; body
Question #15
A hallucinations
B all of these
C delusions
D inappropriate affect
E incoherent speech or thought
Question #16
A render them potent.
B increase their sex drive.
C enable them to achieve an erection.
D increase their muscularity.
E eliminate their sterility.
Question #17
A D2 receptors.
B D1 receptors.
C autoreceptors.
D glutamate receptors.
E dopamine.
Question #18
A severe dementia.
B all of these
C jerky, writhing movements of entire limbs.
D increased fidgetiness.
Question #19
A their cognitive deficits were greater because they had more to lose.
B doctors recover more than scientists.
C their cognitive reserve allowed them to compensate for their cognitive deficits by accomplishing cognitive tasks in alternative ways, even though they did not recover lost functions.
D they displayed a remarkable degree of recovery of lost cognitive functions.
E scientists recover more than doctors.
Question #20
A the female sex ducts.
B ovaries.
C the Wolffian system.
D the frenulum.
E testes.
Question #21
A under direct genetic control.
B under environmental control.
C from different tissue.
D from the same bipotential tissue.
E under estrogenic control.
Question #22
A closed-head injuries of sudden onset.
B cancerous brain tumors of sudden onset.
C cerebral attacks.
D brain infarcts.
E cerebrovascular disorders of sudden onset.
Question #23
A all of these
B is usually the result of a dominant gene.
C occurs at a very high rate in Africans and East Asians.
D is associated with damage to the myelin of the CNS.
E is most common in very warm climates.
Question #24
A none of these
B all of these
C often characterized by the systematic spread of motor symptoms through the body.
D Jacksonian.
E focal seizures whose symptoms are primarily sensory or motor.
Question #25
A NOT involve anhedonia.
B be triggered by an obvious traumatic event.
C involve a suicide attempt.
D last more than 2 weeks.
E last less than 2 weeks.