
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

MODULE 8 (Chapter 09)

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Need help with your exam preparation?

Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  ​ablation
B  ​transurethral prostatectomy
C  retrograde ejaculation
D  ​prostatectomy
Question #2
A  glomerulus
B  ​ureter
C  ​urethra
D  ​medulla
Question #3
A  urethrotomy
B  ​meatotomy
C  ​pyelotomy
D  ​lithotomy
Question #4
A  bladder ultrasound
B  ​cystography
C  ​digital rectal examination
D  ​retrograde urography
Question #5
A  ​urinary incontinence
B  ​overactive bladder
C  ​overflow incontinence
D  stress incontinence
Question #6
A  ​bladder retraining
B  ​Kegel exercises
C  nocturnal enuresis
D  ​ablation
Question #7
A  ​urinary tract infection
B  ​urinary retention
C  ​dysuria
D  urinary incontinence
Question #8
A  ​cystalgia
B  ​cystocele
C  ​renal colic
D  nephritis
Question #9
A  ​end-stage renal disease
B  ​acute renal failure
C  renal colic
D  ​uremia
Question #10
A  ​renal artery
B  ​renal vein
C  renal pelvis
D  ​renal tubule
Question #11
A  ​urination
B  urinary catheterization
C  ​urinary tract infection
D  ​urinalysis
Question #12
A  nephropexy
B  ​nephroptosis
C  ​nephropyosis
D  ​hydronephrosis
Question #13
A  edema​
B  azotemia
C  ​uremia
D  ​cystalgia
Question #14
A  ​lithotomy
B  ​ureteroscopy
C  ​ureterorrhaphy
D  ureterectomy
Question #15
A  ​ureter
B  ​urethral meatus
C  urinary bladder
D  ​urea
Question #16
A  ​Prostatism
B  ​Urinary incontinence
C  Urinary hesitancy
D  ​Urinary retention
Question #17
A  ​urethral meatus
B  ​ureteral orifices
C  urethra
D  ​ureters
Question #18
A  ​cystectomy
B  ​ureterectomy
C  ileal conduit
D  ​cystopexy
Question #19
A  intermittent catheter
B  ​indwelling catheter
C  ​short-term catheter
D  ​Foley catheter
Question #20
A  ​antispasmodics
B  ​electrolytes
C  diuretics
D  ​dialysate
Question #21
A  cystography
C  ​bladder ultrasound
D  ​retrograde urography
Question #22
A  oliguria
B  ​polyuria
C  anuria
D  ​dysuria
Question #23
A  ​medulla
B  ​nephron
C  renal tubule
D  ​renal cortex
Question #24
A  ​neurogenic bladder
B  ​stress incontinence
C  overflow incontinence
D  ​overactive bladder
Question #25
A  Nephritis
B  ​Glomerulonephritis
C  ​Pyelonephritis
D  ​Cystitis
Question #26
A  uremia
B  Interstitial cystitis
C  glomerulonephritis
D  urethritis
Question #27
A  Wilms
B  vesicovaginal
C  polyuria
D  urethrorrhagia
Question #28
A  nephrolithiasis
B  urethritis
C  catheterization
D  urethrostenosis
Question #29
A  pyelotomy
B  urethrotomy
C  nephropathy
D  cystourethrography
Question #30
A  urethrorrhagia
B  polyuria
C  dialysis
D  Incontinence
Question #31
A  catheterization
B  peritoneal dialysis
C  urethrostenosis
D  epispadias
Question #33
A  dialysis
B  urethrorrhagia
C  urethritis
D  polyuria
Question #35
A  polyuria
B  catheterization
C  nephrolithiasis
D  urethritis
Question #36
A  neurogenic
B  uremia
C  pyelotomy
D  Interstitial cystitis
Question #38
A  urethritis
B  anuria
C  uremia
D  end-stage
Question #39
A  ​Pyelonephritis
B  Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
C  Nephritis
D  Suprapubic catheterization
Question #40
A  Edema
B  Prostatism
C  Ablation
D  Wilms
Question #43
A  Edema
B  Prostatism
C  Polycystic
D  Ablation
Question #44
A  Suprapubic catheterization
B  Prostatic hyperplasia
C  Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
D  Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Question #45
A  polyuria
B  nephrotic
C  end-stage
D  oliguria
Question #46
A  percutaneous nephrolithotomy
B  urethrostenosis
C  epispadias
D  catheterization
Question #48
A  epispadias
B  pyelotomy
C  nephropathy
D  nephrotic
Question #51
A  cystourethrography
B  nephropathy
C  pyelotomy
D  urethrotomy
Question #53
A  urethrostenosis
B  epispadias
C  pyelotomy
D  nephropathy
Question #54
A  polyuria
B  catheterization
C  urethritis
D  nephrolithiasis
Question #55
A  nocturia
B  chronic
C  oliguria
D  anuria
Question #56
A  Ablation
B  Nephritis
C  ​Cystitis
D  ​Pyelonephritis
Question #57
A  nephrotic
B  chronic
C  nocturia
D  uremia
Question #58
A  catheterization
B  urethrostenosis
C  prostatic hyperplasia
D  percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Question #59
A  nocturnal enuresis
B  pyelotomy
C  nephropathy
D  epispadias
Question #60
A  neurogenic
B  chronic
C  prostatic hyperplasia
D  nocturnal enuresis
Question #62
A  uremia
B  nephrotic
C  ureterolith
D  chronic
Question #64
A  end-stage
B  anuria
C  oliguria
D  nocturia
Question #65
A  catheterization
B  percutaneous nephrolithotomy
C  intravenous pyelography
D  urethrostenosis
Question #66
A  abnormally low concentrations of protein in the blood
B  swelling of one or both kidneys
C  abnormally high concentrations of protein in the urine
D  involuntary discharge of urine
Question #67
A  abnormally low concentrations of protein in the blood
B  increased output of urine
C  involuntary discharge of urine
D  abnormally high concentrations of protein in the urine
Question #68
A  abnormally high concentrations of protein in the urine
B  swelling of one or both kidneys
C  abnormally low concentrations of protein in the blood
D  increased output of urine
Question #69
A  swelling of one or both kidneys
B  abnormally low concentrations of protein in the blood
C  involuntary discharge of urine
D  abnormally high concentrations of protein in the urine
Question #70
A  increased output of urine
B  abnormally high concentrations of protein in the urine
C  involuntary discharge of urine
D  swelling of one or both kidneys
Question #71
A  bladder hernia through the vaginal wall
B  direct visual examination of the bladder
C  a stone in the urinary bladder
D  inflammation of the bladder
Question #72
A  bladder hernia through the vaginal wall
B  inflammation of the bladder
C  surgical fixation of the bladder​
D  direct visual examination of the bladder
Question #73
A  inflammation of the bladder
B  direct visual examination of the bladder
C  surgical fixation of the bladder​
D  a stone in the urinary bladder
Question #74
A  direct visual examination of the bladder
B  surgical fixation of the bladder​
C  bladder hernia through the vaginal wall
D  a stone in the urinary bladder
Question #75
A  a stone in the urinary bladder
B  bladder hernia through the vaginal wall
C  inflammation of the bladder
D  surgical fixation of the bladder​
Question #76
A  discharge of flood from the ureter
B  surgical repair to damage in the walls of the urethra​
C  swelling of a ureter with urine that cannot flow
D  distention of a ureter
Question #77
A  surgical suturing of a ureter​
B  surgical repair to damage in the walls of the urethra​
C  distention of a ureter
D  swelling of a ureter with urine that cannot flow
Question #78
A  swelling of a ureter with urine that cannot flow
B  surgical suturing of a ureter​
C  surgical repair to damage in the walls of the urethra​
D  discharge of flood from the ureter
Question #79
A  surgical suturing of a ureter​
B  discharge of flood from the ureter
C  distention of a ureter
D  surgical repair to damage in the walls of the urethra​
Question #80
A  swelling of a ureter with urine that cannot flow
B  surgical suturing of a ureter​
C  discharge of flood from the ureter
D  distention of a ureter
Question #81
A  prolapse of a kidney​
B  kidney stone
C  pus from the kidney​
D  freeing a kidney from adhesions
Question #82
A  kidney stone
B  functional units of each kidney
C  pus from the kidney​
D  prolapse of a kidney​
Question #83
A  pus from the kidney​
B  prolapse of a kidney​
C  functional units of each kidney
D  freeing a kidney from adhesions
Question #84
A  kidney stone
B  freeing a kidney from adhesions
C  pus from the kidney​
D  prolapse of a kidney​
Question #85
A  kidney stone
B  functional units of each kidney
C  freeing a kidney from adhesions
D  prolapse of a kidney​
Question #86
A  ureter
B  to crush
C  urine
D  urethra
Question #87
A  to crush
B  renal pelvis
C  urethra
D  ureter
Question #88
A  renal pelvis
B  urine
C  ureter
D  urethra
Question #89
A  ureter
B  urethra
C  urine
D  to crush
Question #90
A  renal pelvis
B  ureter
C  urine
D  to crush
Question #91
A  setting free
B  surgical fixation
C  kidney
D  urination, urine
Question #92
A  urination, urine
B  kidney
C  setting free
D  surgical fixation
Question #93
A  kidney
B  surgical fixation
C  glomerulus
D  urination, urine
Question #94
A  urination, urine
B  kidney
C  surgical fixation
D  setting free
Question #95
A  setting free
B  kidney
C  surgical fixation
D  stone, calculus
Question #96
A  glomerulus
B  enlargement, stretching
C  urinary bladder, cyst
D  complete, through
Question #97
A  enlargement, stretching
B  glomerulus
C  urinary bladder, cyst
D  hernia, tumor, swelling
Question #98
A  enlargement, stretching
B  hernia, tumor, swelling
C  glomerulus
D  complete, through
Question #99
A  complete, through
B  glomerulus
C  enlargement, stretching
D  urinary bladder, cyst
Question #100
A  hernia, tumor, swelling
B  urinary bladder, cyst
C  complete, through
D  enlargement, stretching