Navigation » List of Schools » California State University, Northridge » Psychology » Psychology 327 – Infancy and Early Childhood » Winter 2022 » Chapter 4 Quiz
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A True
B False
Question #2
A Down syndrome
B Hyaline membrane disease
C Shaken baby syndrome
D Sudden infant death syndrome
Question #3
A True
B False
Question #4
A Vaccines only work if a high enough proportion of the population is inoculated.
B The scientific community has widely supported the belief that infants receive far more vaccinations than their immune system can handle.
C In the United States, polio and pertussis largely still persist due to the limited access to vaccinations for these infections.
D Infants from all regions and economic backgrounds receive vaccinations as the health care system is the United States provides universal coverage.
Question #5
A It is no longer recommended that caregivers delay introducing foods that are common allergens.
B At around 6 months infants may begin to show signs of being ready for solid foods.
C There is a specific order that solid foods must be introduced in.
D It is recommended that only food at a time be introduced.
Question #6
A skimmed milk rather than whole milk, to prevent obesity.
B breast milk exclusively for the first six months.
C cow’s milk at least for first three months.
D iron-enriched solid foods, usually cereals from 3 months of age.
Question #7
A Broccoli
B Tangy lemonade
C Water
D Honey
Question #8
A vision
B taste
C hearing
D touch
Question #9
A Turning the head when the cheek is touched
B Legs move in stepping like motion when feet touch a smooth surface
C The toes will fan out and curl when the sole of the foot is stroked from heel to toe
D Fingers automatically grip anything that touces the palm of the hand
Question #10
A Sucking on anything that touches the lips
B Legs move in stepping like motion when feet touch a smooth surface
C When lying on the back with head to one side infants will extend the arm and leg on that side while flexing the limbs on the opposite side (looks like a fenser pose)
D A sudden noise or loss of support to the head and neck will cause infants to spread out their arms and legs then quickly contract the limbs inward
Question #11
A Sucking on anything that touches the lips
B Legs move in stepping like motion when feet touch a smooth surface
C The toes will fan out and curl when the sole of the foot is stroked from heel to toe
D Fingers automatically grip anything that touces the palm of the hand
Question #12
A Turning the head when the cheek is touched
B A sudden noise or loss of support to the head and neck will cause infants to spread out their arms and legs then quickly contract the limbs inward
C When lying on the back with head to one side infants will extend the arm and leg on that side while flexing the limbs on the opposite side (looks like a fenser pose)
D Sucking on anything that touches the lips
Question #13
A Legs move in stepping like motion when feet touch a smooth surface
B When lying on the back with head to one side infants will extend the arm and leg on that side while flexing the limbs on the opposite side (looks like a fenser pose)
C Fingers automatically grip anything that touces the palm of the hand
D Turning the head when the cheek is touched
Question #14
A Sucking on anything that touches the lips
B Fingers automatically grip anything that touces the palm of the hand
C Turning the head when the cheek is touched
D A sudden noise or loss of support to the head and neck will cause infants to spread out their arms and legs then quickly contract the limbs inward
Question #15
A A sudden noise or loss of support to the head and neck will cause infants to spread out their arms and legs then quickly contract the limbs inward
B Fingers automatically grip anything that touces the palm of the hand
C Turning the head when the cheek is touched
D Sucking on anything that touches the lips
Question #16
A unconditioned response.
B reflex.
C mental set.
D conditioned response.
Question #17
A overall weight
B length/height
C brain weight
Question #18
A fine; gross
B soft; lateral
C latent; mass
D gross; fine