Navigation » List of Schools » West Los Angeles College » Political Science » Political Science 001 – The Government of the United States » Winter 2022 » Quiz 2 Chapters 4, 5, and 6
Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:
Question #1
A the poll is unscientific.
B researchers decide how many persons of certain types they need in the survey.
C there is no pre-planning in the selection process.
D every person in the target population who is encountered is selected.
E every person in the target population has an equal chance of being selected.
Question #2
A Overall, Hispanics have favored the Democrats.
B Asian American groups have usually leaned toward the Democrats, but often by narrow margins.
C Muslim Americans of Middle Eastern ancestry tend to be culturally conservative.
D Cuban Americans are more likely to support Republicans than Democrats.
E most African Americans have supported the Republican Party since the 1960s.
Question #3
A focus almost totally on domestic issues.
B vote for candidates that are politically conservative.
C be more liberal than average on economic and cultural issues.
D be similar to the overall population in political preferences.
E vote at a lower rate than Protestants.
Question #4
A strongly; Republican
B strongly; Libertarian
C strongly; Democratic
D moderately; Democratic
E weakly; Democratic
Question #5
A political socialization.
B consensus building.
C peer grouping.
D opinion leadership.
E agenda setting.
Question #6
A classroom peers.
B grandparents.
C babysitters.
D next door neighbors.
E parents.
Question #7
A it plays a small role in our political system.
B it is shared in online forums.
C it can be used by media members to write news stories that Americans want.
D it can be a powerful resource for politicians and campaign managers.
E it can be expressed by physical letters or emails written to newspapers.
Question #8
A in 1969, following a riot that broke out when police raided the Stonewall Inn, a New York gay bar.
B with the growth of the Civil Rights Movement in the early 1960s.
C when gay veterans of World War II organized in the 1950s.
D in 1986, with a campaign against sodomy laws.
E in 1996, with the campaign for same-sex marriage.
Question #9
A quota systems are constitutional.
B affirmative action programs were allowable in law schools but not to be utilized in medical schools.
C colleges and universities could consider race when deciding whom to admit but could not establish racial quotas.
D race cannot be considered as a factor at all in making admissions decisions.
E all affirmative action programs were ruled unconstitutional.
Question #10
A immigrants who are not citizens have fewer rights than any other identifiable group in the U.S.
B the Supreme Court has stated that Congress may make rules as to “aliens” (undocumented residents) that would be unacceptable if applied to citizens.
C Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans have the same rights as all other Americans.
D protections in the Bill of Rights are limited only to those who are U.S. citizens.
E the Supreme Court has ruled that constitutional guarantees apply to every person in the U.S.
Question #11
A violates Title IV.
B violates the Civil Rights Act of 1968.
C is sexual harassment.
D is gender discrimination.
E is considered illegal if engaged in by a private corporation but acceptable if engaged in by the government.
Question #12
A that the number of African Americans registered to vote declined dramatically.
B dozens of federal court decisions stating that it was not within the power of Congress to dictate to the states how they should conduct their elections.
C state governments passing laws that allowed considerable discrimination toward ethnic minorities.
D a constitutional amendment changing the voting age.
E the elimination of discriminatory voter registration tests.
Question #13
A Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, an action which led to a bus boycottt. The Civil Rights Movement was led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
B The bus boycott in Montgomery failed in its attempt to help integration.
C The philosophy of Dr. King was to fight back when being attacked or confronted by whites.
D The philosophy of Dr. King was to fight back when being attacked or confronted by whites. The bus boycott in Montgomery failed in its attempt to help integration.
Question #14
A the national government does not have the power to force any type of action on local school boards.
B public school segregation of races violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and leads to feelings of inferiority among African American school children.
C ethnic minorities have no rights to equal treatment by the government.
D African Americans could not be denied the right to a college education.
E separation of races for a reason such as education is not a violation of the Constitution.
Question #15
A ruled that African Americans are not persons for the purposes of the Constitution.
B stated that schools may not practice any type of racial segregation.
C ruled that the practice of slavery must cease before the end of the century.
D agreed that separation of races is not a violation of the Constitution.
E tried to stop the development of legal racial segregation known as Jim Crow laws.
Question #16
A dictate that no state shall deny any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
B provide that no state shall deprive individuals of the privileges and immunities enjoyed by citizens of the United States.
C provide that no state shall deny any person equal protection of the laws.
D proclaim that all persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States.
E state that the right to vote shall not be abridged on account of race.
Question #17
A Thomas Jefferson drew on the ideas of John Locke to express the colonists’ belief that they had certain inalienable or natural rights.
B civil liberties and civil rights are the exact same thing.
C civil rights specify what government must do to ensure freedom from discrimination.
D civil rights refer to the rights of Americans to equal protection under the law.
E civil liberties are limitations on the government—what government cannot do.
Question #18
A another word for slander.
B printed material that cannot be proved true.
C defamation of character in written form.
D a form of civil rights for indigents.
E the amount of insurance one must have on a motor vehicle.
Question #19
A evidence exists that such expression would cause a condition that would endanger the public or lead to an incitement of violence.
B it is found to be offensive to religious organizations.
C the speaker is not a citizen of the United States.
D it does not deal with a political question.
E and only if the United States is at war.
Question #20
A all the above.
B is different than the free exercise clause.
C has been applied to questions of the legality of state and local government aid to religious organizations and schools.
D has been used to decide the actions of government allowing or prohibiting school prayer.
E means that neither the federal government nor state governments can set up a church.
Question #21
A allows states’ equal rights.
B established the precedent for eminent domain.
C holds the view that most of the protections of the Bill of Rights apply to state and local governments’ activities through the Fourteenth Amendment.
D allows the federal government to give licenses to corporations.
E has been applied to all of the Bill of Rights.
Question #22
A only in 1940, in a case dealing with freedom of religion.
C only after the impeachment of various justices was debated in Congress.
D only in 1880, in cases dealing with criminal procedure.
E beginning in 1897 when the Supreme Court began to realize that various provisions of the Bill of Rights protecting fundamental liberties must also be upheld by the states.
F immediately.
Question #23
A apply the Bill of Rights to the state and local governments.
B protect individuals’ freedom of religion.
C codify the right to privacy.
D establish the supremacy doctrine.
E abolish slavery.
Question #24
A contained no language on religion.
B protected citizens from the national and state governments, but not from local governments.
C limited only the power of state governments.
D protected citizens from all forms of government.
E limited only the power of the national government, not that of the states.
Question #25
A limit government actions against individuals.
B allow the government the freedom or liberty to do what is necessary to run the country.
C are not particularly important in the United States.
D are a threat to libertarians.
E none of the above.