
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Chapter 70 Quiz

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Pierce College  »  Nursing  »  Nursing 406 – Adult Health Care  »  Spring 2020  »  Chapter 70 Quiz

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  The client should seek emergency care if he or she develops a fever.
B  Hair loss should be expected when taking the medication.
C  The client should seek emergency help if nausea or vomiting occur.
D  The client should ensure no one else handles the medication.
E  If a dose is missed, the client should take double the amount at the regular time the following day
Question #3
A  Non -repeated HTT gene
B  Autosomal dominant
C  Autosomal recessive
D  X-linked
Question #4
A  Multiple sclerosis
B  Huntington disease
C  Parkinson disease
D  Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Question #5
A  Assist the client into a comfortable position and stay alert for coughing, which signifies aspiration.
B  Make sure the client is sitting with the head of bed elevated to 90 degrees.
C  Clients with Parkinson’s disease shouldn’t have liquids; remove them from the dinner tray before serving food to the client.
D  There are no special precautions for the client with Parkinson’s disease.
Question #7
A  Reduced incidence of recurrence
B  Improved quality of life
C  Removal of all or part of the tumor
D  Elimination of distressing signs and symptoms
Question #8
A  Transcranial surgery is usually necessary to remove the tumor.
B  Most tumors are malignant (>90%).
C  Most tumors produce too much of one or more hormones.
D  The cause is directly related to prior exposure to radiation.
Question #10
A  Hypothalamus
B  Thalamus
C  Cerebellum
D  Brainstem
Question #11
A  Loss of bowel and bladder control
B  Emotional apathy
C  Suicidal ideations
D  Choreiform movements
Question #13
A  Angioma
B  Neuroma
C  Glioma
D  Meningioma
Question #14
A  Homans’ sign
B  Pain radiating down the posterior thigh
C  Atrophy of the lower leg muscles
D  Back pain when the knees are flexed
Question #15
A  Driving a car should be avoided until the you know how this medication effects you.”
B  Suicidal ideation is a common side effect of this medication and should be reported immediately.”
C  If the previous day’s dose was forgotten, take two at the regular time the next day.”
D  If a corticosteroid has been prescribed, do not take it at the same time as this medication.”
Question #17
A  They do not require surgical removal
B  prognosis is very poor.
C  They can affect vital functioning.
D  They are all metastatic.
Question #19
A  The tumor is malignant and aggressive
B  The tumor will cause pressure on the eighth cranial nerve.
C  Growth is slow and symptoms are caused by compression rather than tissue invasion.
D  Surgery, which can result in complete removal of the possible tumor, should be done as soon as possible.
Question #20
A  Assist the client with walking hourly
B  Monitor the client on bed rest
C  Administer pain medications every 4 hours
D  Keep an oral airway at the bedside
Question #21
A  Drugs administered may cause a wide variety of adverse effects.
B  Drugs administered may not cause the requisite therapeutic effect.
C  Clients generally do not adhere to the drug regimen
D  Clients take an assortment of different drugs.
Question #22
A  Client describes the importance of diagnostic follow-up to evaluate the disorder.
B  Client verbalizes understanding of the chronic nature of the disorder.
C  Client participates in activities of daily living using adaptive devices.
D  Client demonstrates understanding of the need to adhere to medication therapy.
Question #27
A  Originated from the coverings of the brain.
B  Originated within the brain tissue.
C  Metastasized from a cancer in another part of the body.
D  Developed on the cranial nerves.
Question #28
A  Increased intracranial pressure
B  The tumor is shrinking.
C  Migraines
D  Dehydration
Question #29
A  Core needle biopsy
B  Ultrasonography
C  Magnetic resonance imaging
D  Computed tomography
Question #30
A  Keeping the head in a neutral position
B  Removing the entire collar when shaving
C  Wearing the cervical collar when sleeping
D  Moving the neck from side to side when the collar is off
Question #31
A  My headache and nausea should be lessened somwhat.”
B  There will be less cancer left that might be resistant to chemotherapy.”
C  Any tissue that was dead will be removed.”
D  The surgeon will be able to remove all of the tumor.”
Question #33
A  Motor weakness
B  Cognitive impairment
C  Medication side effects
D  Impaired sensory perception
Question #34
A  60% of people with brain tumors have seizures. There is a strong chance you will have a seizure at some point and should keep a seizure kit close by.”
B  There is a risk for seizures in people who have this diagnosis. What have you already discussed with your primary health care provider regarding management of seizures?”
C  Seizures are genetic neurological conditions. Do you have anyone in your family with a seizure disorder? If so, this increases the likelihood you will have one.”
D  It is not within my scope to discuss this aspect of your care with you. You should talk to your treating primary health care provider about this and discuss options.”
Question #37
A  These symptoms are not related to your past diagnosis.”
B  This will pass, you need to relax.”
C  Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion may help you.”
D  Once you sleep, you should be fine.”
Question #38
A  Ninth
B  Eighth
C  Seventh
D  Fifth
Question #39
A  Glutamate
B  Dopamine
C  Serotonin
D  Acetylcholine
Question #43
A  Compression of the seventh cranial nerve is a side effect
B  Surgery is never needed; radiation has proven very effective.
C  Hearing loss usually occurs.
D  Almost 80% of these tumors become malignant over time.
Question #44
A  Ask the client if there is pain on ambulation
B  Ask if the client has had a bowel movement
C  Ask if the client can walk
D  Have the client lie on the back and lift the leg, keeping it straight
Question #45
A  Take phenothiazine prior to meals
B  Increase high carbohydrate foods
C  Maintain a pureed diet
D  Use Relaxation techniques
E  Eliminate foods high in fat
Question #46
A  Explaining hospice care and services
B  Optimizing nutrition
C  Managing muscle weakness
D  Offering family support groups
Question #47
A  Fecal incontinence
B  Urinary incontinence
C  Urinary retention
D  Paralysis
Question #48
A  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
B  Alzheimer disease
C  Huntington disease
D  Parkinson disease
Question #49
A  electromyography (EMG).
B  Doppler scanning
C  quantitative spectral phonoangiography
D  Doppler ultrasonography.
Question #50
A  Many caregivers experience burnout. Are you experiencing symptoms depression and anxiety?”
B  Sometimes people are unhappy about the way they were treated in the hospital. Were you happy with the care your partner received in the hospital?”
C  Going through this experience with your partner has been very difficult for you, I’m sure. Can you tell me about your experience so far?”
D  It is okay to say you give up. Are you worried you will not be able to continue to provide care for your partner?”
Question #52
A  If one parent has the disorder, there is an 75% chance that you will inherit the disease.”
B  If one parent has the disorder, there is a 50% chance that you will inherit the disease.”
C  The disease is inherited and all offspring of a parent will develop the disease.”
D  The disease is not hereditary and therefore there is no risk to you.”
Question #55
A  Positron emission tomography (PET)
B  Cerebral angiography
C  Cytologic studies of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
D  Computer-assisted stereotactic biopsy
Question #57
A  Clients generally do not adhere to the drug regimen
B  Clients take an assortment of different drugs
C  Drugs administered may not cause the requisite therapeutic effect
D  Drugs administered may cause a wide variety of adverse effects.
Question #58
A  Client participates in daily hygiene activities with assitive devices.
B  Client demonstrates positive coping strategies.
C  Client expreses feelings related to self-care ability.
D  Client consumes adequate calories to meet energy needs.
Question #59
A  Bromocriptine mesylate
B  Benztropine Mesylate
C  Amantadine
D  Levodopa
Question #61
A  The tumor is shrinking.
B  Increased intracranial pressure
C  Dehydration
D  Migraines
Question #62
A  Parkinson disease
B  Huntington disease
C  Multiple sclerosis
D  Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Question #63
A  Hypervolemia
B  Increased intracranial pressure
C  Decreased intracranial pressure
D  Hypovolemia
Question #64
A  Lymphedema
B  Scotoma
C  Angioneurotic edema
D  Papilledema
Question #65
A  The nurse plans patient activities for evening hours rather then morning hours
B  The nurse provides care aimed at slowing the loss of strength and maintaining the physical, psychological and social well being of the client
C  The nurse must avoid the use of heat applications in the treatment of muscle and joint pain
D  The nurse administers antiretroviral agents per order
Question #67
A  Logroll the client from side to side
B  Discourage the client from doing any range-of-motion (ROM) exercises
C  Elevate the head of the bed to 90 degrees
D  Have the client sit up in a chair as much as possible
Question #68
A  Placing the client in semi-Fowler’s position
B  Maintaining bed rest for 72 hours after the laminectomy
C  Keeping a pillow under the client’s knees at all times
D  Turning the client from side to side, using the logroll technique
Question #69
A  Low bone mass and osteoporosis
B  Osteoarthritis
C  Pathologic fractures
D  Calcification of long bones
Question #70
A  The client with Paget disease.
B  The client with glioma.
C  The client with Huntington disease.
D  The client with osteomyelitis.
Question #71
A  Head trauma
B  Use of hair dyes
C  Cellular telephones
D  Ionizing radiation
Question #72
A  Severe lower back pain
B  Weakness and atrophy of the arm muscles
C  Hypoactive bowel sounds
D  Sensory deficits in one arm