
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Chapter 55 Quiz

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Exercises to promote sphincter control
B  Application of an ostomy pouch
C  Intermittent catheterizations
D  Irrigating the urinary diversion
Question #2
A  Try drinking coffee throughout the day.”
B  Make sure to eat enough fiber to prevent constipation.”
C  Use scented powders to disguise any odor.”
D  Limit the number of times you urinate during the day.”
Question #3
A  This will kill the organism causing the infection.”
B  This medication should be taken at bedtime.”
C  This medication will prevent re-infection.”
D  This medication will relieve your pain.”
Question #4
A  Chocolate, spinach, and strawberries are not allowed.”
B  I should avoid raw fruits and vegetables.”
C  I should limit my intake of meat and fish.”
D  I will eliminate milk and other dairy products from my diet.”
Question #6
A  Irrigating the urinary diversion
B  Intermittent catheterizations
C  Exercises to promote sphincter control
D  Application of an ostomy pouch
Question #7
A  Prostatatis
B  Renal abscess
C  Acute pyelonephritis
D  Urethritis
Question #8
A  Hyperthyroidism
B  Hypoparathyroidism
C  Hyperparathyroidism
D  Hypouricemia
Question #9
A  Avoid pouches with carbon filters.
B  Add a few drops of diluted white vinegar to the pouch.
C  Eat plenty of cheese and egg
D  Avoid foods such as buttermilk or yogurt.
Question #11
A  Notify the physician of hematuria.
B  Strain the urine carefully for stone fragments.
C  Administer allopurinol (Zyloprim).
D  Monitor the continuous bladder irrigation.
Question #12
A  Urinary incontinence is a disease.
B  Urinary incontinence in the elderly population can’t be treated.
C  Urinary incontinence isn’t a disease.
D  Urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging.
Question #13
A  The skin wasn’t lubricated before the pouch was applied.
B  skin barrier was applied properly.
C  The pouch faceplate doesn’t fit the stoma.
D  Stoma dilation wasn’t performed.
Question #14
A  Prevent nephron destruction.
B  Determine the stone type.
C  Relieve any obstruction.
D  Relieve the pain.
Question #18
A  Assess for signs and symptoms of peritonitis.
B  Maintain renal function.
C  Observe for leakage of urine or stool from the anastomosis.
D  Encourage oral intake.
Question #19
A  Phenazopyridine
B  Ciprofloxacin
C  Nitrofurantoin
D  Levofloxacin
Question #20
A  Perform meticulous perineal care daily with soap and water
B  Use a sterile technique to disconnect the catheter from the tubing to obtain urine specimens
C  Place the catheter bag on the client’s abdomen when moving the client
D  Use a clean technique during insertion
Question #21
A  Note the nail beds and mobility of the fingers
B  Monitor the patient’s intake and output
C  Palpate for a thrill over the vascular access
D  Inspect the skin over the fistula or graft for signs of infection
Question #23
A  Limit his fluid intake to 1.5 L/day to minimize bladder fullness, which could cause backward pressure on the kidneys.
B  Decrease his sodium intake to prevent fluid retention.
C  Decrease his intake of calcium rich foods to prevent kidney stones.
D  Increase fluids to 3 to 4 L/24 hours to dilute the urine.
Question #25
A  Perform hand hygiene prior to patient care.
B  Encourage patients to wear briefs.
C  Provide careful perineal care.
D  Assist the patients with frequent toileting.
E  For those patients who are incontinent, insert indwelling catheters
Question #27
A  The nursing assistant holds the drainage bag while the client moves to the wheelchair
B  The nursing assistant keeps the catheter and drainage bag together when moving the client.
C  The nursing assistant places the drainage bag on the lower area of the wheelchair for transport.
D  The nursing assistant places the drainage bag on the client’s abdomen for transport.
Question #28
A  New diagnosis of urosepsis
B  Diagnostic studies reporting bladder stones
C  Crusted drainage around the cystoscopy tube
D  A white blood count of 12,000 cells/mm3
Question #29
A  Excessive intake of vitamin D
B  Gout
C  Foreign bodies
D  Neurogenic bladder
Question #30
A  Peroxide is recommended for cleaning the urinary catheter.
B  catheter is rinsed with sterile normal saline after being soaked in a cleaning solution.
C  The nurse uses nonsterile technique in the hospital setting.
D  Catheterization should occur every 4 to 6 hours and before bedtime.
Question #31
A  Establishing a predetermined fluid intake pattern for the client
B  Restricting fluid intake to reduce the need to void
C  Encouraging the client to increase the time between voidings
D  Assessing present voiding patterns
Question #34
A  Use caffeine in moderation
B  Take diuretics after 4 PM
C  Void regularly, 5 to 8 times a day
D  Implement a low fiber diet
Question #35
A  Constriction of pupils
B  Constriction of bronchioles
C  Relaxation of bladder wall
D  Decrease of heart rate
Question #37
A  Encourage the client to void every 2 to 3 hours
B  Restrict the client’s sodium intake.
C  Encourage deep-breathing exercises.
D  Encourage frequent ambulation.
Question #38
A  Risk for fluid volume excess
B  Risk for infection
C  Risk for altered urinary elimination
D  Risk for deficient knowledge: self-catherization
Question #39
A  Taking the client to the bathroom twice per day
B  Encouraging intake of at least 2 L of fluid daily
C  Giving the client a glass of soda before bedtime
D  Consulting with a dietitian
Question #41
A  the patient every 2 hours around the clock
B  Administer pain medication every 2 hours.
C  Monitor urine output hourly and report output less than 30 mL/hr
D  Clean the stoma with soap and water after the patient voids.
Question #42
A  Take the antibiotic as well as an antifungal for the yeast infection she will probably have.
B  Take the antibiotic for 3 days as prescribed.
C  Be sure to take the medication with grapefruit juice.
D  Understand that if the infection reoccurs, the dose will be higher next time.
Question #43
A  apply Karaya powder.
B  change the pouching system.
C  remove the urinary stents.
D  contact the physician.
Question #44
A  Shows damage to the kidneys
B  Reveals causative microorganisms
C  risk for chronic pyelonephritis is likely
D  Detects calculi, cysts, or tumors
Question #45
A  Painless gross hematuria
B  Back pain
C  Pelvic pain
D  Altered voiding
Question #46
A  Decreased pelvic muscle tone due to multiple pregnancies
B  Bladder irritation related to urinary tract infections
C  Increased urine production due to metabolic conditions
D  Obstruction due to fecal impaction or enlarged prostate
Question #47
A  Strain the urine carefully for stone fragments.
B  Notify the physician of hematuria.
C  Monitor the continuous bladder irrigation.
D  Administer allopurinol (Zyloprim
Question #49
A  Secure or patch it with barrier paste.
B  Secure or patch it with tape.
C  Change the wafer and pouch.
D  Empty the pouch.
Question #50
A  Take tub baths as opposed to showers.
B  Drink liberal amount of fluids.
C  Void every 4 to 6 hours.
D  Drink coffee or tea to increase diuresis
Question #51
A  to wear underwear made from synthetic material
B  Need to urinate after engaging in sexual intercourse
C  Importance of urinating every 4 to 6 hours while awake
D  Suggestion to take tub baths instead of showers
Question #52
A  Straight catheterize the client every 4 to 6 hours
B  Teach client to increase fluid intake up to 3 liters per day.
C  Restrict fluid intake to 1 liter per day.
D  Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Question #53
A  Anticipatory grieving
B  Disturbed body image
C  Situational low self esteem
D  Deficient knowledge: stoma care
Question #54
A  Do you get up at night to urinate?”
B  How much fluid are you drinking?”
C  When did you last urinate?”
D  Have you had a fever and chills?”
Question #55
A  encouraging the client to void immediately.
B  instructing the client to follow a 2- to 3-hour timed voiding schedule.
C  advising the client to avoid urinating for at least 6 hours.
D  performing straight catheterization after 4 hours.
Question #56
A  assess whether the client is a good candidate for surgery.
B  help the client cope with the anxiety associated with changes in body image.
C  evaluate the client’s need for mental health intervention.
D  assess suicidal risk postoperatively.
Question #57
A  Apply an antibacterial dressing to the incision daily.”
B  Be aware that your urine will be cherry-red for 5 to 7 days
C  Increase your fluid intake to 2 to 3 L per day.”
D  Take your temperature every 4 hours.”
Question #58
A  Nitrofurantoin
B  Phenazopyridine
C  Ciprofloxacin
D  Levofloxacin
Question #59
A  Encourage voiding immediately after catheter removal
B  Avoid drinking fluids for 6 hours
C  Perform straight catheterization every 4 hours
D  Implement a 2- to 3-hour voiding schedule
Question #60
A  implantation of an artificial sphincter that can be inflated to prevent urine loss and deflated to allow urination.
B  procedure that increases storage capacity of the bladder.
C  placement of small amounts of collagen in urethral walls to aid the closing pressure
D  a procedure that increases support to the bladder by tightening the vaginal wall under the urethra.
Question #61
A  Disturbed body image
B  Chronic pain
C  Deficient knowledge: management of urinary diversion
D  Urinary retention
E  Risk for impaired skin integrity
Question #63
A  My urine will be eliminated with my feces.”
B  My urine will be eliminated through a stoma.”
C  I will not need to worry about being incontinent of urine.”
D  A catheter will drain urine directly from my kidney.”
Question #64
A  Use tub baths as opposed to showers
B  Void every 4 to 6 hours.
C  Drink coffee or tea to increase diuresis.
D  Drink liberal amount of fluids.
Question #65
A  Over-the-counter decongestant
B  Anticholinergic agent
C  Tricyclic antidepressants
D  Estrogen hormone