
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Chapter 32 Quiz

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Pierce College  »  Nursing  »  Nursing 406 – Adult Health Care  »  Spring 2020  »  Chapter 32 Quiz

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #2
A  Medication use
B  Herbal supplements
C  Hair color
D  Ethnicity
E  Dietary intake
Question #3
A  “You will be prescribed calcium to replace what is lost during donation.”
B  “You will likely not need the blood that is donated.”
C  “You typically donate blood the day of the surgery.”
D  “You typically donate blood 4 to 6 weeks before the surgery.”
Question #4
A  The kidneys sense low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulate erythropoietin, stimulating the marrow to produce more red blood cells.
B  he brain senses low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulates hemoglobin, which binds to more red blood cells.
C  The bone marrow is stimulated by low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulates erythropoietin, maturing the red blood cells.
D  The kidneys sense low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulate hemoglobin, stimulating the marrow to produce more red blood cells.
Question #5
A  Notify the physician
B  Administer acetaminophen 500 mg po, as ordered
C  Reposition the client to a high Fowler position and continue to monitor the pain
D  Administer aspirin (ASA) 325 mg po, as ordered
Question #6
A  Monitor for edema at least once per shift
B  Implement neutropenic precautions
C  Monitor temperature at least once per shift
D  Apply prolonged pressure to needle sites or other sources of external bleeding
Question #7
A  Production of immunoglobulins
B  Rejection of foreign tissue
C  Phagocytosis
D  Destruction of tumor cells
Question #8
A  Hematocrit
B  Hemoglobin
C  Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
D   Differentiation
Question #11
A  Apply supplemental oxygen to maintain the client’s oxygenation.
B  Use an electric razor when assisting client with shaving.
C  Elevate the client’s head of the bed.
D  Where a mask when entering the client’s room.
Question #12
A  The client is having decrease in tissue perfusion from a shock state.
B  The client is experiencing vascular collapse.
C  The client is having a febrile nonhemolytic reaction.
D  The client is having an allergic reaction to the blood.
Question #14
A  Place the client in a recumbent position with legs elevated.
B  Administer prescribed PRN anti-anxiety agent.
C  Remove the intravenous line.
D  Ensure there is an oxygen delivery device at the bedside.
Question #15
A  Respiratory rate of 10 breaths/minute
B  Crackles auscultated bilaterally
C  Pain and tenderness in calf area
D  Oral temperature of 97°F
Question #16
A  Assist the client into an erect position.
B  Hold firm pressure on the venipuncture site.
C  Lower the arm below the level of the heart.
D  Apply a tourniquet above the antecubital fossa.
Question #17
A  “I could donate my own blood in case I need a transfusion.”
B  “My family will donate blood, because it’s safer.”
C  “I should expect blood withdrawal to take about 15 minutes.”
D  “Donated blood is tested for blood type and infections.”
Question #18
A  Basophils
B  B lymphocyte
C   Neutrophil
D  Plasma cell
Question #19
A   “The condition causes abnormally rigid red blood cells.”
B  “The condition is likely caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency.”
C  “The condition causes abnormally small red blood cells.”
D  “The condition is likely caused by a folate deficiency.”
Question #22
A  “I will eat more dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and ice cream every day.”
B  “I will eat a spinach salad with lunch and dinner.”
C  “I will increase my daily intake of orange vegetables such as sweet potatoes and carrots.”
D  “I will eat a meat source such as chicken or pork with each meal.”
Question #23
A  B lymphocyte
B  T lymphocyte
C  Basophil
D  Plasma cell
Question #24
A  may be developing anemia.
B  may be developing an infection.
C  has thrombocytopenia.
D  has leukopenia.
Question #25
A  Administer acetaminophen 500 mg po, as ordered
B  Reposition the client to a high Fowler position and continue to monitor the pain
C  Notify the physician
D  Administer aspirin (ASA) 325 mg po, as ordered
Question #27
A  Older adults acquire damage to the DNA of stem cells over time.
B  Older adults acquire damage to the bone marrow over time.
C  Older adults are exposed to more infectious disease over time.
D  Older adults have an increasing number of leukocytes over time.
Question #28
A  Rh-negative mother; Rh-positive child
B  Rh-positive mother; Rh-negative child
C  Rh-positive mother; Rh-positive child
D  Rh-negative mother; Rh-negative child
Question #29
A   Essential thrombocythemia
B  Sickle cell anemia
C  Renal transplantation
D  Extreme leukocytosis
Question #30
A  Lithotomy position
B  Supine with head of the bed elevated 30 degrees
C  Lateral position with one leg flexed
D  Jackknife position
Question #31
A  “You will have to decide if refusing the blood transfusion is worth the risk to your health.”
B  “I agree that you should be concerned with the safety of the blood, but it is important that you have this transfusion.”
C  “I understand your concern. The blood is carefully screened but is not completely risk free.”
D  “The blood is carefully screened, so there is no possibility of you contracting any illness or disease from the blood.”
Question #32
A  18 year old male weighing 52 kg.
B  86 year old male with blood pressure 110/70 mmHg
C  50 year old female with pulse 95 beats/minute
D  26 year old female with hemoglobin 11.0 g/dL
Question #33
A  Pneumococcal vaccine
B  Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
C  Factor VIII
D  Aspirin
Question #34
A  Administer the morphine into the closest tubing port to the client for fast delivery.
B  Add the morphine to the blood to be slowly administered.
C  Disconnect the blood tubing, flush with normal saline, and administer morphine.
D  Inject the morphine into a distal port on the blood tubing.
Question #36
A  Monocyte
B  Myeloid stem cell
C  Lymphoid stem cell
D  Neutrophil
Question #38
A  The health care provider may ask for a court order if the client refuses.
B  The client can only refuse the transfusion if the consent form has not been signed.
C  The health care provider may first call the client’s parents if the client refuses.
D  The client has a right to refuse the transfusion.
Question #39
A  The bone marrow is stimulated by low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulates erythropoietin, maturing the red blood cells.
B  The kidneys sense low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulate hemoglobin, stimulating the marrow to produce more red blood cells.
C  The brain senses low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulates hemoglobin, which binds to more red blood cells.
D  The kidneys sense low oxygen levels in the blood and stimulate erythropoietin, stimulating the marrow to produce more red blood cells
Question #42
A  Administer a topical analgesic to control pain at the site
B  Elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees
C  Pack the wound with half-inch sterile gauze
D  Apply pressure over the site for 5–7 minutes
Question #44
A  Petechiae
B  Dyspnea
C  Inflammation of the tongue
D  Inflammation of the mouth
Question #45
A  Contraction of skeletal muscle compresses the walls of veins and increases the circulation of venous blood as it returns to the heart.
B  Isometric exercise programs are inclusive of all muscle groups and have an aerobic effect to increase the heart rate.
C  Isometric exercise decreases the workload of the heart and restores oxygenated blood flow.
D  This type of exercise increases arterial circulation as it returns to the heart.
Question #46
A  Factor V Leiden
B  Hemochromatosis
C  Thalassemia
D  Sickle cell disease
Question #49
A  Hemorrhage
B  Blood transfusion reaction
C  Splintering of bone fragments
D  Shock
Question #51
A  Administer prescribed PRN anti-anxiety agent.
B  Remove the intravenous line.
C  Ensure there is an oxygen delivery device at the bedside.
D  Place the client in a recumbent position with legs elevated.
Question #52
A  Elevated creatinine
B  Critically low arterial oxygen saturation
C  Elevated erythrocyte concentration
D  Decreased hematocrit
Question #54
A  Tell the client that 2 units of blood will be needed.
B  Provide the client with a list of the nearest donation centers.
C  Explain the time frame needed for autologous donation.
D  Remind the client to take supplemental iron before donation.
Question #55
A  T lymphocyte
B  B lymphocyte
C  Basophil
D  Plasma cell
Question #56
A  Thrombocyte
B  Granulocyte
C  Lymphocyte
D  Spherocyte