
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Final Examination

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  University of Phoenix  »  Communication  »  Com 537 – Organizational Communication  »  Winter 2020  »  Final Examination

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  Put compelling pictures or simple charts on every slide.
B  Make sure that you start by telling the story of your company.
C  Double-check every aspect of your supplementary materials.
D  Put all your information on the slides so you can just read them aloud.
E  Make sure that your preview takes up the majority of your presentation time.
Question #2
A  keeping personal motivations hidden in the workplace
B  using the pronouns “your” and “our” to discuss goals and needs
C  being open and transparent about the company’s confidential matters
D  using the FAIR test to evaluate what other people say
E  discussing only positives rather than focusing on negatives
Question #3
A  apply the story line approach
B  gather content for an effective review
C  develop effective slides
D  understand the needs of your audiences
E  use headings to create a storyboard
Question #4
A  Jessica tells Halim that she believes he can turn things around for his next performance review.
B  Marsha tells Eddie, a machine operator, to reduce the defective parts he produces by 60 percent.
C  Pablo tells Rachel, one of his sales people, that he expects a sharp improvement in her sales figures.
D  Keisha informs Roger that she expects to see an improvement in his output as soon as possible.
E  Mark asks Ben to help ensure that the market share of the company increases.
Question #5
A  People are not good at masking their feelings, but most people are incapable of decoding nonverbal signals.
B  People are not good at masking their feelings, but most people are inconsistent in their ability to decode nonverbal signals.
C  People are not good at masking their feelings, and most people are highly skilled in their ability to decode nonverbal signals.
D  People are good at masking their feelings, so most people are incapable of decoding nonverbal signals.
E  People are good at masking their feelings, but most people still manage to decode nonverbal signals.
Question #6
A  generous white space
B  passive voice
C  inaccurate statements
D  parallel language
E  long paragraphs
Question #7
A  It makes individuals less transparent.
B  It encourages people to work as individuals instead of as teams.
C  It helps people understand serious business problems.
D  It encourages people to demonstrate accountability.
Question #8
A  making the message easy to read
B  making the message easy to navigate
C  setting a positive and other-oriented tone
D  ensuring the communication is fair
E  identifying the primary message and key points
Question #9
A  removing any redundant words
B  removing empty phrases
C  replacing a prepositional phrase with a verb
D  changing the passive voice
E  starting with “It is” or “There are”
Question #10
A  identifying a potential crisis and developing a strategy for avoiding it
B  encouraging employees to engage in networked communication to solve problems
C  setting out the timeline by which the work should be accomplished satisfactorily
D  designating tasks and work outcomes to certain employees
E  providing guidelines for how employees should communicate and cooperate with one another
Question #11
A  reliability
B  adaptability
C  relevance
D  expertise
E  bias
Question #12
A  microblog
B  a wiki
C  a discussion forum
D  a social bookmarking page
E  a blog
Question #13
A  Low priority on future orientation
B  Low priority on egalitarianism
C  Low priority on humane orientation
D  High priority on performance orientation
E  High priority on hierarchy
Question #14
A  take responsibility for bad events even if they are not at fault
B  view the delivery of bad news opportunistically
C  avoid talking to superiors at all for fear that they will be criticized
D  avoid sharing bad news because they do not want to be blamed
E  take quick actions to rectify the problems described in a bad-news message
Question #15
A  researching the needs of your potential employer
B  completing a self-inventory
C  speaking to people who have the position you are interested in
D  working on your weaknesses
E  developing hobbies relevant to the job you are applying for
Question #16
A  provide outdated information
B  contain sparse business-related information
C  are not found in university libraries
D  take time to navigate
E  are more expensive than primary research
Question #17
A  Companies are aware they can control and restrict employees from engaging in social media.
B  Companies understand employees use social media for the sole purpose of self-expression.
C  Companies view social media as having a negative effect on employee productivity and consider it a distraction.
D  Companies understand employees use social media for the sole purpose of improving the company’s business.
E  Companies respect the rights of their employees to use social media tools for both personal and professional use.
Question #18
A  to save money
B  to encourage sharing of opinions
C  to resolve conflict more easily
D  to reduce isolation
E  to avoid time zone differences
Question #19
A  performing
B  forming
C  norming
D  storming
E  reforming
Question #20
A  Go through your presentation quickly because most audiences have a short attention span.
B  Lean back and lower your shoulders to convey self-confidence while presenting.
C  Avoid gesturing with your hands, arms, body, and head as it is distracting.
D  Speak in a steady tone and avoid dramatic modulation of your voice as much as possible.
E  Use your facial expressions to connect with your audience and show enthusiasm for your topic.
Question #21
A  message structuring
B  idea analysis
C  analysis of the medium
D  message review
E  inductive structure
Question #22
A  Preview statements help decision makers judge the quality of the data provided in business reports.
B  It is important to strike a balance between objectivity and positivity in a report.
C  A business report should always use as many bulleted or numbered lists as possible.
D  Precision in most business reports is the result of using the right documentation system.
E  A title page should be used in a business report to preview the report’s most important contents.
Question #23
A  validation
B  manipulation
C  reciprocation
D  depersonalization
E  attribution
Question #24
A  The audience is likely to respond positively to routine messages, so little audience analysis is needed.
B  Routine messages are not composed very often, so audience analysis must be thorough.
C  Routine messages are not important, so audience analysis is unnecessary.
D  Top management is usually the audience for routine messages, so audience analysis is vital.
E  Most routine messages do not contain much content, so little audience analysis is needed.
Question #25
A  interpersonal communication process
B  verbal communication process
C  active listening process
D  thought process
E  review process
Question #27
A  The information found on the Internet tends to be of uniformly good quality.
B  Industry sites list a variety of sources that may be more current than the information in business databases.
C  It is not necessary to document information sources found on the web.
D  None of the information sources on the web are informed and accurate.
E  Speeches and presentations provided in video and audio format have no usefulness for business research.
Question #28
A  providing supporting details for your conclusions
B  designing the report for ease of use
C  using direct quotations rather than paraphrases
D  avoiding the use of cause-effect statements
E  eliminating choppy bulleted lists
Question #29
A  While internal persuasive messages raise a need, external persuasive messages provide a rationale.
B  Internal persuasive messages use the you-voice, whereas external persuasive messages that use the I-voice.
C  Internal persuasive messages emphasize self-centeredness, whereas external persuasive messages emphasize reader needs.
D  Internal persuasive messages focus on promoting ideas, whereas external persuasive messages focus on promoting products.
E  Internal persuasive messages tend to be slightly more indirect and implicit than external persuasive messages.