
Fresh Grad Lands Job as Real Estate Agent With Help from Professional Writers

People go to websites to get the information they desperately need.  They could be looking for an answer to a nagging question.  They might be looking for help in completing an important task.  For recent graduates, they might be looking for ways on how to prepare a comprehensive resume that can capture the attention of the hiring manager

Manush is a recent graduate from a prestigious university in California who is looking for a job opportunity as a real estate agent.  While he already has samples provided by his friends, he still feels something lacking in his resume.  Specifically, the he believes that his professional objective statement lacks focus and clarity. 

Thus, he sought our assistance in improving editing and proofreading his resume. 

In revising his resume, iwritegigs highlighted his soft skills such as his communication skills, ability to negotiate, patience and tactfulness.  In the professional experience part, our team added some skills that are aligned with the position he is applying for.

When he was chosen for the real estate agent position, he sent us this thank you note:

“Kudos to the team for a job well done.  I am sincerely appreciative of the time and effort you gave on my resume.  You did not only help me land the job I had always been dreaming of but you also made me realize how important adding those specific keywords to my resume!  Cheers!

Manush’s story shows the importance of using powerful keywords to his resume in landing the job he wanted.

Exam 3

Navigation   » List of Schools  »  Santa Monica College  »  Psychology  »  Psychology 3 – Personality Dynamics and Development  »  Spring 2019  »  Exam 3

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Below are the questions for the exam with the choices of answers:

Question #1
A  when methyl groups were attached to the Agouti gene, there was a higher incidence of obesity and diabetes
B  diet did not affect the mice’s epigenome
C  the mouse fed a methyl-rich diet was obese and yellow
D  the mouse fed a methyl-rich diet was healthy and brown
Question #2
A  may be caused by diet or other lifestyle habits
B  can be genetically transmitted to offspring.
C  may include changes in the structures that surround the DNA
D  all of the above
Question #3
A  that the environment is what creates criminal behavior
B  that the inherited trait of sensation seeking caused him to become a criminal
C  the relation between inherited traits and the effects of environments that individuals seek out
D  None of the above.
Question #4
A  the proportion of total variance in trait that is due to genetic influences
B  the chance that reliable genetic effects are statistically significant
C  the proportion of genetic influences in trait that is due to total variance
D  the chance that genetic effects will replicate in an additional sample
Question #6
A  perhaps the personality measures that are typically used in studies of behavioral genetics do not adequately capture the essence of personality as it emerges from family experiences
B  some behavioral genetic research shows that the shared family environment matters
C  research shows that environmental factors such as social class and styles of child rearing affect personality development
D  All of the above.
Question #7
A  shared family environment actually has a larger effect on personality than does shared non-family environment (i.e., school)
B  molecular geneticists identified the specific alleles associated with each of the Big Five personality traits
C  shared environment was related to personality when personality was measured through direct behavioral observation
D  shared environment was related to personality when personality was measured through self-report data
Question #8
A  The personality traits of adoptive siblings raised in the same family are correlated only at .05.
B  The personality traits of adoptive siblings raised in the same family are correlated above .25.
C  The personality traits of DZ twins are correlated at .30 on average.
D  The personality traits of MZ twins are correlated at .50 on average.
Question #10
A  phenotype; genogram
B  phenotype; genotype
C  genetic map; genetic architecture
D  genotype; phenotype
Question #11
A  adoptive siblings; genetic siblings
B  genetic siblings; fraternal twins
C  identical twins; fraternal twins
D  fraternal twins; identical twins
Question #12
A  all humans share; differ from one individual to another
B  differ from one individual to another; all humans share
C  vary among groups of individuals; vary among individuals
D  are species-specific; are individual-specific
Question #13
A  behavioral genetics
B  behavioral Darwinism
C  evolutionary biology
D  heritability science
Question #14
A  the differences, if not understood, may cause misunderstandings
B  cross-cultural research informs us about the generalizability of research findings
C  such differences tell us about variability in human experiences
D  All of the above.
Question #18
A  Evolutionary theorists assume that behavior patterns present today are essentially inevitable and unchangeable because they are rooted in our biology.
B  Evolutionary theorizing consists of after-the-fact speculations that can not be put to empirical test.
C  Evolutionary theorists assume that everybody wants many children when, in fact, many people limit their own reproduction.
D  All of the above.
Question #19
A  some biologically-influenced behavior may be “frequency dependent” (only appearing in some subset of the population).
B  individuals differ in terms of the behavioral strategies that make the most sense, given their other characteristics.
C  behavioral patterns evolve as reactions to specific environmental experiences (and that if different individuals inhabit different environments, they will then exhibit different behavioral patterns).
D  All of the above.
Question #20
A  his partner will leave for another person
B  his partner will form an emotional bond with another person
C  Both he is not the biological father of the children that he is supporting, and his partner will form an emotional bond with another person
Question #21
A  women; men
B  extraverts; introverts
C  men; women
D  introverts; extraverts
Question #22
A  personality disorders; associated with mental health
B  mental health; not necessarily associated with mental health
C  mental health; positively associated with cognitive ability
D  mental health; associated with personality disorders
Question #24
A  “Seven out of ten people prefer Coke!”
B  Both b and c are individualistic.
C  “Be yourself . . . Drink Coke!”
D  “Coke . . . It’s a tradition!”
Question #26
A  an European American man
B  a man from India
C  a women from Japan
D  an African American women
Question #28
A  people with an interdependent sense of self are more likely to gain self-esteem by maintaining harmony with others than by expressing their unique qualities
B  Japanese adults are more likely to have an independent self than American adults
C  cultures that promote an independent self are typically structured around families
D  in cultures that promote an interdependent self, people tend to react positively to those who stand out
Question #29
A  Women finding high-status men attractive
B  Men’s greater sexual jealousy
C  Women’s attraction to dominant men
D  Men placing more importance on looks than women do
Question #30
A  emphasize egalitarian relationships
B  value the maintenance of group harmony over individual needs
C  dislike drawing attention to themselves
D  give more answers that refer to group membership when asked “who are you?”
Question #33
A  their behavior arises from who they are
B  their behavior was the logical response to the situation
C  their “positive” behaviors are always are a result of the situation
D  their behavior arises from a chronic pattern of activities
Question #35
A  are able to provide accurate self-reports; exists separately from
B  unable to provide accurate self-reports; exists separately from
C  are able to provide accurate self-reports; depends on
D  unable to provide accurate self-reports; depends on
Question #36
A  self-esteem
B  the I
C  self-schema
D  the procedural self
Question #37
A  men’s and women’s behavioral tendencies will change relatively quickly (over hundreds of years)
B  men’s and women’s behavioral tendencies will change over thousands of years, if at all
C  men’s and women’s behavioral tendencies will probably never change
D  men will primarily adopt child-rearing duties and women will primarily adopt the duties of rulers and warriors